View Full Version : PM9 slide stop pin issue - FIXED!

10-10-2015, 06:47 PM
Hey just a little heads up....

As some may recall, my slide stop pin was a bit problematic... shooting was ok, but I was prone to dislodging it just by racking the slide, if...... my fingers hit the "pin side" of the slide stop.

Tried shortening it. It helped.

Tried tightening the slide stop spring. That helped too.

Yet the the spring was not right... the lever would move to the left just enough to engage the slide... stopping things.

I sat and looked a bit.

Should have seen this earlier. The spring was working as designed, engaging the groove in the slide stop... but its natual engagement point was just a bit futher out than it probably should have been. Chalk that up to stacked tolerances maybe.

The fix was to put just a wee little bit of an "inward" bend on the part of the spring that engages the groove on the slide stop, moving its natural resting point to the right just a tad bit. I mean we're talking a very very small amount here. Barely noticable when you look at the spring - it looks "ok" just a little warped. Very little.

With the pistol back together: problem solved.

I'm gonna chalk this up to the polymer being just a hair fatter on this pistol than maybe another. Not biggie, problem solved and it still shoots perfectamundo.

10-10-2015, 07:45 PM
Even if you stack tolerances the finished product will be within specs, but I glad you solved your problem.

10-11-2015, 06:02 AM
Yah I know what you're sayin' Muggs. Then its outta spec.... but I doubt Kahr would have replaced the frame vs bend the spring a c-hair

Thinking on the placement of the seat for that spring thats got to be a rather ticklish affair to mold. The seat itself has got to be positioned in relative placement to the molded in rails in order for the spring to be positioned in the proper place... which in turn gets the slide stop in the proper place relative to the slide that's riding on the molded in rails.

I wonder if they go back and iron the material on the frame to get it right?

10-11-2015, 08:41 AM
Kahr replaced the frame on my P380 when it failed. Their service department is good about making things right for the customer. They may not get it right on the first try, but they won't quit until they do get it right.

10-11-2015, 11:03 AM
I wonder why the low cost CW9 is such a great performer, while some of the high cost pistols have so many problems?

10-11-2015, 04:35 PM
Kahr replaced the frame on my P380 when it failed. Their service department is good about making things right for the customer. They may not get it right on the first try, but they won't quit until they do get it right.

True dat on makin' it right.

The .380 frames were flexing due to material spec issue. That deserved replacement.
My own PM45 got its frame replaced as the front rails were not set right and got chewed up. That deserved replacement.

This one... I dunno. If they "iron" that spot on a jig that hold the frame by the metal rails and press a headed die against the polymer to assure its size, maybe redo that. That's one trick we use in production, when you just cannot hold dimensional spec or surface finish on the part that's thrown from the mold.

Or they could have bent the spring a c-hair. I know... c-hairs are getting mighty hard to find these days, and it could possibly been easier to get folks to the moon than actually find a c-hair to use as a gauge whilst bending. I'm sure the Kahr folks have a few stuck away for rainy days though.....