View Full Version : Going to the range after work today
4:00 can't get here fast enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got my MK9, my P380, and my Judge. Brought about 250 rounds for each.
Hubby is bringing his glock 22 and his custom built duty ($$$$) 1911.
He's also bringing the Walther P22 and little 22 rifle he built, going to sight in the scope. We have a suppressor on order for both, should be here soon. = FUN
Can't. Wait.
07-16-2010, 11:49 AM
4:00 can't get here fast enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got my MK9, my P380, and my Judge. Brought about 250 rounds for each.
Hubby is bringing his glock 22 and his custom built duty ($$$$) 1911.
He's also bringing the Walther P22 and little 22 rifle he built, going to sight in the scope. We have a suppressor on order for both, should be here soon. = FUN
Can't. Wait.
I'm excited for you. I'd hate to feed that judge though. I stopped awhile back to get a couple boxes of 410 for a kid to shoot, don't shoot much 410. I forget now just how much it was but I bout fainted. I think I'd planned to get 6 boxes and ended up with 2, make em last.
Have fun.
Todays my last day at work, (I gotta make it till 5 though) then I'm off bass and trout fishing for 2 count em 2 weeks!!!!. THEN back for a week, then off to Alaska for another 1 week. Wifes reward for putting up with me for 25 years! She sure got a crummy deal on that one.
I bought 3 or 4 boxes of .410 2.5" shells, birdshot, for just over $8 a box. I don't understand why it's so much higher than 12 gauge. I guess it's just not as popular.
Now, the .45 LC shells are the pricey ones.....YEOWCCH! I finally found em and bought 1 box, I may shoot a few rounds just to see how it feels.
Have fun! Sounds like a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm envious!
07-16-2010, 12:36 PM
I bought 3 or 4 boxes of .410 2.5" shells, birdshot, for just over $8 a box. I don't understand why it's so much higher than 12 gauge. I guess it's just not as popular.
Now, the .45 LC shells are the pricey ones.....YEOWCCH! I finally found em and bought 1 box, I may shoot a few rounds just to see how it feels.
Have fun! Sounds like a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm envious!
Yup the 45 LC is like hens teeth to find around here too. Hardly ever see it. I reload for that, scored about 400 starline cases and I never let one get away. The range I frequent usually put a halt to lead bullets so I got a pile of lead bullets to use outside. Gotta get some jacketed stuff to play with inside.
I think the 410 is like flourescent light bulbs, you can get a 4' bulb for 99 cents, but a 3' bulb is like 4 to 6 bucks. Not as popular I guess.
Yea man, I bought my wife a Judge at Christmass, hey it's what she I bought it for her. We went to go shoot it a couple weekends ago and ouch!!!! If you think the .410's expensive try a small box of 45 colt JHP ammo. :eek: That left a mark, especially when you added my two boxes of 45ACP & 9MM....didn't want to get into my war chest stash.
You will find that the jacketed ammo prints to point of aim at 7 yards and the double action was fairly good with very good groups. Even my wife shot it very well. I was impressed enough to have the on site gunsmith put a spring kit in it and man is it sweet now.
07-16-2010, 12:56 PM
I think I would like the JUDGE but for me it would have to be the 3" version of 410. as I have some 3" 410 00 buck with 5 pellets in it. I would think that would be one awesome home protection weapon. Just never see any 3" judges around here PERIOD That 410 3" stuff I bought a few years back and it is made by sellior and belliott (sp?). One 3" 00 bucks I have ever found by any maker. I see 000 but no 00 buck..
the 45 LC I would pass on buying it, just not really what hat little gun was made for but it gets it by the regulations of a sawed off shotgun. rifling in the judge is also legiable but certainly again a desing for the 410 shell and really not the 45 LC.
Hey Girl, have a great time with the old man today. Isn't it great to have your spouse interested in the same passtime as you? My wife shoots some but not as much as I do, but we do both go hunting together. The only thing I don't look forward to is cleaning her weapons. When be both go that can be a chore after the days over. I don't mind fondaling mine but when you add hers, well thats another kettle of fish.
This is especially true when we go shoot our original black powder guns. I am a stickler for clean guns and once you also add that we do pre-1840 living history stuff....well that gets envovled....but we love it. I have been doing that for over 27 years now. shooting for 45 years and reloading for over 32 years. These are my only real vises.:D
07-16-2010, 01:02 PM
You pushed the right floor button on that elevator. I quite often have my two sons with me shooting mostly my guns but the older has several of his too. I hate to see him procrastinate on cleaning his (I'm a stickler too) so I end up cleaning them all. I always tell my self we'll concentrate on 1 or 2 guns each, never seems to work.
Of course the black powder stuff which we dont use too often needs quick attention, don't like to delay on those. Course you can just take those with ya for a Mr Bubble in the bathtub if you can stand the rotten smell. The guns stink too.
07-16-2010, 01:35 PM
TD2K, I'd like to introduce you to Dietrich. He's kind of timid and shy around girls and might be hiding behind the cactus plant in the corner till he gets to know ya. He's a stand up guy, I'll vouch for that sight unseen. Alot like that insurance company that's a "Little Different".
Great asset to our little asylum too. (Did I say everything you paid me to say Dietrich?).
If he mentions anything about grease or pepper run for your very life. Well actually, now that I ponder that you might be ok, just don't get in the way of any of the rest of us. Could be borderline stampede if you get the flow of my river.
Is it 4:00 yet?
I keep the 000 buck shells loaded in the Judge in my car.
I bought the 45 LC just to try out, wanted to know how it shoots. I really had fun shooting the bird shot, just wanted to compare. Can't afford to shoot many of the LC's though!
I bought my hubby a fancy schmancy Tipton cleaning box and kit a few months ago. Poor guy spends an entire day cleaning our guns after we go to the range. I make it up to him later though. ;)
TD2K, I'd like to introduce you to Dietrich. He's kind of timid and shy around girls and might be hiding behind the cactus plant in the corner till he gets to know ya. He's a stand up guy, I'll vouch for that sight unseen. Alot like that insurance company that's a "Little Different".
Great asset to our little asylum too. (Did I say everything you paid me to say Dietrich?).
If he mentions anything about grease or pepper run for your very life. Well actually, now that I ponder that you might be ok, just don't get in the way of any of the rest of us. Could be borderline stampede if you get the flow of my river.
Is it 4:00 yet?
thanks for the heads up. I'll keep my eye out for him.
Dietrich - I don't bite. (hard)
07-16-2010, 02:03 PM
I keep the 000 buck shells loaded in the Judge in my car.
I bought the 45 LC just to try out, wanted to know how it shoots. I really had fun shooting the bird shot, just wanted to compare. Can't afford to shoot many of the LC's though!
I bought my hubby a fancy schmancy Tipton cleaning box and kit a few months ago. Poor guy spends an entire day cleaning our guns after we go to the range. I make it up to him later though. ;)
Me thinks you'll do to ride the river with. I suspect pictures would be out of the question? Ok, consider myself slapped, I'll seek my own switch and apply it generously to mine self.
I don't know what came over me.......................................
Dang TD2K I now feel like I am being short sheeted and mistreated. Maybe I am not holding my mouth right or something. :(
Hell Old farts need some TLC every once and a while, might need two weeks notice...????:rolleyes:
07-16-2010, 04:45 PM
Bus driver, let me off at the next stop. I need to cut a switch.
07-16-2010, 05:06 PM
Ma`am,please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Dietrich and I,like all the others here,am at your service.Reports of my perverse sense of humor are greatly exaggerated.I simply coalesce the vapor of human experience into a viable and amusing point of view...At times...Pay no attention to the people here who tell you otherwise.They are all mouth breathers who drool when not eating or picking lint from their navels.[A favorite pass time here.Bawanna sells pillows made from it] Have a good range trip and keep us posted on how you progress. Your obedient servant,Dietrich.
07-16-2010, 05:59 PM
Well gosh darn, ain't you the silver tongued devil. You are completely out of the league of normal man. When I need nice things to say to get out of trouble I'm calling you.
Any body want to buy a pillow?
07-16-2010, 06:44 PM
LMAO!! I look forward to the range report.
Speaking of range reports I recently made a trip to the range with a daughter and her son. The smiles on thier faces was enough to ensure another trip on the calendar. Glad to be able to say the daughter asked good questions and responded well to some basic instruction. She started out barely being on a paper plate to scoring a number of bullseyes before we left. I really really can't say much about the grandson as my son took him over before I had a chance to explain what the plan was, I looked in to make sure they were ok and then more or less left them alone.
The one down side was I wasn't able to shoot much. The next time I intend not to take both of them at the same time.
07-16-2010, 06:54 PM
That's always the case when you take new shooters and especially kids, they shoot alot, you shoot very little and you still have to clean em all, and perhaps it has to be that way. It's still a wonderful feeling to see them improve and have such a good time. One on one is always best, anymore can get mentally and physically fatiguing.
I feel real stupid for asking but what does LMAO stand for, got me totally stumped but I know I seen it before.
07-16-2010, 07:05 PM
That's always the case when you take new shooters and especially kids, they shoot alot, you shoot very little and you still have to clean em all, and perhaps it has to be that way. It's still a wonderful feeling to see them improve and have such a good time. One on one is always best, anymore can get mentally and physically fatiguing.
I feel real stupid for asking but what does LMAO stand for, got me totally stumped but I know I seen it before.
PM sent.
07-16-2010, 08:41 PM
I thought Bawanna was up on all of the jargon and abbreviations, etc. LMAO2.
07-16-2010, 08:42 PM
Bawanna, black powder = rotten smell? You were my hero 'til you said that! Love that smell! Don't really like to clean BP guns tho. Kind of messy & a lot of work. Course I've shoveled a lot of horse & cow manure in my day.
07-16-2010, 10:51 PM
I never been a hero before, guess I messed up. Sorry I let you down. I don't mind the smell of the powder shooting. It's the ride in the car rotten egg smell afterwards that don't appeal to me. Not much better in the bathtub either.
I'm gonna go roll in something for my punishment.
07-16-2010, 10:57 PM
True black smells wonderful to me!! It smells like FUN. Of course it isn't that the actual odor isn't foul it is that the things I was doing when that odor was created were fun.
As for cleaning them I never had issue with it. I do however laugh at people when they tell me I am a fool or an idiot for cleaning my revolvers in the kitchen sink. Of course my ease may well be because my choice of black powder rifle is a half stocked hawkenish thing and it comes apart easily allowing me to clean it in the shower or bath quite easily. (the wife objects to the smell but doesn't say anything about the mess unless I forget to clean the tub afterwards) I have a SxS 12 guage that comes apart the same way as well. I really really need to make a trip to the outdoor range to wring em out.
Wish the SxS was in flintlock style...
07-16-2010, 11:03 PM
True black smells wonderful to me!! It smells like FUN. Of course it isn't that the actual odor isn't foul it is that the things I was doing when that odor was created were fun.
As for cleaning them I never had issue with it. I do however laugh at people when they tell me I am a fool or an idiot for cleaning my revolvers in the kitchen sink. Of course my ease may well be because my choice of black powder rifle is a half stocked hawkenish thing and it comes apart easily allowing me to clean it in the shower or bath quite easily. (the wife objects to the smell but doesn't say anything about the mess unless I forget to clean the tub afterwards) I have a SxS 12 guage that comes apart the same way as well. I really really need to make a trip to the outdoor range to wring em out.
Wish the SxS was in flintlock style...
Exactly. I have a Thompson Renegade, comes apart easy, into the tub with a little Mr Bubble and all is well. I don't mind cleaning them really. Kind of a two birds with one stone deal, couple times a month a bath don't hurt a man.
I have a couple BP revolvers but I haven't played with them much. I'm with ya, I gotta go shoot it some, been a long while.
well DANG. Normally when we go after work it's not very crowded...NOT the case last night. Turns out they were having their big annual "sale" and trade show sorta thing. Vendors were all over with tables set up, people milling around, hardly a parking place to be found. We cruised thru the "market place", looked at a couple of guns, but between the people and the uncomfortably warm room temps, we didn't stay long.
I saw Springfield, Glock, Auto Ordinance, Taurus, and several others (but sadly, no Kahr). You could fondle the guns, and for $3 they'd give you a ticket and 5 rounds of ammo for you to test fire them. This made for LOOOONG lines for lanes. This is no small range either, they have 40 or 50 lanes. We didn't feel like waiting in lines, and knew we'd never get a lane to ourselves so we left.
The event is all weekend, so maybe we can go Monday.
07-18-2010, 06:26 AM
Bummer.I know you were looking forward to putting a few downrange.Let us know how it goes when it finally does.
Gonna try again today after work.
200 rounds of .22 (For the little Walther P22 and the Ruger 10/22. still no suppressor though :( but he wants to sight in the scope)
200 rounds of .380 (My P380 and hubby's Ruger LCP)
200 rounds of 9mm (My MK9)
200 rounds of .40 S&W (hubby's glock 22)
200 rounds of .45 ACP (hubby's 1911)
50 rounds of .45 Long Colt (gonna shoot a few thru the Judge)
50 rounds of .410 bird shot (Judge)
07-23-2010, 09:41 AM
LMAO!! I look forward to the range report.
Speaking of range reports I recently made a trip to the range with a daughter and her son. The smiles on thier faces was enough to ensure another trip on the calendar. Glad to be able to say the daughter asked good questions and responded well to some basic instruction. She started out barely being on a paper plate to scoring a number of bullseyes before we left. I really really can't say much about the grandson as my son took him over before I had a chance to explain what the plan was, I looked in to make sure they were ok and then more or less left them alone.
The one down side was I wasn't able to shoot much. The next time I intend not to take both of them at the same time.
Kudos to you, some of my best memories are going out to shoot with my father (and cleaning the guns afterwards). Those memories last a lifetime no to mention all the good lessons about guns and life that you get from them.
I can't wait until my son is old enough to take him shooting, I'll probably get him a 22 rifle to start just like my father did with me.
By the way my father also taught my sisters to shoot, they may not be avid shooters but they sure know how to handle a gun.
07-26-2010, 01:14 PM
Took the daughter back to the range again. She didn't really shoot any better, in fact she says she didn't shoot as well. Before we headed out to the range I sat down and showed her a couple things and talked about some other things (safety and how a semi auto handgun works). Then I showed her how simple it was to take the scope off my revolver.
At the range she once again was inside a paper plate and scored a few bullseyes. At one point I asked her what her aim point was, we were using one of those bad guy targets and she said she was aiming at the face. She had been aiming at the revolver he was carrying and I asked only because it looked like her shots were high, they were however well within the face... When she got to the revolver she remarked that it was much easier to shoot without the scope (bad thing is the mount replaces the rear sight) but without the rear sight it still wasn't easy. Even so she was inside of paper plate.
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