View Full Version : Just Ordered My 1st Thompson!!!

09-01-2015, 10:37 AM
I have always loved the history of WWII (three of my great grandfathers fought in WWII), and I now collect WWII firearms and militaria.

I already have a 1944 Springfield M1 Garand and 1944 Inland Div M1 Carbine, so it only made sense that I MUST get a Thompson. Without getting into tax stamps, I wanted to get one as close to what our guys carried so I went with the steel receiver Auto Ordnance TM1. Was this a good choice for what I'm looking for? I plan on modifying the mag catch to fit unaltered surplus mags and ordered 5 mags from a company online that was offering them at $17 a piece. They labeled them as possibly having small dings/pitting, but that doesn't bother me as long as I can get them in working order. I am unsure where to go from here and what other parts/accessories I might need to get for it. Here's some of the things I'm considering, but would love input from you guys on what to do with my new Thompson!

Magazines-Already bought 5 extra, and plan on trading/selling the factory one that comes with the rifle
Magazine Catch-Alter to accept military unaltered magazines
5 Cell 30 Rd Magazine Pouch-Anyone have a good source or recommendation for a decent priced original or quality repro?
Stock-Considering replacing the new furniture with USGI surplus to get a more authentic look/feel. I know the front handguard slot must be widened. Where's the best place to find a set?
Springs-Haven't received the rifle yet, but heard the bolt is a beast to pull back. Thinking about buying the EZ Pull spring kit. Where's the cheapest place to pick them up?
Any other must have accessories/parts/upgrades/modifications that I should consider?


09-01-2015, 11:53 AM
Your on the right track. I got a stock from Boyds, only because my factory one was so nice I wanted to not ding it up.
I also shortened my buttstock about 1 1/2" and made a new butt plate, was just too long for me by a long ways.

Modifying the mag catch to accept unmessed with mags is the way to go, when the originals are gone, they are gone.
Surprised there are still so many out there really.

The jury is still out on the EZ Pull. They are a beast to pull. Kahr does not recommend or endorse the EZ Pull. Ghostsoldier, my resident go to guy for all things Thompson has one and loves it, says he has no issues.

I continue to court the SBR tax stamp and get a 10" barrel, that's the way they really should be, the way they were meant to be. Sad the government doesn't feel the same way.

09-01-2015, 01:11 PM
Thank you for your reply!

The length of the stock is something that will probably really bother me since it's a good bit longer than the original. Plus I like the "drug though mud" battlefield pickup look. Most of my guns were actually military used and none are safe queens. I wonder what the reason for lengthening the stock was?

Yes, I have read Ghostsoldier's posts about the EZ Pull kit. I just finally became a member of the site, but have been reading all the threads on here off and on for weeks. I'm a big dude, so I'm hoping I don't have an issue working the bolt, but if I do I might try the springs out.

I have never owned anything Class 3, but an SBR is something I've always wanted.

09-01-2015, 02:05 PM
I'm just a little fella and I can work the bolt fine, especially after lunch and a short nap.

I don't think you'll have an trouble. I'm not sure the best source anymore for the EZ Pull, been a while since I was hunting around. I wouldn't mind getting one myself to try.

If it works for Ghostsoldier it ought to work for us, I can attest to his integrity without reservation.

I don't recall ever handling a genuine GI Tommy so wasn't sure the stock had been lengthened.

Even taking off over an inch I could easily take off another inch I think, quite a stretch for me to reach out to the vertical forend an getting around the drum with the horizontal.
I have a 27A1 so I could go drum or stick, GI or Gangster. I much prefer the GI myself with or without the drum.

09-01-2015, 02:12 PM
Here's where I saw the info about the stock (about halfway down with lots of pics). http://www.90thidpg.us/Equipment/Reviews/AOThompson/index.html This guy bought an Auto Ordnance TM1 for reenacting purposes and did a full write up showing the differences from the original. I thought it was an interesting read.

09-01-2015, 03:41 PM
Wish I could give you Thompson advice...heck...wish I had one...;) Color me jealous. Enjoy!

09-01-2015, 03:52 PM
Haha, thanks. Once I get it I will post up a picture of it next to my M1 Garand and Carbine.

09-01-2015, 03:56 PM
Please do! I have an AO M130 carbine and absolutely love it. Hands down my favorite semi auto rifle. Great idea getting one of each of the WWII guns.

09-02-2015, 10:10 AM
The Kahr/AO brand new stock set goes for over $200 altogether on their site. Do you think I could find someone to trade me a USGI stock set and a few unaltered mags for it?

09-02-2015, 10:11 AM
I sent an order for my EZ Pull kit and he called me last week and said he is out of stock and will not have them for a couple of months. His web site shows in stock,but the man said no.

I just noticed in my bank account that the Tommy Gunner.com cashed my check I sent him for a EZ pull kit a couple weeks ago. He called me last week and said he was out of stock for a couple months with this EZ pull spring kits. I asked him to tear the check up and he said he would. Now I noticed my check is cashed by him and I never heard a word if the kit came in or what. I HOPE this guy is honest!

09-02-2015, 10:14 AM
Hmmm...I'm hoping I won't feel like I need them. I've heard some people say they leave the bolt locked back when they store the rifle and that helped loosen the springs up.

09-02-2015, 01:41 PM
This thread needs eye candy!

http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/hopke5/DSCN4390_zps5247c202.jpg (http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/hopke5/media/DSCN4390_zps5247c202.jpg.html)

09-02-2015, 01:48 PM
That's awesome. What kind of 1911 is that? I already have two 1911's, Remington stainless fullsize and a Rock Island Armory officer model. I don't have a "WWII" style 1911 though. Thinking about trying to trade or sell a gun or two to get one of the Auto Ordnance "WWII" model 1911's to go with my Garand, Carbine, and Thompson.

09-02-2015, 01:50 PM
How hard was it for you to shorten the stock? Did you use an original style buttplate or the one that came on the original stock? Also, was the wood on yours already that dark or did you refinish it? I want that dark "battleworn" stock look.

09-02-2015, 02:03 PM
This thread needs eye candy!

As if I wasn't jealous of you and Zak already!

09-02-2015, 02:17 PM
Haha. My Dad got me into guns at a really young age and when I turned 18 I started heavily collecting guns. I'm 24 now, and have done nothing but constantly trading/selling guns to amass a pretty nice collection. Everything I own (with the exception of a couple AK's and my 1911's) are all vintage or military surplus firearms. Most of which date to 1945 or older. And even my AK's are traditional with wood furniture.

09-02-2015, 02:24 PM
That's a genuine Colt 1942 right out of an officers duffle bag. Got his Quality Hardware and Machine M1 Carbine too!
Lucky day for me.

That is a Boyds aftermarket stock. I finished it. I oiled it and then put military stock stain with a hint of red in it and it came out like that. I'll have to look at home and get the brand. I just had to buy a quart of the stuff direct since Brownells and others quit carrying the stuff.

I at the time didn't have an extra buttplate so I cut out and made my own so I didn't mess up the original. Also got the Boyd's for the same reason. Wasn't expensive and good and solid.
I just carefully cut exactly parallel to the original shape on my bandsaw. I actually cut 1/2" at a time and I think I took a full 2"'s off and still not too short by a long shot.

The rear sight is close to the face but the foreend is still out there.

.......I was 24 once....heavy sigh........

09-02-2015, 02:30 PM
That's awesome. What kind of 1911 is that? I already have two 1911's, Remington stainless fullsize and a Rock Island Armory officer model. I don't have a "WWII" style 1911 though. Thinking about trying to trade or sell a gun or two to get one of the Auto Ordnance "WWII" model 1911's to go with my Garand, Carbine, and Thompson.

I have a Remington R1 that makes a nice stable mate to the garand, the m1 carbine and the Tommy.

With some helpful advise from GB I put a wide spur hammer on it and it's a great shooter. One of my favorites.
My son got the enhanced with the beavertail and all the bells and whistles, it's nice too but I still prefer my GI style.

09-02-2015, 02:33 PM
Thanks for the info. I would love to have a WWII dated 1911. I will get one at some point.

09-02-2015, 02:34 PM
I have always loved the really dark brown/red look old milsurp stocks get from years of use.

09-02-2015, 03:43 PM
The red look was actually milspec. The Garand for example was required to have the stock dipped for a certain amount of time and then hung to drip before being wiped down.

I assume whatever they dipped it in has some of this hint of red stuff this stuff I use in it.

I don't know if they were stained and then oiled or it was a mixture one time thing but I have to believe it was one dip and done.

Most military stocks have that reddish dark look to them, my 17's and 03-A3's had it too.

09-02-2015, 03:59 PM
I know they would dip the stocks in linseed oil...I wonder if they mixed the stain in with that? I just came across a stock refinishing section in the FAQ's sticky at Machine Gun Boards and they recommended this military stain from Brownells. Vanderhaves Formula XIII (http://www.brownells.com/aspx/NS/store/ProductDetail.aspx?p=7677) Looks close to the look I like but needs more brown.

09-02-2015, 05:29 PM
Stuff I got was Chestnut Ridge Military Stock Stain with a hint of red.

It's alcohol based so it gets into the wood no matter what you put on before. To avoid a blotchy look I usually linseed oil a couple times and then throw this stuff on, seems to stay more even especially on birch or other blonde or soft woods. Doesn't always work sometimes.

09-03-2015, 10:22 AM
I'll have to look around when I do the stock set. I would really like to trade my stock set for an actual WWII USGI M1A1 set.

09-07-2015, 09:48 PM
A little more eye candy.

Here's a shot of my Thompson.

09-09-2015, 08:01 PM
Still waiting on my Thompson. I ordered from Impact Guns and I think they order from the manufacturer or distributor after you place your order like alot of online places do. I'm getting impatient! I got my 5 mags from What A Country. For $17 a mag for the "may be dented/rusted" ones, it's a steal. The 5 I received definitely have seen lots of action and were PACKED full of grease. It took 3 hours to completely clean the 5 mags but now they are perfectly clean inside and out. The finish is worn on them and they do have minor surface rust in a couple small places but nothing bad at all. Only one mag had a dent and it's on the back ridge of the mag and doesn't look like it will hinder function whatsoever. Out of the 5 I received there were 4 Seymour and 1 Crosby mag. Any rarity/collectablility between the two?

09-10-2015, 12:44 PM
Just checked today and it finally shipped!

09-10-2015, 02:55 PM
Start lifting weights a little. Your gonna fall over when you feel how heavy these things are.

It was definitely a holy moley moment for me. You see Tom Hanks totin one around like it's plastic and maybe his was but mine surely ain't.
I shudder to think what one would be like with a 100 round drum. Pretty chunky with my 50.

09-10-2015, 03:04 PM
Haha. I have heard they are really heavy. I shoot all heavy milsurp rifles so maybe it won't feel too bad!

09-10-2015, 03:28 PM
Start lifting weights a little. Your gonna fall over when you feel how heavy these things are.

It was definitely a holy moley moment for me. You see Tom Hanks totin one around like it's plastic and maybe his was but mine surely ain't.
I shudder to think what one would be like with a 100 round drum. Pretty chunky with my 50.

PANSY ASS: Just sayin

10-05-2015, 02:57 PM
I finally got to shoot my TM1 this weekend. Fired roughly 100 rds and it ran perfect! Was surprised at how accurate it was. Standing at 40 yards I was hitting an 8" target round after round. (And I'm not the best shot) Very happy with this purchase!

11-01-2015, 02:41 PM
Congrats on your Tommy! Sorry I have been AWOL lately. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff303/Kevin-Andra/Collection/Tommyngun003.jpg (http://s241.photobucket.com/user/Kevin-Andra/media/Collection/Tommyngun003.jpg.html)