Short Bus
08-12-2015, 04:58 PM
I sold my P9 a while back (dumb move, I know) when my Glock 27 crept in and took over the EDC role. I sold the P9 to finance another gun (S&W CS45) that "I had to have", but traded after 2 weeks. Well I have come back to Kahr with a CW380 to back up the Glock. I haven't shot it yet, but it brings back fond memories of my P9. I have already ordered a used Talon wallet holster for it I wasn't planning on any firearm purchases when we when into a newish location to one of my favorite gun shops, but as I was checking out the handguns, I spotted a New CW380 on sale for $299 and a used one (with box, paperwork 6 and 7 round magazines, and lock) also priced at $299. After talking to a salesman, he agreed that the used gun shouldn't be the same price as new. After looking around a little more and talking to the boss (my wife) I went back to inquire farther about the Used CW380 and after he made a couple trips to talk to the manager, we settled or $250 (if it was any more I would have got a new one). Do you guys think that is a good price for a used CW380? It's only sign of wear is a little shiny spot on the barrel hood (anyone who shoots their Kahr knows what I'm talking about) and the feed ramp is polished. I am wondering if the preveous owner had issues with it, passably caused by it being bone dry.