View Full Version : Polymer Safe Gun Cleaners in California

08-22-2015, 05:39 PM
Well I went ro the store with a shopping list of some recommendations from these forums, only to find that none of the brake cleaner part numbers I collected are available in California! [emoji35]

Any California Kahr owners care to divulge what they are using to clean their polymer pistols?

I know I can just buy a $10-$15 can of Gun Scrubber, but I would much rather have 10 cans of $2 brake cleaner available! However all of the brake cleaners I saw today list Acetone as their main ingredient...

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08-22-2015, 08:13 PM
The good Gun Scrubber isn't available in California anymore either. They replaced it with a "California approved" Gun Scrubber.

08-22-2015, 08:29 PM
Figures. So what in the world does a poor California boy use to clean his polymer frame Kahr? LOL

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08-22-2015, 10:59 PM
Water. Oh nevermind. There is a shortage on that too.

I'm not an expert but I would think thar CA would have non-clorinated brake cleaner. Wouldn't it be "friendler" than acetone? My brake cleaner I use comes in a green can.


08-22-2015, 11:19 PM
If you read the ingredients all CA non-chlorinated brake cleaner I can find is primarily acetone.

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08-23-2015, 02:48 AM
I use FrogLube, but for initial degreasing and cleaning would recommend CRC QD Electronic Cleaner in spray can. It's available at local WalMart and it's great without such a toxic odor. You will likely find it in the sporting goods or automotive sections.

Be sure to also spray it in the hole on underside of slide to clean out the extractor and striker channel without having to remove them.

08-23-2015, 02:16 PM
Have you ever considered moving out of Commiefornia?

08-23-2015, 03:04 PM
Many times. Many, many times.

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08-23-2015, 03:35 PM
If you read the ingredients all CA non-chlorinated brake cleaner I can find is primarily acetone.

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thats strange. acetone is on its way out in over the counter cleaners. anything that says acetone, I would stay away from. I suggest one go to NAPa and buying 3M High Pressure brake cleaner. in a black can Part# 08180. Its cheap in price, it POWERFUL AS HELL, and IT WILLNOT HARM ANY PART OF YOUR KAHR. I have used CRC and it is good also. Mosty auto stores sell either. U can if you feel squeesy about buying auto cleaners for your gun, just go ahead and by gunscrubber at about 3X the price and utter than mayse some sweet smelly sh!t in the can, it is the same stuff but it sucks in the gun owners... My choice for the past 5 years is 3M

08-23-2015, 10:51 PM
I suggest one go to NAPa and buying 3M High Pressure brake cleaner... I have used CRC and it is good also.

I am not leary about using them, in fact I want to use them. My problem is the California approved 3M, bothe colors of CRC, and even the Supertech brake cleaners all contain Acetone which is very harmful to polymers. In fact, almost every brake cleaner I can find has nearly identical ingredients to the respective companies carb cleaner!

I checked every label at NAPA and Walmart, I am going to try Autozone tomorrow. I really don't want to pay $15 for a can of Gun Scrubber, which is also a watered down stupid California version!

08-24-2015, 10:24 AM
You can always just take the top end apart, clean it normally with Hoppe's and a Q tip, oil it, wipe all the oil off and put it back together.

I think this is actually good at least for a first time thing in case there's junk in there too big to flush out. In recent times I believe they are shipped pretty pristine in that striker channel but one should be sure.

I have never sprayed any of mine. There I said it. Never had an issue. Did take em apart when new, and before I shot them mostly to see if there was any junk inside like we saw years ago. Mine have been squeaky clean but well oiled.

08-24-2015, 02:52 PM
Gotta be real careful of what you spray in there. Some contain chemicals that will "melt" plastic, and there is plastic in there.

08-24-2015, 04:31 PM
That's what I am worried about with all the acetone in the brake cleaners around here. Looks like I will be stuck finding some gun scrubber...

08-27-2015, 05:21 PM
You can always just take the top end apart, clean it normally with Hoppe's and a Q tip, oil it, wipe all the oil off and put it back together.

I think this is actually good at least for a first time thing in case there's junk in there too big to flush out. In recent times I believe they are shipped pretty pristine in that striker channel but one should be sure.

I have never sprayed any of mine. There I said it. Never had an issue. Did take em apart when new, and before I shot them mostly to see if there was any junk inside like we saw years ago. Mine have been squeaky clean but well oiled.

Just want to make sure that I understand your post, Bawanna.

Since you state that you have never sprayed, would it be fair to state that you have never sprayed the 'striker channel hole' in an assembled slide as well?

Instead, you initially detail-stripped the slide and checked out the area of the striker as well as other areas in the disassembled slide, and used Hoppe's or other solvent and oil as warranted?

08-27-2015, 06:52 PM
That's correct. I've never sprayed the striker channel hole in an assembled slide.

I initially dissasembled, insured it was clean. Removed oil etc, reoiled and then wiped everything off and assembled dry.

That's it. If I ever have a light strike or any kind of ignition problem I'll take it apart and see if there's any junk in there.

08-27-2015, 08:41 PM
That's correct. I've never sprayed the striker channel hole in an assembled slide.

I initially dissasembled, insured it was clean. Removed oil etc, reoiled and then wiped everything off and assembled dry.

That's it. If I ever have a light strike or any kind of ignition problem I'll take it apart and see if there's any junk in there.

Your comments are encouraging.

I thought the 'Proper prep of a new Kahr' suggestion to spray the 'striker channel hole' in the slide was such a good tip that I had to try it years ago with my CW9. Til that time I never thought of doing it as part of my routine. I felt it was relatively painless to do, and would do so periodically with that gun. A fair amount dirt/debris/carbon would come out, Bawanna.

In light of your comment above, though, which is contrary to the opinions of some who go so far as to do it after each and every range trip, I am going to alter my planned frequency of doing it to once every 500-1000 rounds, whatever, though it may not by any means be mandatory. And your comment reassures in the sense that you have not had a light strike/ignition problem as of yet. So, it may be reasonable to conclude that at least with your Kahr firearms the failure to clean out the striker channel etc. is not related to ignition issues because you've not experienced any.

Frankly, I don't think the guns need to be cleaned all that much anyway. I'd say that I spend a bit more time firing guns at the range than in gunfights. Actually, I've never had to fire my weapon at any place other than the range. I use FrogLube and it gets less dirty. Moreover, all those 'sparkling clean' guys out there- what do you think you gun is going to look like as to the interior after you shoot that first round after cleaning.

The guns run just fine dirty- to a point. I don't get in a 'tizzy'. There's a lot of anecdotal evidence out there that leaving pristine condition and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning all the time may increase wear and also result in less reliability, not more. I'd feel more confident shooting any given firearm after it has been shot 50 or so times at a given range session without incident than when firing the first few shots of it anyway. JMO.