View Full Version : Hi! From soon to be Kahr owner

08-03-2015, 08:44 AM
Hello all! I've been lurking and researching for a few weeks. I am looking to buy my first Kahr in about 2 weeks. I'm in the process of getting my CCL and have narrowed my choices to a CM9 or CM45 as a small daily carry choice. Thank you for all the great info I've already received here.

08-03-2015, 10:30 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum! Either choice would work great. Don't have a CM45, but am a devout CM9 owner. Excellent CCW gun and love it. Been shooting it regularly for 3 years and it has been 100%.

08-03-2015, 01:14 PM
I gotta think the CM9 is about as perfect a carry piece there is...all things considered: price, caliber, quality, shootability... I need to get me one someday. :o Welcome!

P.S. I love my CM45.

08-03-2015, 01:24 PM
Uh oh...here comes a caliber debate...
My two cents (if it's even worth that) - we'll all agree that a .45 will make a bigger hole in a bad guy, IF you can hit him with it.
My reasoning for my preference of 9mm:
Plain and simple, I'm more accurate with it.
If I go larger, my wife definitely won't be very accurate with it if she needs to use my gun. No, she won't carry her own gun, and I'd like mine to still be useful to her if I no longer am.
Cost and availability. You shouldn't make the decision just to save a few bucks, but, depending where you live, ammo at times can be hard to get your hands on. If they have anything in stock, 9mm will almost always be available.

I'm assuming that since you're considering both CM9 and CM45, you're probably a decent shot with both, and you don't mind the extra weight (not much) of the 45. It's also a little bigger and wider, meaning less concealable, but still not a large gun. One more thing to consider is you have one less round in the CM45, but again, if you're a decent shot, you'll need less shots with the 45.

Both guns are a great choice and will do what you need them to. Especially with a carry gun, it's a highly personal choice of what works for you. If you can get a chance to shoot both before buying, it would be a smart move.

08-03-2015, 04:37 PM
I everyday carry my CM9 in the pocket. IMHO no better pocket pistol available. I am on my feet most of the day, and pants are casual dress. If wearing jeans (tighter pockets) or shirt tail untucked, I belt carry my CW45. What I am wearing affects my choice of carry pistol.
3" barrel is too short for .45 to reach any where near its full potential and 3.5" is marginal. More good performance ammo for 3" 9mm. than 3" .45a.c.p. ^Tom.P had good advice^, Just saying; method of carry will affect which size pistol, caliber/barrel length best to choose. Also a warning. Kahr's are addictive need more than just one or two.
Looking forward to your next post. Which pistol you decide and which holster you select.

08-03-2015, 05:46 PM
Welcome to the forum! Either one, or both, would be a great choice.

08-05-2015, 07:56 PM
Welcome from the Jersey Shore
READ READ READ the Break-in tis on this forum to avoid you writing how much your new Kahr sucks

08-06-2015, 07:52 AM
Either gun will get the job done. The 9 mm will be a little lighter and more concealable and will produce less recoil. Ammo will be less expensive for the 9 mm which means that you'll probably practice more. I don't by into stopping power debate. One small hole in the chest beats two large holes in the wall. If you cut your teeth on a 1911 like Bawanna then go for the .45. If you enjoy putting 7 rounds into a 3" circle at 21feet rapid fire then go with the CM9. Leave the .40 to those who can't make up their minds.

08-22-2015, 06:15 PM
Voted with my wallet. Brought home a CM45.

08-22-2015, 09:32 PM
Excellent choice. Follow break-in. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised about how well the muzzle flip is contained in the Kahr series pistols.

08-27-2015, 04:28 PM
Welcome to the forum revcov. Buy and shoot whatever you like.

08-29-2015, 11:39 PM
let us know what you think with a range report....

good choice.... carry on