View Full Version : CW9 Reassembly Issue

08-05-2015, 08:46 AM
New guy here so if the answer to this problem is already posted, please point me to the right place. :)

I just purchased my CW9. I have right at 200 rounds through it and love it. I got some different defensive loads to try in it yesterday.

Fast forward to disassembly and cleaning last night. I just basically field stripped it (just like the first day I got it and cleaned it), cleaned, oiled and began to reassemble.

However, I had a MASSIVELY difficult time getting the recoil spring back in. Finally got it back in and now cannot get the slide to move at all without a Herculean effort. Even then it only moves far enough to get the takedown pin in.

I cannot figure out the issue so any input is appreciated. Not just on fixing the issue, but not making the mistake, again!

Thanks in advance.

08-05-2015, 09:23 AM
I would take it back apart. I wonder if you have the end of the recoil spring caught between the guide rod and the slide. That would explain it being very hard to move the slide back.

It is usually easiest to have the "end" of the recoil spring down (when the slide is upside down) on the barrel side of the slide when putting the guide rod in place.

I'm sure others will weigh in on other possibilities soon.

08-05-2015, 09:36 AM
Thanks for the reply. I cannot see where it is caught, but that is how it is "behaving." It looks like the guide rod is in a bind when I look at it from the muzzle end.

Is there a "trick" to getting the guide rod and spring back in? The spring is massively stiff at I cannot seem to get it lined up properly and seated.

08-05-2015, 10:41 AM
I don't think there's a trick. If the recoil spring has an "open end", that end should be towards the muzzle.


08-05-2015, 11:50 AM
David is right, the "finished" closed end of the spring goes against the flange of the guide rod and the "open" end is on the muzzle end. Most find it easier to keep that tip from coming out while they put in the guide rod if it is down against the muzzle. The photo below shows the finished end of the spring against the flange:


I hope that helps.

08-05-2015, 02:06 PM
Thanks for the assistance, guys. I fought with this thing for quite a while last night and this morning. Placing the "end" muzzle side helped but I could not get the last 1/16" to get the guide rod to seat. I thought some how I had stretched the spring out and now it will not compress correctly.

I finally broke down and took it to my LGS where I thought the owner was also a gunsmith (I now know he is less of a smith than I am :)). I watched him fight and cuss with it for 10 minutes but getting as far as I did. When he sit the slide down to look at the manual, I picked it up and placed the spring/rod and it went in just like it is supposed to go.

Gun now passes the "function" test and is good to go. I honestly still have no clue what I was doing wrong, other than not holding my mouth and tongue right while I did it. May be I needed an audience?

Thanks for the input and I am just glad it is back together.

08-05-2015, 02:35 PM
One of my shooting buddies has a Mossberg 500 that we cuss at every time we clean it. Then, we watch a youtube video of how the bolt goes back together and it goes right back together. Each time we think we will remember next time. So far we never have! Glad you have it back together. You will probably never have an issue with it again.

08-05-2015, 02:51 PM
Mouth and tongue in proper orientation is critical.

I've done the same thing many times on many guns. My Ruger MkII is a good one. I think I got it, now I can strip it down like I know what I'm doing. No way, no how each time have to break out my cheat sheets.

Even my Kahrs, sometimes just have the recoil spring just a smidge off and slide don't want to go on the frame.

9 times out of 10 goes right together and then the 10 th time I'm like what the heck have I done.

I do find I sometimes hold the slide and push the recoil spring into place with my thumb for more leverage, little tougher than most other to get it in. Not tough really, not rocket science but sometimes a bit of a bugger.

08-05-2015, 05:17 PM
Thanks again for the tips/help. I am sure I won't have trouble again as I never plan to clean it again ;).

I am kind of glad to watch someone else have the issue too so that is was not just me!

08-05-2015, 07:06 PM
open end of all kahr recoil springs goes towards the front of the slide. Practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does. Its not kahrs fault that we are stupid. I have found the best way to have zero issues with these recoilo springsis to buy a revolver. Just sayin

Has anyone ever wondered why kahr has not come out with a small revolver?


08-06-2015, 06:43 PM
Has anyone ever wondered why kahr has not come out with a small revolver?

Well, they already have the trigger......a good start I guess.:D