View Full Version : P45 slide stop

08-01-2015, 01:57 PM
Anyone else have a problem with the slide stop working its way out? Factory did not help. New stop and spring did not also.

08-01-2015, 02:08 PM
That's usually caused by the spring being bent in or out on the left side that is supposed to engage the circular detent on the pin. The spring is easily damaged with improper insertion catching the spring on either side. The slide spring's screw needs to be tightened, but not too tight... steel screw can easily strip the plastic threads... maybe requiring new frame for a fix!

More info: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?14749-CW45-%28and-other-poly-45%29-issues-and-fixes


Wynn :)

08-01-2015, 05:48 PM
The last PM9 I got had a very... and I mean VERY long slide stop pin. The slide stop is marked 9, but the pin... is as wide as the one on my PM45's. As a result, my finger was hitting it during manual racking, and I'd cause my own stoppages like a doofus.

A little shortening, rounding, polish out and light ground glass blast got it corrected. I'm not sure how long its "supposed" to be, but its sticks out just past the edge of the slide. Maybe 1/32 inch or so.