View Full Version : PM9 Mag Base Plate Mod

07-19-2010, 02:37 PM
I got tired of the (not) flush metal mag base plate biting my pinkie.

I modified the (not) grip extending base plate from the 7rd mag that comes with the PM9 to fill the mag/grip gap on the 6rd mag.

What do you think?

07-19-2010, 08:01 PM
Looks good. I thought that I was the only retentive person out there. I filed, sanded, then buffed out the corners on mine, better, but still hated the gap. After three tries, I found the right size O ring and stretched it on. No gap, no sharp edges. The O ring smaller broke, the one bigger messed up the funtioning. I added a finger rest mag base to an order, and it is flush, but adds a bit of height. Today I received anouther standard, "flush" six round mag, and a Mitch Rosen pocket holster for my P380. I am still not sure if I like the finger rest base, but at least now I have a choice.

07-19-2010, 10:46 PM

A CW9 mag base plate will work, is a lot less cutting, an easier fit, and can be bought seperately online from Kahr.
I did sand off that little ridge on the front of the CW9 base though.
The down side of this is added height, but it can be sanded off.

Here you go:

07-19-2010, 11:06 PM
There was someone on this forum who modded his pm9 6 round mag base. I think he took off the base plate, then filed / cut a little off the magazine, then re-installed the baseplate. I think? Sound off if your reading! He had pictures of his work and it looked awesome.

07-20-2010, 05:05 PM
I just bought the polymer base plate from Kahr. It will snap in with some pressure as is from the factory but I sanded mine down a bit because I didn't want there to be any issues with it seating. There are pics of my gun in the "newbie with PM9-why no sticky's" thread.

07-23-2010, 12:36 PM
Swat dude:
Yes, function over fashion is best...modify for function.
I have also noticed the front round edge of the magwell has a sharp edge that can catch the mag during insertion.
Both sides and the rear of the mag well has a generous bevel, as molded, but not the front.
A small radius with a needle handled file is all that's needed to correct this minor oversite and improve mag changes.
Swat dude, I've read your posts and recall your gun has been detailed and may already had this "improvement".

This subject maybe worthy of a separate thread rather than buried way down here.

Just sayin'

07-23-2010, 12:50 PM
Yea you can do all of dat, but I was lazy and just ordered the magazine base kit extension.
Polymer Magazine Base Kit (9 mm and .40 S&W) (http://www.kahrshop.com/cgi-bin/itemdetail.asp?itmid=2068)

07-23-2010, 01:45 PM
Yea you can do all of dat, but I was lazy and just ordered the magazine base kit extension.
Polymer Magazine Base Kit (9 mm and .40 S&W) (http://www.kahrshop.com/cgi-bin/itemdetail.asp?itmid=2068)

Does it seat properly in your PM-9?

07-23-2010, 02:31 PM
It's a tight fit. I may have to sand down the top part--probably the same issues you had. Mine seats but I have to make sure I hear that "click."

I have shot with the base plate on so with the tight fit, there are no feeding issues.

07-23-2010, 05:05 PM
Yea you can do all of dat, but I was lazy and just ordered the magazine base kit extension.
Polymer Magazine Base Kit (9 mm and .40 S&W) (http://www.kahrshop.com/cgi-bin/itemdetail.asp?itmid=2068)
Same here but I sanded the "lip" with my dremel. I took 10 minutes if that.

07-23-2010, 09:08 PM
That Polymer Magazine Base Kit is nothing more than the CW9 base plate that I also mentioned in response to 4T5Guy.

I received some Pearce Grip Extensions today and quickly found out they do not fill the mag/grip gap.:(

Now I just need to buy an 8rd mag to try one of these:

A&G Magazine Spacer For Khar PM9/P9 (http://www.ecoppolicesupply.biz/servlet/the-196437/A%26G-MAGAZINE-SPACER-FOR/Detail)

07-23-2010, 09:47 PM
That Polymer Magazine Base Kit is nothing more than the CW9 base plate that I also mentioned in response to 4T5Guy.

I received some Pearce Grip Extensions today and quickly found out they do not fill the mag/grip gap.:(

Now I just need to buy an 8rd mag to try one of these:

A&G Magazine Spacer For Khar PM9/P9 (http://www.ecoppolicesupply.biz/servlet/the-196437/A%26G-MAGAZINE-SPACER-FOR/Detail)
I've been curious about those for a while, it would be great if you can post a picture when you put them on.
If they fill the gap I'll probably get them.:yo:

07-24-2010, 07:00 AM
Also - anyone have a pic of the Pearce grip extension on the gun?

07-24-2010, 07:40 AM
Also - anyone have a pic of the Pearce grip extension on the gun?
Here you go. Notice the gap.

07-24-2010, 12:53 PM
My A&G Spacer should arrive today or Monday. It is designed to extend the grip down to cover the gap of extended mags. Here's a pic of it on an XD.

07-24-2010, 08:45 PM
Lots of good info here...

Thanks to all who posted/read this thread.

OldLincoln: post some pics here and "there" when it arrives!

Just sayin'

07-25-2010, 04:02 PM
Well, I still need an 8rd mag! I guess I can slip it on my 6rd and fake it. Somebody must have an 8rd for a Kahr 9mm. Kahr states the K9 mag fits all Kahr 9mm.

07-25-2010, 07:14 PM
Please use your artistic license and post a pic;)
Who would know:D

07-25-2010, 09:56 PM
I would! But I will and spill the beans at the same time.

07-26-2010, 03:21 AM
Well, I still need an 8rd mag! I guess I can slip it on my 6rd and fake it. Somebody must have an 8rd for a Kahr 9mm. Kahr states the K9 mag fits all Kahr 9mm.

You can use these 8-round magazines. The extended grip model (K920G) is good for the range or a reload carry... friendlier base... not sharp or "pokey" as the flush metal ones or the regular plastic ones (K920) are.

KAHR ARMS ONLINE SHOP (http://www.kahrshop.com/index2.asp?cate=acc&model=mags)

You'll have the magazine tube space above the base, but 8+1 capacity.
New KAHR K920G 9mm MK9 8-Rd SS MAGAZINE w/GRIP EXT : Magazines / Clips at GunBroker.com (http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=173324661)


07-26-2010, 12:20 PM
I think it would be optimum to have something for the 6 rounder IN BETWEEN the Pearce and the A&G. I have a Pearce for my XD and it is just TOO long - nice, but unecessary length unless you have gorilla hands. The A&G looks a bit short. Here is where I think the Keltec PF9 gets it right.

07-26-2010, 12:35 PM
"a Pearce for my XD is just too long"

A #2 mill bastard file can change that!
Just sayin'

07-26-2010, 04:05 PM
Yes - but it would look like a bastard.

07-26-2010, 06:46 PM
Received the A&G Grip Extender and found it is for the 7rd mag, not the 8. It looks a lot better than without but is not perfect. For those of us who are a bit overzealous it is worth the $13 to buy.

It does make the grip feel full sized, and while I'll carry the 7rd with grip extenders as spare mags, I will carry the 6rd flush in the holster.

PS: A little careful edge work on the spacer may make a difference in fit.

Here are the pics:

This is the 7rd without the grip extender.

This is with the grip extender and the mag pulled down against the stop.

This is with the grip extender and the mag pushed up snug.

This is with the grip extender and the Hogue Grip pulled down like I'll carry it. Note it does NOT interfere with mag changes.

This an end view to show it's not perfect but not too bad.

07-27-2010, 08:40 AM
Does that grip extender come with it's own base plate?

Do the thing the top of the grip extender could be modified to better match the gun grip and a spacer added between the extender and base plate?

It looks like a better place to start than with nothing.

Thanks for buying one to show us what it looks like.

kahrbrian: or bastarded:D

07-27-2010, 02:28 PM
Yes it comes with the base plate that fits perfectly recessed into the bottom of the extension.

I think the top can be feathered somewhat but there's a balance between taking some off the top and creating a larger gap. I intend to try mine in a few days but I'm not a craftsman.

I agree it does look better, but as pointed out by another, it will never look like a P9 so why didn't I get one to begin with. I could argue that the P9 doesn't come with a 3" barrel.

The other point for me is my 7rd mags will always be spares so what should I care what they look like. I guess I'm doing it just because I have too much time on my hands.

09-14-2010, 06:30 PM
So I ordered a couple of CW9 base plates for my PM9 mags. I like they way the look when installed, but they slide off the magazine tube with the slightest pressure. I didn't think about ordering the polymer base locks when I ordered the base plates. Can this problem be remedied by getting a couple of the polymer base locks and using them in place of the metal base locks on the original magazines?

09-14-2010, 07:57 PM
Ljutic, will those magazines seat fully and lock in place with the plastic base plates?? IF they do, then I would think that the base locks would do the trick. All they do is lock the base plates in place. I find it hard to believe that the plastic base plates will allow full insertion... without modification... of the magazines. I don't remember if I tried the plastic bases from my K9 on the PM9 6-round magazines. I just did, but they wouldn't allow full insertion and locking in place of the regular flush-fitting magazines. I'm not sure that I could remove enough material to make them fit without compromising the strength and reliability of those plastic base plates with the flush-fitting magazines.

09-15-2010, 12:12 AM
Ljutic, will those magazines seat fully and lock in place with the plastic base plates?? IF they do, then I would think that the base locks would do the trick. All they do is lock the base plates in place. I find it hard to believe that the plastic base plates will allow full insertion... without modification... of the magazines. I don't remember if I tried the plastic bases from my K9 on the PM9 6-round magazines. I just did, but they wouldn't allow full insertion and locking in place of the regular flush-fitting magazines. I'm not sure that I could remove enough material to make them fit without compromising the strength and reliability of those plastic base plates with the flush-fitting magazines.

The CW9 base plates that I received today will allow the mag to fully lock up. I tried it on two different mags and they both worked fine with and without ammo. Test firing will be needed to assure they will work properly. Of course that's after I order a pair of the poly base locks and get them installed. Oh well, at least the orders ship quickly.

09-15-2010, 12:33 AM
Been there, done that...they work with the plastic plate.
And Kahr lists and sells them as a set, base plate and locking plate thingie.

Polymer Magazine Base Kit (9 mm and .40 S&W) (http://www.kahrshop.com/cgi-bin/itemdetail.asp?itmid=2068)

just sayin'

09-15-2010, 01:45 AM
all the models seem to have magazine gaps. especially annoying is the T9 gap, which is substantial. looks tacky. someone mentioned about a guy that "cut down his mags" who is this guy ? any photos?

09-15-2010, 01:49 AM
Perhaps a silly question, but I've begun to wonder if mags for other guns might fit a Kahr better than do the Kahr mags. If not directly fit, be easily modified.

09-16-2010, 09:03 AM
Perhaps a silly question, but I've begun to wonder if mags for other guns might fit a Kahr better than do the Kahr mags. If not directly fit, be easily modified.

I have no doubt that this is possible and probable. You can only properly magazine 6 rounds of 9mm ammo for an auto pistol in a limited number of ways. One unique feature with our Kahrs is the slide stop lifting button on the magazine follower. That's something I've never seen on other magazines.

09-16-2010, 09:42 AM
I think that an all-metal follower would have been a better deal. The plastic follower is harder to make and easier to break, I think... maybe costlier?? The plastic follower uses more space and cuts into the possible capacity.
With the PM45, I have crammed 6 rounds into the 5-round magazine with an old S&W metal follower and everything else Kahr,

and using the Brolin Arms follower and its spring:


The S&W wouldn't hold the slide back on empty and couldn't be modified to do so. I would choose that design and just alter it enough to work the slide lock, which would be easy in the manufacturing process. The Brolin worked the slide most of the time. It's follower may not be factory issue to the tube. It has a removable base, but the follower seems designed for a welded base and requires its own spring to retain it properly. In both instances, I used the Kahr tube and base/locks. A metal base with just a slight outward concave would give enough space for 6 rounds without seeming so tightly packed.
You could probably find some good fits in other makes of magazines... you just need the availability to try them out.

I had better post this before I wipe it out checking other links.
