View Full Version : CW9 Range Report

07-19-2010, 09:55 PM
Well after a lot of debating with myself I finally picked up a Kahr CW9. I have read many glowing reviews of the Kahr line of pistols. I have also read of many horror stories of malfunction prone guns and customer service that is somewhat lacking.

I took my new CW9 out to the range last Friday, along with my Kel Tec PF9 and S&W Sigma 9VE. Kahr recommends a 200 round break in period. After breaking down the gun into its major components, I cleaned the CW and lubed it with Weapon Shield Oil. I put 200 rounds of WWB through it in less than one hour! For me, that is a lot of shooting in a short period of time. The temps were in the 90’s and the little Kahr did heat up real quick. I took a couple of breaks during the 200 rounds to try to let it cool off but it didn’t really seem to. The slide and slide release lever did get really hot. I didn’t have a single malfunction during the 200 round break in period. I was really surprised how easy the gun was to shoot. I don’t really think I could have handled 200 rounds through the PF9 because it is so light weight. Usually after about 20 rounds with the PF9 I am done. I don’t think the Sigma would have been as easy either given the heavy trigger. I enjoy the Sigma but I think the trigger pull would get tiring after awhile. For me, the CW9 is a great compromise between the two other guns. It is heavy enough to handle recoil well and the trigger is light and smooth enough to not be tiring.

I then decided to run some different defensive rounds through the CW9 to see what kind of groups I would get as well as further reliability testing with JHP ammunition. I was shooting at 7 yards with no rest. 5 shots per target. This is right after the 200 round break in period without cleaning.

I shot the following JHP defensive ammunition:
Winchester Ranger 124gr +p
Winchester Ranger Bonded124gr +p
Winchester Ranger 127gr +p+
Speer Gold Dot 124gr +p
Federal HST 124gr +p
Federal 9BPLE 115gr +p+

Here are my targets:

07-19-2010, 10:02 PM
Just a few more targets. And I noticed this chip on one of the rails in the dust cover. Didn't seem to be a problem, but I didn't think it was normal. And a final shot of the dirty little trooper.

I was very impressed by this CW9 and am not second guessing my decision at all!!:D

07-19-2010, 10:22 PM
Glad to here your first outing with your CW9 went well.And the chip you refer to on front left slide rail is normal.All CWs have it by design so don't worry about it you can find were Kahr mentions it at there website most here refer to it as a witness mark.I have a CW9 with almost 800rds. downrange and zero problems even during breakin period.Very fond of it!


07-19-2010, 10:25 PM
That's a mark that Kahr uses for alignment or something... totally normal. Only the P380's don't seem to have it. Nice shooting, too.

07-19-2010, 10:29 PM
Here is the link were Kahr mentions the mark on your front slide rail. Kahr Arms / Q & A (http://www.kahr.com/OR-4.html#q24) Bottom of page.

07-19-2010, 11:11 PM
Nice groupings! So what will be your load of choice?

07-20-2010, 06:46 AM
Great range report, Thanks! And welcome to the forum. I feel the same about my CW9.

-- Richard

07-20-2010, 07:17 AM
tbone: excellent groups and you stayed around the 7 yard range also. that is really excellent groups. The CW will serve you well and it is one gun tha tyou can indeed shoot until the cows come home. welcome aboard also..

07-20-2010, 08:07 AM
Nice groupings! So what will be your load of choice?

I haven't really decided yet. I just ordered some Gold Dot and Ranger 147gr ammo and will try it out as well. Really I think any of the loads will be just fine. I have a soft spot in my heart for the 9BPLE load for some reason. It seems to shoot well in any 9mm I try it in. So if I don't want to carry +p+ I will probably go with the Ranger 124 +p. Do any of you guys run 147gr? I know there is some debate about its effectiveness.

07-20-2010, 10:36 AM
With few exception, I run toward the heavy end of a calibers weight range. I don't own a 9mm, but would go 124 or 147 depending on availability. Most of my 45's are loaded 230 gr. My 40 is with 180gr, and my rifles follow suit. My 357 and my Kahr are loaded with light for caliber loads with 110gr and 165+p respectively. This is one that everyone has an opinion on.

07-20-2010, 10:37 AM
P.s. welcome to the asylum. You'll love it here, just ask questions, and pipe up if you feel the need. Lot's of good people around here.

07-20-2010, 03:17 PM
Nice shootin, great pics.....might have a to get a CW9 one day too...who knows?