View Full Version : Something doesn't look right about my CW380..

09-17-2015, 04:39 PM
But I can't quite figure it out.


Oh wait, a CT380 barrel in my CW380? I think that might be it!

Eh, I'm bored. Was digging through my safe and decided to get out all my 380 Kahr stuff and play around.

CW380 frame + CT380 slide

CT380 frame + CW380 slide

My Kahr 380 collection

CW380 black w/ CT laser, CW380 purple, CT380, 2 flush 6 round mags, 3 extended 7 round mags, 2 flush 7 round mags, and my eBay kydex pocket holster (which I love). I have a thing for Kahr's, I guess you could say. Also have a CM9, CW9 purple, K9, and CM45. The purple CW380 and CW9 are my fiancee's.

Hadn't posted in a while, so thought I'd share some pics!

09-17-2015, 04:52 PM
Great stuff! Nice to see that they various pieces can be mixed and matched, at least for photos.

09-17-2015, 06:00 PM
I thought you were gonna say it had a knife stickin through the trigger guard. I noticed that right off. Pretty alert today I am.

09-17-2015, 06:11 PM
With the price of .380 ammo, I understand why you were bored instead of shooting.

09-18-2015, 01:53 AM
I wonder if they will fire like that.

09-19-2015, 11:09 AM
I wonder if they will fire like that.
I'm also curious. With the CT barrel in the CW380, it seems to lock up fine, and I can cycle live rounds just fine (without firing). Might try to get out tomorrow and try it out.

09-19-2015, 11:13 AM
Can the cw9 or ct380 slides ride on the cm9/cw380 frames? That would be a perfect carry gun.


09-19-2015, 02:24 PM
I thought you were gonna say it had a knife stickin through the trigger guard. I noticed that right off. Pretty alert today I am.

that little pink 380 reminds me of a pair of grips u finished for me. I got them out today to view them. course Ihad them buriend 6 feet down in a cement vault, gut still the desire was again to see those grips. I like um for I have noticed that when I hold them in my hands, I have better bowel movements, so I might just keep them in my outhouse,next to my Sears Roebuck catalog...

09-20-2015, 12:02 PM
Can the cw9 or ct380 slides ride on the cm9/cw380 frames? That would be a perfect carry gun.

My second picture up there shows the CT380 slide on the CW380 frame, so yes...it does fit. However, the CT380 has like a V notch on the bottom side of the frame, so there is a hole visable that the dust cover of the frame is not covering. Probably nothing to be concerned about, but bothers me. I believe I prefer the CT380 barrel in the CW380 frame/slide, myself. Not sure how I'd feel about carrying it like that, though.

Likewise, the CW9 slide SHOULD fit on the CM9 frame. My CM9 is buried in the back of my safe and I don't feel like digging it out right now to find out, but I'd wager it would be just fine.

09-28-2015, 02:05 AM
Great, now I want to buy a CT380 barrel and thread it for a suppressor for my CW380..

Please let us know if it actually runs.

09-28-2015, 08:50 AM
If the CW9 and CM9 are like the P9 and the PM9, the barrels and slides don't mate. The barrel housings are different lengths.

from top, K9, P9, and PM9 barrels



The K9's feed ramp has substantially different dimensions than the P9. K9 on the right.


This is from a comparison I did after buying a ported barrel for the P9... also fits the CW9, but though it "seemed" to fit the K9, I wouldn't try it. There are differences between the K9 and the P/CW9's.


Wynn :)

09-28-2015, 09:09 AM
Some people just have too much free time on their hands. Like me. :)

09-28-2015, 09:41 AM
I just have too much stuff that I should have done... years ago... and so many things I should be doing, that I just do something else... usually sit here and chat on Kahrtalk, Glocktalk, or Facebook. That and my email and shopping online, though that's really curtailed now with the Wifey retired for several years now.

I'm waiting to hear from the plumber this afternoon... water/sewer and electricity jumped up instead of down this bill... water leak after water heater, so can cut that off and turn the water heater off, but may be slab leak and cost $1,000's! That's not going to help our finances... and they may be jackhammering our floors... hope not, but will get an estimate today. The repair may have to wait until we get back from a wedding in Arkansas and visiting my brother in Mississippi.

There's always something!

Wynn :)

09-28-2015, 01:44 PM
If the CW9 and CM9 are like the P9 and the PM9, the barrels and slides don't mate. The barrel housings are different lengths.

from top, K9, P9, and PM9 barrels



The K9's feed ramp has substantially different dimensions than the P9. K9 on the right.


This is from a comparison I did after buying a ported barrel for the P9... also fits the CW9, but though it "seemed" to fit the K9, I wouldn't try it. There are differences between the K9 and the P/CW9's.


Wynn :)

poler frame vs stainless frame. two totally different guns, no reason the barrels should be the same

09-28-2015, 03:29 PM
"The repair may have to wait until we get back from a wedding in Arkansas and visiting my brother in Mississippi."

Heck if your brother goes to Arkansas too you can marry him or your sister, or your neighbors dog.

Actually you almost do that here in Washington now too. Whats the world coming too.

09-28-2015, 05:16 PM
"The repair may have to wait until we get back from a wedding in Arkansas and visiting my brother in Mississippi."

Heck if your brother goes to Arkansas too you can marry him or your sister, or your neighbors dog.

Actually you almost do that here in Washington now too. Whats the world coming too.

my first wife was a dog, so here in Indiana its ok also. Just sayin

Short Bus
10-03-2015, 02:16 PM
Great, now I want to buy a CT380 barrel and thread it for a suppressor for my CW380..

Please let us know if it actually runs.

Or port it