View Full Version : Magazine trails-CW 45

08-14-2015, 07:10 PM
Received my free promotional mag from Kahr and man was that fast! Thanks Kahr. Also I have modified a couple of Meggar 1911 Officer Model mags that function well and fit flush. Got a CMC Officer Model 1911 mag and modified the feed lips and it functions fine too except it doesn't hold open after the last round. But it holds 7 rounds and fits flush making the CW45 a 7+1 with flush bottom. The pistol/mags feed and function with these defensive ammos with no problems.

http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj318/PlateauHunter/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_1016_zpsa2df0031.jpg (http://s275.photobucket.com/user/PlateauHunter/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_1016_zpsa2df0031.jpg.html)
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj318/PlateauHunter/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_1017_zpseb7a02fd.jpg (http://s275.photobucket.com/user/PlateauHunter/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_1017_zpseb7a02fd.jpg.html)

08-15-2015, 09:44 AM
Nice photos TNMan!

08-19-2015, 12:55 PM
Me like very much!

08-19-2015, 05:40 PM
I have a ct45 and have several CMC 8 round mags that run like stock mags and hold the slide open BUT for a 1911 I sold I had to dimple the right side close to the front edge where the follower sets when empty . That trick pushed the follower to the left just enough to lift the slid lock when the mag is empty . I used a 1/8th nail set and a few good strikes with a hammer did the trick . Feed lips are fine as they came and I have round some RN, SWC and underwood 200gr gold dots . Did have to trim a little metal off the front top edges of the mag body for slide clearance .