View Full Version : Intro: New guy, new Kahr CW45 owner, OLD retired LEO!

10-28-2015, 04:46 PM
Hello the camp!

At 63+, I am a long time shooter. I have 7 years Military (3 active Army, 4 USAF reserve), and 22 year Law Enforcement experience. Much of that I was a rangemaster, firearms and tactics instructor, armorer (Glock and Beretta) and weapons evaluator for the department. I even ran a police academy for a couple years after I was forced out on disability. I tried teaching High School for 7 years, and was a domestic Security Contractor for a couple years patrolling the power grid in the High Sierra wilderness, in a Jeep with an AR15 and 1911. I was looking for Achmed and the Mujahidin (who fortunately I never ran into!) I did see lots of bear, mountain lion, and deer, though, and could plink with my weapons any time I liked! All that "Martial" stuff is behind me now. Currently I am a Realtor for Coldwell Banker in Grass Valley, CA, in the beautiful Sierra Foothills. I am also active with the Sheriff's Search and rescue as ground pounder and a man tracker.

My two favorite long guns are my USGI Inland M1 carbine (which I carried as an LEO trunk weapon much of my career) and my new 582 Series Mini-14, which I call my M1 Carbine with a hard on. My third favorite long gun is my PTR91 (HK191 Clone) in .308 with a 3x9 Redfied Revenge with BDC. In 4th and 5th place are my GP WASR 10/63 Romanian AK (bought from Atlantic Firearms- which was used in Iraqi by a Private Military Contractor with SOC Intl) and my AR15, which is like an erector set, and keeps changing configurations based on whimsy.

Until I picked up my CW45 last week, my only two handguns were my Glock 19 that I have had for 21 years and a Taurus 85 .38 Chief's Special clone. Oh, I forgot, I have an Iver Johnson .38 S&W top break made in the 1890s, that was a constable's revolver in the Mid-West at the turn of the 19th Century. They call it a "Belly Gun" for a reason. If it isn't stuck in the guy's belly, you won't hit him!

10-28-2015, 06:34 PM
Welcome from Wyoming, and a tip of the old Stetson to you for your service to the country.
My wife and a I are both former LEO, and both now pack CW45s.

I haven't been here long but there is a huge amount of information about your gun here.

I think you picked a winner with the CW 45.

Nice people here, I think you'll enjoy your visits.

10-29-2015, 09:10 AM
Welcome aboard. It's nice to have a professional weapon evaluator on the forum. I'm an amateur weapons evaluator with about 50 years of experience and would like to compare notes with you on Kahr pistols. It's true that I'm a Kahr fan boy, but I try to be impartial. It's a struggle. There are plenty of former and current LEOs aboard if your not adverse to talking to the cops. Just kidding, of course. :)