View Full Version : When things go wrong

09-01-2015, 10:00 AM
They sometimes go really wrong.....For the life of me I can't figure out why the Police entered a residence with guns drawn and they didn't even have an address......Can you say "Lawsuit".....Sombody's got some splainin to do about this one....


09-01-2015, 02:44 PM
Crap, now we gotta lock our doors because of cops too?

09-01-2015, 02:58 PM
Dekalb County is the poster child for government incompetence and corruption. The previous county CEO was convicted of extortion and perjury and his interim replacement is on the same hot seat.


Hard to keep good people when the "leaders" are openly crooked.

09-01-2015, 05:13 PM
Dekalb County is the poster child for government incompetence and corruption. The previous county CEO was convicted of extortion and perjury and his interim replacement is on the same hot seat.


Hard to keep good people when the "leaders" are openly crooked.

You are so right. I left DeKalb in '86 and moved to Gwinnett County. Not only is it a much more pleasant place to live, but all the taxes are lower. I'm still paying property taxes on a rental in Dekalb which are as high as those on my residence even though it's worth about 1/4 as much.

09-01-2015, 06:20 PM
This is what we who served in the military refer to as a cluster fokk. There is going to be a new millionaire in DeKalb county.

09-02-2015, 04:11 AM
And the Winner of the Dekalb County Lottery is..... The Home Owner!!!!!!!

09-02-2015, 06:49 AM
Not the first time Police have shot each other. We had a Deputy who tried to bust open a door with the butt of his pump shotgun about 15 years ago. You guessed, it went off and was pointed back at those Deputies following behind him.

09-02-2015, 09:04 AM
Cluster-you-know-whats aren't the exclusive property of local LEOs, as we all are aware.

One of Mrs. Armybrat's old high school boyfriends became a Secret Service agent after he graduated from college. During one Treasury Department raid on a suspected counterfeiter's house in a well-to-do Houston neighborhood, he helped break down a very expensive front door.

Naturally they had the wrong address. Luckily no one was home so there wasn't any shootout, but the feds had to reimburse the ticked off homeowner to the tune of $5,000 to replace that upscale fancyfied door. This took place in 1970, so figure on the equivalent of at least $30,000 in today's dollars.

Your federal law enforcement at work.

09-02-2015, 05:54 PM
A few years back one of the Atlanta area police forces entered the wrong house and killed the resident. I think it happened twice that I can remember. Can't remember if it was Dekalb, Fulton, or where.......just know it wasn't Hall County where I am.

09-03-2015, 09:50 AM
In Fort Worth, TX a couple years ago, 2 FWPD cops responded to a burglary call and went to the wrong house late at night. When they encountered the homeowner in his garage with his hand gun he was shot and killed. The case wasn't as cut and dry as my post, but still- cops at wrong house resulted in good guy killed by police.

09-03-2015, 02:12 PM
Once again the emphasizes the absolute need for good communication between victim and dispatch and even more so from dispatch to responding officers. Dispatch (an incredibly tough job) can down play or upplay a call quite easily.
This can unnecessarily increase the urgency by a bunch for the responders.

Who knows, maybe a description of the house or a vehicle was included and they went with that rather than the house address. Could be any number of things that could cause these bad situations.

The ones that get me are the SWAT calls where they do all the advance planning and such and then go to the wrong house. Had that happen here in a neighboring city. No excuse for that that I can think of. Should be somebody watching the house long before SWAT rolls up watching for kids, or visitors etc.