View Full Version : Ammo sale -good deals

09-05-2015, 07:21 PM
Cabelas has a promo code for 10% off and free shipping on ammo until 9-7. I bought Herters brass plinking/target ammo (230 gr 45ACP) for about $.31 a round. 7 boxes of 50 cost $111 and with 10% off and shipping it was $100 plus NC tax. Similar prices for other calibers. Cabelas dot com. No rimfire on special of course.

09-05-2015, 08:46 PM
That's an ok deal. Been getting Aguilla and WWB for about $16.25 and free shippin' with 1000 rounds.

09-05-2015, 10:21 PM
Cabelas has a promo code for 10% off and free shipping on ammo until 9-7. I bought Herters brass plinking/target ammo (230 gr 45ACP) for about $.31 a round. 7 boxes of 50 cost $111 and with 10% off and shipping it was $100 plus NC tax. Similar prices for other calibers. Cabelas dot com. No rimfire on special of course.

09-05-2015, 11:26 PM
+2 Freedom Munitions free shipping sale over the labor day weekend. I just ordered 600 rounds of 9mm FMJ remans for 120 bux...