View Full Version : Hogue Rubber HandALL Jr. Anyone Try It
09-07-2015, 06:30 AM
I sent back some peel and attach grip wraps. It just did not seem like it would work well or help much. It pads some areas that don't really need padding. It does not pad areas (back strap of grip) that does seem to need pad grip).
There is also Pachmayr Slip on in 5 sizes... which might be better?
The Hogue universal wrap seems like a good deal, no glue... COMMENTS?
09-07-2015, 07:42 AM
The problem with slip on grips is that that they slip. The stick on grips stay in place. I've had the slip on grips work their way up the grip to the point where they interfered with the mag release. I don't believe that slip on grips have any place on a duty handgun.
I have a Handall Jr. grip on my CW40. Its a perfect fit and will not/does not slip at all... First off, the CW's grip is heavily textured and the Handall jr. is a very tight fit. I use rubbing alcohol & a cotton ball & wipe down the pistol grip & inside of the grip to clean off any oil residue. I then boil some water, pour some of it in a bowl & drop in the grip and let it soak for a few min to make it more pliable before putting it on. Even then, I had to take my time putting it on as it's a very tight fit, but it works perfectly on the Cw's. When it cools it becomes more rigid again. I would highly recommend the Handall Jr. for at least the CW series 40 & 9mm.
I tried the Pachmayr grips & had to take them off. The reason why is because of the compound they use in making them is very pliable and they slide around too much on the pistol's grip becoming more a nuisance than useful. The Hoque Handall jr. is a different material, almost like polymer while the Pachmayr is silicon rubber...
09-07-2015, 08:24 AM
I have one on my CM9 and I like it. It does require trimming to get the finger groves where you want them and not to interfere with the magazine opening. If it wraps under the grip, the mag is hard to load. This is used for my SD gun. It works best with a magazine base plate changed to a one finger extension.
09-07-2015, 08:54 AM
I've used the hogue handall jr and it works ok, but like muggsy said it can slip up. I trimmed a little around the area where the mag release is located to prevent the interference.
Its cheap and worth trying it. You didn't mention what you were going to put it on but on my cm9 I installed it upside down because it worked better for my purpose.
09-07-2015, 09:23 AM
No, not at all.
09-07-2015, 10:07 AM
I put a Hogue or Pachmayr grip on all of my polymer Kahrs. Makes a big difference in the quality of the ergonomic comfort and control. A cheap fix IMHO.
09-07-2015, 10:34 AM
I've never cared for the stick on decal grips myself. Some folks obviously love them.
To me anything that sticks can unstick.
I've never had issue with the slip on stuff and I too put them on upside down.
Personally the innertube idea works best of all add on stuff since it adds very little girth, still get a little bit of traction even through the tube and mine never moved.
I've since stippled my handle so no need for add on which to me is best of all.
Traction peel and stick on Ruger SR9. 2 years no problems, not carried daily. Little if any change in grip thickness. I like the texture. Minimal padding provided which I do not need or want on this pistol.
Daily carry CM9= bicycle inner tube. Replace when it tears. Works great.
Pachymar slip on (with palm swell) to correct KelTec 32 from pointing low. No problems. Carried in car not on person.
Replaced bicycle inner tube on CW45 with a short Pachymar slip-on which I had for a micro pistol. Only covers bottom half of grip. Needed a spongy grip to prevent my arthritic wrist from stinging. Pistol carried somewhat often and fired monthly. No problems.
09-07-2015, 04:55 PM
I have a Pachmayr Tactical Grip Glove on my CW45. It creates a really nice grip surface. Without it, the gun is downright painful to shoot after 40 rounds or so, but with the Grip Glove it is very comfortable to shoot. That said, it does have a tendency to twist a little during the course of a range session, but it's a simple matter to twist it back. In general, it gives the gun a much better, secure feel in the hand. I use a Hogue Handall Jr. on my CW380. It beefs up the grip a little, making the gun more secure to hold. It does nudge right up against the magazine release button, but that doesn't affect the operation of the gun in any way. In the first photo, the CW45 is on top and the CW380 is on the bottom (the middle gun is my M&P 9C in case anyone is interested). I read on one of the gun forums that if you spray the gun's grip with simple hairspray before installing the grip glove or sleeve, it creates some "stickiness" so that the sleeve doesn't move around. I plan to try that the next time I install one on one of my guns.
09-07-2015, 05:16 PM
I like that glove better than the one I use. I just ordered one. Think I'll put it on my TP9.
09-07-2015, 07:24 PM
Traction Grips on my CM9 and Tuff Boa grips on my CW9. Gotta be careful and not get brake cleaner spray on the Traction Grips. The Tuff Boa grips do not slip, but you need to make sure to clean handle first as instructed. Love the feeling of the Boa.
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