View Full Version : Odd CW9 warranty experience

08-15-2015, 10:36 AM
The trigger on my CW9 stopped resetting. I contacted Kahr by email and received no reply. The sext day, I got an email from FedEx containing a shipping label to return the gun. Printing it out, it said BILL SENDER in the corner, so I assumed it would return at my cost since I was the "sender." Lots of folks say, they have had to send guns back to Kahr at their expense and some folks described kind of uncertain experiences with FedEx in shipping guns. So, I contacted Kahr and was told the label meant they were paying the shipping costs. That brightened my day so I got a small shipping box from USPS [they're free], and wrapped a littte foam rubber around the gun and it fit perfectly. The label also fit perfectly so I wrapped it completely in clear wrapping tape and took it to FedEx. The nice lady took it out of my hands and said thank you.

After more than a week, I found a FedEx sticker on my door when I returned from work. No warning from Kahr the gun was being shipped, just the announcement by FedEx that it was back. When I tried to contact FedEx to arrange for me to go by their site to pick it up, the automated computer voice said the sender required it be signed for at my address. This morning, however, I played a hunch and went by FedEx where they handed it to me after seeing my ID and getting my signature. The same nice lady said thank you.

I hope it's fixed. The technician only said he "reworked trigger bar."

I find it odd that Kahr didn't communicate with me. They didn't tell me they were sending the shipping label, didn't make clear shipping was at their expense and didn't tell me they were returning it. Of course, none of that matters a bit if the gun is fixed

08-15-2015, 11:14 AM
In most cases I've heard of they did respond and indicate they would send a shipping label.

In most of those same cases they seldom if ever notify you that it is being sent back, it just shows up. Not sure why this is the case, perhaps it takes too much time to make contact or something.

As you state as long as the gun works as it should, we'll call it good.

08-15-2015, 12:09 PM
We ship with FedEx at work as well. Im sure they do the same thing I do (there is a spot to add customers email for notifications) to let the customer know of the shipment and tracking info. I will say this I get lots of calls saying they didnt get the tracking info so im 99% sure its FedEx and not Kahr. Ive since then started sending personal emails with the tracking info as well. Maybe you should let Kahr know you didnt get the return tracking info

gun papa
08-16-2015, 12:06 AM
I received a shipping label and confirmation of receipt. I have not received the gun back yet though.

08-16-2015, 05:22 AM
It's exactly like the Colonel said.

By the way, the reworked trigger bar most likely fixed your problem. That hapoens sometimes. you're going to like that gun a lot.

08-16-2015, 07:05 AM
In reset cases, either the trigger/trigger-bar is not moving forward enough, or, if it is, then a little corrective trim at the back of the trigger bar where it contacts the cocking cam is in order

08-16-2015, 03:46 PM
My k9 is doing this also

calling kahr tomorrow