View Full Version : Kahr CM9 vs Others for Pocket Carry

08-04-2015, 01:16 AM
Thinking about getting the CM9 for pocket carry. I have to tuck in my shirt most of the day so that's why I am looking at pocket carry. Here is what I looked at so far:

Kahr CM9- can't find a range to rent it but I like the size, stainless steel slide looks nice and wouldn't scratch like a black slide, 9mm power in small size, 9mm ammunition cheaper and easier to find. Not crazy about the cheaper looking frame, IMHO Glocks look better.
Glock 42- love the way it shoots(low recoil), looks nice, low bore axis fits nice in my hand(quick pocket draw)and in real world measurements it is actually smaller in width and height than the CM9 and that makes it look more like a phone print in my pocket. Like everyone I wish it was 9mm for ammo power, availability and price. I wonder if the Glock trigger would have more a chance of a ND? The G42 has been 100% reliable at the range.
Glock 43: from reports it seems the most reliable out of the box but at .5 inches longer than the 42, thicker and taller it's just a little to big for the average pocket.
Beretta Nano: seemed like a really good size on paper but is thicker than the CM9 or G42 because of it high bore axis and when I draw it from my pocket my hand is blocking the slide from moving back until I can adjust it lower on the grip out of the pocket, making it a bad draw. Also the Nano seems like it has had reliability issues with common 115grain ammo. I shot it at a range and had 1 FTE.
Ruger LC9S: this one has grew on me, I have shot the LC9 pretty accurate and this one should have a easier trigger. The LC9S is nice and thin in the right places to slip in and out of the pocket easily but the height of the grip makes it print more like a gun. But you do get 7+1 9mm. I'm in the minority in that I like the thumb safety option with that light trigger (4.5lbs) even in a holster. Is the Ruger's reliability and slide coating up to the others?
S&W Shield: to darn big for a pocket
S&W Bodyguard: too many light strike reports for me to trust one
Ruger LCP: this seems to be the go to pocket gun. I draw it slower out of the pocket because it is shorter in length and height making it a deeper draw from the pocket than say the G42. But some of my best groups are from the LCP, maybe because of the fixed sites vs the sites that have been moved on the other range guns. I don't mind the snappy recoil but can't get excited about this gun except it is 1. small and 2. it comes in a stainless steel version that would look good after sweat and abrasive pocket wear.
Sig P938: good size, had 2 jams at the range though, single action (cocked and locked) is scary to a newbie like me, and its expensive. Nicely made gun though.

Any thoughts that can help my decision?
This is a hard purchasing decision. It seems like there is no perfect choice, everyone has pros and trade offs. Thanks in advance for your advice!

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08-04-2015, 02:01 AM
This is how j carry my CM9 as part of my EDC. I carry it in my right rear pocket in a braids wallet holster.

I have carried 380s ( LCP, BG TCP) and they are lighter and smaller still. I stopped carrying them as the ammo is too hard to find and its a premium in price.

The small 9s this is my second Kahr CM9. My son has my other. I have had 3 Kahrs and not an issue with any of them. They are well made and solid. My daughter carries the G42 as it fits her great. We tried the G43 but both of us could shoot the 42 so much better. It's much heavier and closer to the shield than then the CM9

I have a shield as well and your right it's too big for the pocket. I carry it IWB.


08-04-2015, 06:25 AM
I pocket-carried a CM9 for a while, mostly in the front pocket, using the same Braids holster as happypuppy (with the flap in the back pocket and without the flap in the front pocket). The Braids holster is very well made and molded specifically for the CM9.

Here are my thoughts on the CM9 bear in mind that I'm about 5' 8" and 160 lbs (i.e. small).

1. Unlike the Shield or some of the larger guns, the CM9 will absolutely fit in your pocket, front or back and can be drawn relatively quickly.
2. The trigger is ideal for pocket carry, no safety needed.
3. Rear pocket worked well but I needed longer untucked shirts to properly conceal.
4. Depending on the holster, 6+1 weight can be well over 20 ounces. I found the weight/bulk to be bothersome in hot weather or with lightweight pants.
5. Printing can be an issue in the front pocket but a flap makes front pocket very bulky.

Ultimately I went with a 380 for front pocket carry (much smaller and lighter). If I ever decided to go back to 9mm for pocket, I would absolutely get the CM9 again.

08-04-2015, 07:47 AM
The PM/CM series is perfect for your needs. Also give a look at the Ruger LC9s for an option with respect to trigger pull.
My PM9 front pocket carry setup I have had for a few years. Easy to draw from and invisible in lightweight dress slacks.
This is one of his early models,


08-04-2015, 09:04 AM
My MK9 is slightly too large for pocket carry. I don't.

08-04-2015, 09:46 AM
I pocket carry a PM9 or MK9. Mostly I can wear jeans and it is easy in jeans. I have found ways to pocket carry a PM9 in lighter, dress slacks.

I relatively recently purchased a CW380. That would be easy to pocket carry even in dress pants. I used to have pagers that were as big, and heavier, than a CW380.

08-04-2015, 02:37 PM
Wow, thanks for all the constructive feedback! This really helps. This seems to be a great forum.

How reliable has the CM9 been for you guys? Has any else compared it to the LCP, LC9S or G42 for pocket carry?
I think that is what I have narrowed it down to
CM9, G42, LCP or LC9S but the CM9 is in the lead. I forgot to mention has anyone compared the Sig P290RS to the CM9?

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08-04-2015, 02:53 PM
I have been carrying my MK9 front pocket for 4+ years..................I would think that a CM9 would front pocket carry easily. If I had it to do again, I would favor the CM9 over the others you have listed. Just really like the triggers.

08-04-2015, 03:53 PM
My PM9 has been flawless. I did a bit of modification to the magazine followers which took a few minutes and allowed me to rack the slide slowly by hand if needed as opposed to releasing the slide lock lever).
Personally, If I were net to small pocket guns I would look to the Kahr or Ruger LC9s. Feel both and dryfire both. The Kahr trigger is like a very nice action job on a revolver. Very long and smooth. The STRIKER fired Ruger which is a relatively new gun, is much shorter and Glock like.

Both are good guns and you will know when you pick both of them up and dry fire, which one is for you.

08-04-2015, 05:28 PM
Wow, thanks for all the constructive feedback! This really helps. This seems to be a great forum.

How reliable has the CM9 been for you guys? Has any else compared it to the LCP, LC9S or G42 for pocket carry?
I think that is what I have narrowed it down to
CM9, G42, LCP or LC9S but the CM9 is in the lead. I forgot to mention has anyone compared the Sig P290RS to the CM9?

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My CM9 was totally reliable and my LCPs are totally reliable. I switched from the CM9 to the LCP simply because it is much lighter and thinner and easier for me to carry. As you can tell from some of the other posts, lots of guys are very comfortable carrying the CM9. I would take the CM9 over any of the other 9mm options as the trigger is perfect for pocket carry and you do not need an external safety.

08-04-2015, 05:41 PM
I've tucked a shirt in while carrying at 11:00. Undo or tear off a button and I can draw the weapon easily enough.

08-04-2015, 06:27 PM
To those of you who have done both front pocket and back pocket......which do you like best and why? I have the cm9 and a kydex front pocket holster. The only drawback for me is too much other stuff to carry in my front pockets making back pocket carry vellllly interesssssting to me. BTW, my cm9 gets a workout every week at the range and has NEVER failed. That's good enough for me. Kdude, you won't go wrong with the cm9.

08-04-2015, 07:01 PM
Although I'm a big Kahr fan, I own 5 and pocket carry a PM40 daily, have you considered a J-frame? They carry pretty damn good and the concealed hammer versions are virtually snag free.

08-04-2015, 07:35 PM
To those of you who have done both front pocket and back pocket......which do you like best and why?

I don't carry anything in back pockets. I don't like sitting on stuff and especially don't need a pistol jabbing me in the butt when I sit down. I guess that explains why I carry in my front pocket!

08-04-2015, 08:14 PM
I personally prefer the PM9 as my primary EDC due to its size, weight and reliability. I carry in my front pocket (Desantis Nemesis), on my ankle (Galco Ankle Glove) or IWB (Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0). Two spare 7 round magazines in my back pocket nestled in a mag pouch made by our very own BEARDOG. I occasionally carry my Shield 9, but find it a little big for pocket or ankle, so it's relegated to IWB (Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0).

Here's a shot of my pocket carry primary EDC setup

08-05-2015, 04:07 PM
I personally prefer the PM9 as my primary EDC due to its size, weight and reliability. I carry in my front pocket (Desantis Nemesis), on my ankle (Galco Ankle Glove) or IWB (Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0). Two spare 7 round magazines in my back pocket nestled in a mag pouch made by our very own BEARDOG. I occasionally carry my Shield 9, but find it a little big for pocket or ankle, so it's relegated to IWB (Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0).

Here's a shot of my pocket carry primary EDC setup

damn, they needed u in that theater today. Just sayin. someday some puke is goona pull this sh!t stuff in a theather and 154 people are gonna jump up and put j90 holes in him. There is not time top wait on cops at this time and to think that theathers are in the process of outlawing firearms in a theather with detectors ect and the puke knows how to get in with it and again we have a NO GUN ZONE. Sure makes sense to me. Just sayin

08-06-2015, 05:24 AM
CM9 and RJ Hedley holster and magazine sheath is a good combo. Give Lisa a call or email and she will have you a holster shortly.

08-06-2015, 06:50 AM
[QUOTE=Baklash;347835]To those of you who have done both front pocket and back pocket......which do you like best and why? I have the cm9 and a kydex front pocket holster. The only drawback for me is too much other stuff to carry in my front pockets making back pocket carry vellllly interesssssting to me. BTW, my cm9 gets a workout every week at the range and has NEVER failed. That's good enough for me. Kdude, you won't go wrong with the cm9.[/ QUOTE]

I prefer front pocket: (1) faster draw for me (2) back pocket with the CM9 required a longer untucked shirt to fully conceal (but that's not the case with my LCP)

08-06-2015, 11:46 AM
I carry my PMJ9 in my front pocket and I wear jeans 98% of the time. When I buy new jeans that is the first thing I check for, is the dept of the pockets. Some are so shallow that a PMJ9 sticks out even. Mine is in a uncles Mikes #3 and in my front pocket it would be a b!tch to get out quickly. Just to tight, I just won't dress to carry either, so this works as good as it willget with ol jocko. Does it print in my front pocket carrying my PMJ9, YES it does but u gotta be really looking and know what your looking for to, so it is never been an issue with me. Been some type of gun in my front pocket for damn near 50 years and never been challenged--EVER. Just sayin

Get well Muggsy

08-09-2015, 10:44 AM
Although I'm a big Kahr fan, I own 5 and pocket carry a PM40 daily, have you considered a J-frame? They carry pretty damn good and the concealed hammer versions are virtually snag free.

I love my MK40 Elite, but it's a little heavy in the pocket.
Usually belt carry that micro.
I've often considered a Kahr PM9/CM9 for pocket carry.
But my S&W 342 it owns my pocket LOL!

08-09-2015, 01:27 PM
I love my MK40 Elite, but it's a little heavy in the pocket.
Usually belt carry that micro.
I've often considered a Kahr PM9/CM9 for pocket carry.
But my S&W 342 it owns my pocket LOL!

Oh that 342 gives me a real B*NER. I had one exactly like that and sold it a few years ago. Hatedf myself every snce. It was a pre prelock also. Kicked like a mule but was really a quality peace. Tale care of it,ya hear..Just sayin

get well muggsy

08-10-2015, 10:11 AM
I love my MK40 Elite, but it's a little heavy in the pocket.
Usually belt carry that micro.
I've often considered a Kahr PM9/CM9 for pocket carry.
But my S&W 342 it owns my pocket LOL!

I have a 642 in my front pocket right now. Totally reliable and disappears easily. Also, look at the KelTec PF9, I know some folks bad mouth them, but I have one that is 100% reliable and also disappears in a pocket, on 12 ounces empty, so it is a bit rowdy to shoot [especially with +P ammo]. Good sights, decent trigger and surpisingly accurate, holds 7+1 rounds.

08-14-2015, 11:45 AM
Well I thought the CM9 would be perfect. Had a friend that carried one in his pocket and loaned it to me to try. Didn't work for me. Felt everyone was looking at my pocket area where I had just shoplifted a grapefruit. I know that different people dress differently but for me it does not work. For pocket carry I still use my KT.380. For belt carry I use my P9. When it's on the belt the P9 (or CW9) concealed just as well as the M series plus one more round, more sight radius and all my fat finger have a place to call home.

08-14-2015, 01:32 PM
I have carried a LCR in my front pocket. I didn't like it the snub nose was made for appendix. It's great there.

I have had a bodyguard,LCP , Taurus 738 and the kahr P380

All the 380s worked well except for the bodyguard. I had a lot of problems with it.

I went with a pocket 9 due to a couple things. The 380s were a bit too small. I'd more or less engulfed the pistol if it tried to get it out of the picket quick.

The other was ammo. It's just hard to find good ammo and it costs a lot more. I can get 50 FMJ for 13.00 to practice with in 9mm and its 18 in 380.

During the last ammo scare it was non existent.

The CM9 for the way I dress printed too much in the front pocket. It was fine in the rear.

08-14-2015, 01:39 PM
I have carried a LCR in my front pocket. I didn't like it the snub nose was made for appendix. It's great there.

I have had a bodyguard,LCP , Taurus 738 and the kahr P380

All the 380s worked well except for the bodyguard. I had a lot of problems with it.

I went with a pocket 9 due to a couple things. The 380s were a bit too small. I'd more or less engulfed the pistol if it tried to get it out of the picket quick.

The other was ammo. It's just hard to find good ammo and it costs a lot more. I can get 50 FMJ for 13.00 to practice with in 9mm and its 18 in 380.

During the last ammo scare it was non existent.

The CM9 for the way I dress printed too much in the front pocket. It was fine in the rear.(emphasis added)

That's what she said...

08-14-2015, 01:42 PM
^^^ I'm not a big fan of pocket carrying a revolver. They seem to hide better on the waistband. So far I'm only comfortable with an MDE380 for pocket carry and that works real well = thin and flat. Gonna try the MK9 if it's not too heavy.

08-14-2015, 04:35 PM
Gonna try the MK9 if it's not too heavy.

Not too heavy for me. :)