View Full Version : NRA Membership Thread

11-07-2015, 07:48 AM
Maybe its about time we have an NRA membership thread... in the RKBA section of the forum.

Let me start off by saying I've been an NRA mamber since.... I was about 21 years old. Thats something like ... decades and decades ago. I was an annual member when I was a young pup startin out on my own. But, as I progressed in life a bit, and did a bit better, I as able become a Life Member. Why would I do something like that? Hell, it was cheaper, since I did the math and decided I'd live longer than the break even point in dollars! And.... it if you believe in gun rights, the Constitution, Libery, Freedom... its the right thing to do. And what I mean there, is to support the NRA, who fights continutally for our rights.

Yes, I acknowledge the detractors of the NRA - its too big, doesn't do enough, felt this way or that (when I felt otherwise), or they had some internal squabble... all of which is like a grain of salt in the sugarbowl. Everything positive has its detractors.

The NRA does more than lobbying and legislative action.... they're all about Safety, Education, Community Involvement in shooting issues, grassroots, local issues and solutions.

After a while, I was feeeling a little guilty... I knew what the NRA was doing for me, and I really hadn't done much them them. So, I upgraded my membership to the first tier of superlative Life Memberships, the Endowment level Life Membership. And so it went, over the years, to further upgrade to Patron and Benefactor levels as well.

Why did I do this? Just guilt? Not really. More like a sense of involvement, a sense of support and a sense of recognizing the good work, with very few exceptions, that the NRA has performed during my lifetime.

There are folks out there who say.... all it got me was more junk mail. All it got me over 30 years was three caps and a flimsy jacket. They say "I've given and given, and they never did a thing for me!". To those folks, I say, quit looking in the mirror, back at yourselves.... and instead, look out the windshield, and see the road ahead... see how nice and drivable it is? Thats because the NRA has paved it for you.... suppot them, and it'll get even smoother to drive on. Said with literary license of course.


Lets hear your NRA story, your support, and even your problems with the NRA.

11-07-2015, 08:28 AM
I've been a member of the NRA off/on since the early 90's and going strong 3 yrs in a row now, just renewed my membership last week and I have every intentions to remain a member. I'll probably just get the life membership eventually. I strongly believe that the NRA is the most politically influential force out there that protects our 2nd amendment right.

11-07-2015, 08:56 AM
Joined a few years ago when I got my carry permit again and got more involved in shooting. The threat to our 2nd amendment rights are real and I figure its best to support the most vocal group that is defending those rights. I'm a firm believer that the second amendment is what protects the 1st and 4th amendments. Just look at England if you don't believe me.

Plus being a member does make one elegable for some other benefits at a discount.

11-07-2015, 08:56 AM
I'm probably like most. I like getting the American Rifleman every month, keeping up and especially reading the Armed Citizen column as an antidote to the propaganda and manipulated statistics from antis who own the mainstream media. I like the articulate spokesmen who appear and make our points in the face of hostile interviewers, weaselly academics and slimy celebrities. I do wish they'd take my name off the sucker lists though. Lots of insurance offers and other junk mail to throw away.

But most of all, I like adding my little bit to the pot and my name to the rolls. Because while principles, facts and persuasive argument are important, the only things politicians really care about are numbers and money, so its good the NRA has lots of both.

marshal kane
11-07-2015, 09:43 AM
Been an annual NRA member since the early '50s upgrading to life in the '70s. For the last 25 years or so while I was working, a monthly contributor to NRA ILA through payroll deduction in my paychecks. That's why I am so happy to see NRA is advertising on the Fox News Channel in support of the Second Amendment and reaching out to millions of viewers. Viewers should know that a fundamental right is being threatened by some of our leaders(?) who believe that more gun control is needed. I understand that the NRA is not perfect but without it, those in government with a (D) following their names would not hesitate to disarm all of us and our national language would be either Russian or Chinese.

11-07-2015, 11:40 AM
I prefer to renew annually instead of doing a life membership. Then, if the ever stray from their proper course I can quit and they lose a member.

11-07-2015, 11:58 AM
My dad was a very early life member and proud of it. Seems like he said he paid something like $25 or was given one like they were just starting up. They didn't have an inheritance thing where I'd take ownership continuing his number or I'd be a member today. In the recent past there was a lot of talk about they went liberal but I recently read where they made a difference in a big court case.

11-07-2015, 01:02 PM
Was a life member, now that I can afford it, I upped to Endowment last year, and Patron this year. I may not agree with all they do, but I want somebody on my side. May do benefactor next year, depends on the finances.

11-07-2015, 02:32 PM
I don't even mind the junk mail. If they can raise even more $$$ for the cause that way, it's OK by me.

11-07-2015, 03:06 PM
I prefer to renew annually instead of doing a life membership. Then, if the ever stray from their proper course I can quit and they lose a member.

When did the NRA ever stray from their proper course? Not in my memory. I was an annual member from 1962 until I became a life member in 1972. There are too many rock solid conservative members to ever allow the NRA to stray.

11-07-2015, 04:31 PM
I do my membership in 3 year installments. I guess I've had trouble with other "memberships" disappointing me somewhere down the line and want to get out if need be. Got to say I have been very impressed with NRA overall. One thing I did notice is if I write to them asking a question they have always answered promptly. Most organizations after getting your money ignore you. Am considering becoming a life member.

11-07-2015, 07:39 PM
I keep renewing annually. I have been tempted to send some money to the Second Amendment Foundation as I have been impressed with what they do as well.

From an annual membership, a life member ship would be next but so far when it comes up I haven't gone there yet.

11-08-2015, 06:14 AM
The NRA was founded in 1871 to promote civilian marksmanship. The ILA was established in 1975 solely for the purpose of protecting our second amendment rights. The NRA has not wavered from those concepts. Every gun owner who values their 2A rights should be a member. Approximately one third of the 320 million Americans claim to own guns. If the NRA's five million members, became 20 million members no politician would ever dare to consider proposing new anti-gun legislation.

11-08-2015, 07:56 AM
The NRA was founded in 1871 to promote civilian marksmanship. The ILA was established in 1975 solely for the purpose of protecting our second amendment rights. The NRA has not wavered from those concepts. Every gun owner who values their 2A rights should be a member. Approximately one third of the 320 million Americans claim to own guns. If the NRA's five million members, became 20 million members no politician would ever dare to consider proposing new anti-gun legislation.

You're right. 20 million would be a force to be reckoned with. That would shut up the hildabeast for fear of losing. And that should be an easily achievable number.

11-08-2015, 08:44 AM
Saw an interesting story in the news this morning. It seems how you say things is what matters, not what you mean. If people hear "gun control" they have a negative response. If they hear "gun safety" they are all for it. This will be a new approach for the gun grabbers. Hitlery's campaign managers are all over this saying this is what she actually meant. I for one heard exactly what see said (and meant). The Word Police are everywhere! PC at it's finest. Never in all my years did I think the American people were so gullible. I work at getting people to join the NRA every chance I get.

11-08-2015, 10:21 AM
Been a member off & on since the mid 60's. Been doing the 5yr. membership the last 10 or so yrs. Put a renewal in the mail box just a little while ago. The NRA is the loudest voice we have.


11-08-2015, 03:09 PM
Its not what "they" do, but what "we're" able to do with strength in numbers!

11-08-2015, 06:43 PM
You might also want to join your States Gun Lobby too. It may do a lot of good in some states. I know it made a difference in getting concealed carry passed in my state.

11-08-2015, 07:10 PM
Florida Carry is an effective group.

11-09-2015, 06:15 AM
All politics are local. That's a lesson that I learned in the mid eighties.

11-10-2015, 09:43 AM
Renew every year.............................................. ................

01-01-2016, 12:05 PM
Been a Life Member for about 20 years

01-02-2016, 08:08 AM
I make a donation to the NRA/ILA annually. A check generally goes out with the first appeal for funds in January. I make it my New Year's resolution.

01-03-2016, 09:50 AM
Gun Owners of America is a good group to join too. They don't compromise as much as the NRA seems willing to do sometimes.
if the NRA are sheepdogs, then Gun Owners of America are Pitbulls in guarding the 2nd Amendment.

sas PM9
01-03-2016, 11:18 AM
The NRA organization is not perfect; what organization is!
They ARE the best thing going for the protection of the 2nd Amendment.


01-05-2016, 03:02 PM
There is no reason not to belong to both. GOA dues are only $20 a year. The more we have fighting for our 2A rights, the better.

02-18-2016, 06:41 PM
Gun Owners of America is a good group to join too. They don't compromise as much as the NRA seems willing to do sometimes.
if the NRA are sheepdogs, then Gun Owners of America are Pitbulls in guarding the 2nd Amendment.

How about giving us a list of the GOA's accomplishments.

02-19-2016, 07:58 AM
As I type this, I have an NRA telemarketer on my speakerphone giving me his speel. They use local phone numbers to fool you into answering the call. I told him I gave at the office. Then put the number on "block" on my iPhone.

02-19-2016, 08:09 AM
If the call came from a local number it came from a local volunteer, or it was a scam.

02-22-2016, 11:53 AM
https://www.gunowners.org/why-join-goa.htm Let the politicians tell you what they have done. Not so much a list of accomplishments, there goals are usually the same as the same as the NRA's. They just add to the pressure the NRA puts on politicians. Like having Lawrence Taylor, Reggie White, Ray Lewis, or Junior Seau backing up your defensive line.

02-22-2016, 02:58 PM
I'm a man of limited means. I'll stick with the organization that was established in 1871 and has been leading the second amendment fight since 1975 and with the organization that is five million members strong. NRA all the way.

02-22-2016, 03:54 PM
Any enemy of Hillary is a friend of mine!

02-28-2016, 06:08 PM
For anyone not already a life member, membership usually $1,000 has been on sale for $500 and the last day is tomorrow Feb 29 2016! Then the membership is going up to $1,500.

Its not easy to find anymore, the normal site is showing the normal price, but here's a web link https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?campaignid=XR030121 or call 800-672-3888 during business hours tomorrow.

If you've been meaning to upgrade, don't pass it up.