View Full Version : More than 100 feared dead

11-13-2015, 06:52 PM
More than one hundred fear dead after six terrorist attacks in Paris. Obummer certainly has the JV team on the run. Carry well my friends.


11-13-2015, 07:17 PM
Wonder if this is in retaliation for the killing of Jihad Piggy-whats-his-name...

11-13-2015, 07:26 PM
Allahu Akbar. I don't think so. Jihad John was small potatoes. This is a result of drawing a red line in the sand.

11-13-2015, 07:39 PM
One captured terrorist told police that we are ISIS. American blood is the best blood and we will be taking it soon. Coming to a city near you?

11-13-2015, 07:46 PM
I hope not, being so close to Christmas and all.

11-13-2015, 08:01 PM
Shhh! Don't let em know yer a Christian.

11-13-2015, 08:51 PM
O is bringing 10K of these people here.

Are you ready?

11-13-2015, 09:19 PM
I may have to do a little reloading. Let me check. Nope, I'm ready.

11-13-2015, 09:23 PM
O is bringing 10K of these people here.

Are you ready?

He's actually trying to speed up the "vetting" of thousands of the Syrian "refugees" to get them here.

He also told Stephanopolis on the Morning Show (this morning) that Al Qaeda is "contained".
Maybe he meant contained in Paris?

11-13-2015, 09:42 PM
Something like 118 folks killed by five shooters in the concert - as of current reports.

Makes me think. What the F do those folks expect, a couple of American's to save the day every Fn time the poo hits the fan?

Not that I'd expect an ARMED Frenchman to be much good anyway.


Makes me think. What could one dedicated American, with a single 1911, have done to help save the day? Those ******* cocksuckers turn tail and run whenever folks shoot back at 'em.

11-13-2015, 09:42 PM
Wunnerful. The auto-censor takes out r, but leaves in c. Amazing PC at work here ....

11-13-2015, 10:24 PM
Is it difficult to conceal-carry an AR15? I'd just about feel comfortable in public with one.

11-13-2015, 10:32 PM
I think I'd go with my 7" AR, nice and compact, and really, unless you're shooting at 300m all day, its got enough balls even with the short barrel.

11-13-2015, 10:36 PM
And, just to break the ice on the oft mentioned subject....

I'm sure the French are glad they're under such strict gun control laws. Sacre bleu! Without such strict gun control the carnage would have been ten fold at least!


Let met add.... BOLLOCKS!

I'm sure O'Bummer will want to impose more controls on American's because of this, while he opens up the borders to the French rejects r@gheads.

11-13-2015, 11:51 PM
O is bringing 10K of these people here.

Are you ready?

Not to mention the ones he's letting out of prison recently.

11-14-2015, 06:29 AM
What is the concealed carry laws in France? Anyone know? Dan

11-14-2015, 07:00 AM
Don't belittle the French people. If it weren't for the French you'd still be waving a British flag. They came to our aid in the Revolutionary War and we were glad to have them join in the fun. They provided us with men and arms. Their president has declared war without mercy on ISIS. Our president is twiddling his thumbs .

11-14-2015, 07:21 AM
French citizens gun laws are not as bad as uk. They are allowed to own guns for home defense purposes. They have to buy their ammo at police station, and must be able to account where they used the previous batch of ammo, before they give another batch.

11-14-2015, 08:01 AM
You have to remember that Islam declared war on Christianity in the 1700s. That verse in the Marine Hyme about Montezuma and the shores of Tripoli wasn't referring to the Presbyterians you know.

11-14-2015, 08:13 AM
The French are a C-hair better than the Italians at fighting anything greater than a shadow, or providing real substantial relief to anyone troubled with more than a case of intestinal gas.

Yah Muggs they helped us, and where did it get them? Their own revolution.

Louis the Sixteenth was the King of France in 1789.
He was worse than Louis the Fifteenth.
He was worse than Louis the Fourteenth.
He was worse than Louis the Thirteenth.
He was the worst since Louis the First.
King Louis was living like a king, but the people were living rotten.
So the people, they started an uprising which they called the
French Revolution, and of course you remember their battle cry,
which will never be forgotten:

You went the wrong way, Old King Louie.
You made the population cry.
'Cause all you did was sit and pet
With Marie Antoinette
In your place at Versailles.

And now the country's gone kablooie.
So we are giving you the air.
That oughta teach you not to
Spend all your time fooling 'round
At the Folies Bergere.

If you had been a nicer king,
We wouldn't do a thing,
But you were bad, you must admit.
We're gonna take you and the Queen
Down to the guillotine,
And shorten you a little bit.

You came the wrong way, Old King Louie.
And now you ain't got far to go.
Too bad you won't be here to see
That great big Eiffel Tower,
Or Brigitte Bardot.

To you King Louie we say fooey.
You disappointed all of France.
But then what else could we expect
From a king in silk stockings
And pink satin pants?

They had their own O'Bummer it seems.

Back to the French being very slightly better than the Italians. Both are very brave when they have a friendly giant at their back. Both dropped their guns and ran like piss down a drainpipe when they turned around, like a kid on his first day at school, and realized their protector wasn't there any more. What made the French better, is they actually gave us the dignity of stealing their wine in both world wars. The Italians just drank theirs.

Read more: Sherman Allan - You Went The Wrong Way Old King Louie Lyrics | MetroLyrics (http://www.metrolyrics.com/you-went-the-wrong-way-old-king-louie-lyrics-sherman-allan.html#ixzz3rTV5TqdU)

11-14-2015, 08:36 AM
Don't forget Napoleon. He was a hard and successful fighter.

But look at us. Our troops still can kick ass, but the politicians won't let them.

11-14-2015, 09:08 AM
Is it difficult to conceal-carry an AR15? I'd just about feel comfortable in public with one.

My 10.5" 5.56 Bulgy AK pistol is my Urban Apocalypse gun.
How people continue to believe "Gun Safe Zone" Shooting Galleries solve anything mystifies me.
https://lh3.ggpht.com/uS7MuCfYygd_Q6Xji65whv_6s8jMmaY9twjnIZmb5YEBYKRK_p HXDQRblIUnmuKj5A=h900

11-14-2015, 09:16 AM
And they say no one needs a 30-round magazine.

I guess I'll stick with my P95 and multiple 17 round mags, but I'm not very accurate with pistols beyond 20 yards or so.

OTOH, that gives me an excuse to hit the range for some 20-25 yard practice.

11-14-2015, 09:25 AM
Don't forget Napoleon. He was a hard and successful fighter.
But look at us. Our troops still can kick ass, but the politicians won't let them.

Without the French, specifically Charles "the Hammer" Martel, there would be no Europe, no Western Civilization, no Britain, no America. The grandfather of Charlemagne, he led the Franks to beat the ISLAMIC hordes at the Battle of Tours. This stopped their conquest of the continent at the Pyrenees which allowed the development of Europe mostly free of Muslims until recently. We desperately need him again.


11-14-2015, 10:52 AM
I was in geneve switzerland, a week ago, probalby wold still be there today if this sh!t happened. Our POTUS will protect us, so fear not, he is sending his best man over there. Kerry, our modern day war hero. The most decorated purple heart solder in less than 4 month period. Just sayin

11-14-2015, 11:20 AM
Wake up America...


11-14-2015, 11:21 AM

11-14-2015, 11:28 AM
My thoughts....


11-14-2015, 11:46 AM
The French don't lack cojones, they are short on leadership - and have been since Napoleon. We are in the same boat at the moment.

11-14-2015, 12:12 PM
Sounds like the French fared a little better than Americans did at the hands of homegrown American terrorists like McVeigh and James Eagan Holmes. Not sure why you guys want to throw the French under the bus after something like this happened to them.

Right after 9/11, the French newspaper La Monde had the headline, "Today, we are all Americans". I am embarrassed by some of the sentiments in this thread.

11-14-2015, 12:36 PM
Because Europe let this slowly simmer for decades, in the face of common sense telling us it was suicidal. They've just about run out of other people's money, they've abandoned religion, and welcomed immigrants who will never assimilate and intended all along to take over. There is no comparison to Oklahoma City.

11-14-2015, 12:44 PM
Because Europe let this slowly simmer for decades, in the face of common sense telling us it was suicidal. They've just about run out of other people's money, they've abandoned religion, and welcomed immigrants who will never assimilate and intended all along to take over. There is no comparison to Oklahoma City.
Oklahoma City and Aurora are examples of how equally ineffective Americans are against such attacks.

As for European policies, I don't see the distinctions your making between our long-standing immigration policies and theirs, or our their economy and ours. Did China suddenly not own trillions in US debt? Has the per capita GDP of the US not been in decline for something like 40 years?

Europe has lived through much more terrorism than the US has.

11-14-2015, 12:50 PM
I'd like to remind members that personal attacks are not permitted on this forum.

Longitude Zero
11-14-2015, 12:54 PM
Did China suddenly not own trillions in US debt? Has the per capita GDP of the US not been in decline for something like 40 years.

These two situations have ZERO to do with the French attacks and as far as terrorism they also have ZERO correlation. Aurora could have been lessened if not for the inane and ignorant No Guns Allowed nonsense.

11-14-2015, 01:03 PM
These two situations have ZERO to do with the French attacks and as far as terrorism they also have ZERO correlation. Aurora could have been lessened if not for the inane and ignorant No Guns Allowed nonsense.
That wasn't my idea, it was JohnR's.

The No Guns Nonsense is as much a normal thing in the US as it is in Europe.

The only difference between this happening in France and in the US is that it happened in France. There are already five guys with rifles here in the US and plenty of concerts, fairs, stadiums, etc that are just as easy to attack.

Longitude Zero
11-14-2015, 01:21 PM
The only difference between this happening in France and in the US is that it happened in France. There are already five guys with rifles here in the US and plenty of concerts, fairs, stadiums, etc that are just as easy to attack.

Could it happen in the USA yes. Would it be as bad, probably not. Millions of US citizens carry concealed and would certainly slow/stop the carnage long before it got as bad as it did. Frankly the folks across the fruited plain would not have to worry abut trials as I am sure the terrorists would NOT survive.

11-14-2015, 01:36 PM
I'm not going to bad mouth the French when their people used piano wire to take guns from the Germans and who fought by our side once we freed them from the tyranny of Nazi oppression. The French saved the lives of many of our downed fliers and POWs at great peril to themselves. Now I'm not gonna eat any snails mind you, but I will raise a glass of French wine to them.

Longitude Zero
11-14-2015, 01:59 PM
muggsy I kinda agree but have a more pragmatic view. Their current "aw shucks" pretty much wipes out the attaboys and kudos for WWII. You are only as good as the present. The past is over and done with. I love eating escargot and French Wine should be poured back into the toilet.

11-14-2015, 03:16 PM
As some may know I tend toward a contrarian view on occasion. This post is NOT an attack on anybody, foreign or domestic, just my thinking. Feel free to skip it or Bawanna can delete it, I simply want to put it put there.

America is well know as an open country. Hell with many states openly giving drivers licenses to illegals which with Motor Voter laws such as CA and others, it also gives them the POSSIBILITY to vote in all elections. I know it is definitely illegal for non-citizens to vote, but they are already criminals just for being here and since they want to stay they vote for the Dems. Ever curious why Obama dropped the barriers to the borders? So this is now a given at least for now and 2016.

Now with that, ponder a few minutes the fantasy of starting a new city. Only this city is one on YOUR Private Land and declared a sanctuary where those wanting in have to be vetted and become a citizen of your city. Those familiar with the William W. Johnstone "Ashes" books know where this is heading. Citizens would get an implant registering them as such and show as blue on the scanner, visitors one that identify them as such and yellow and the date they have to leave or extend, And so on for contracted workers of all sort. Those without implants show as red and immediately tracked down and arrested (not killed) for in depth interview. Yes there would be cameras everywhere! EVERYBODY wishing to give up citizenship may do so and their implant must be removed. If they leave the city for an extended time they will be checked out upon returning.

Everybody is encouraged to carry and gun handling and self defense are taught starting in grammar school. Everyone who is able works in some capacity, those who cannot are encouraged to stay active. All children go the school as well as adults who haven't reached a high school graduate level.

About now some of you are shouting YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!! Well if possible I would and remember those who do not agree and sign up to be a citizen or become one and change their minds are free to go. My city would not be a democracy but would be safe, clean, well educated, productive, and with very solid justice. It would not be evil, biased against race or creed, with everybody measured by their actions. When tried for a crime, a person would be treated fairly and as innocent. The court would be shown ALL evidence and circumstances well heard. People in decision roles would be measured only on just decisions not on conviction rates. If a defendant pleads not guilty at the beginning, they would have the opportunity to change their plea before the jury's decision. If sticking to not guilty, the defendant must take the stand to explain why they still believe they should be found not guilty.

Okay, you get the idea. I know it sounds like a caliphate but it is far from it. Citizens have to want to come in, can leave at any time, religious freedom very strongly enforced, including non-religion, only without all the name calling etc. Yes it would be a stronghold and most attacks would be prevented or stopped, but rockets and air bombs could be a problem. The city would be central in a very large square miles of land with edge defense networks to keep them away as possible.

I like my idea but would likely be the only one willing to live there..... hey now that's an idea!!

11-14-2015, 04:50 PM
Count me in Old Lincoln, the Ashes series was awesome.
I liked the you produce or contribute to whatever degree your physically able or out you go.
Very little need for courts or trials. I loved his scenario where a guy is burning leaves and the smoke is blowing into the neighbors house.
This isn't worthy of a court proceeding or lawsuit but it does grant the neighbor the right to come over and kick the leave burners ass for not having the common sense to not be a nuisance.

I loved the whole plan myself. Get your city going, I'll look for a moving truck. Someplace besides California though PLEASE.

We could have our own Tri STates.

Actually that's been my semi long term dream of a place in Wyoming, like 50,000 fenced acres with just me and the family. No immigration, visitors vetted at the gate, shooting range in any direction. What a dream.

11-14-2015, 05:08 PM
thats why many luv ol Donald, he bsicaly said what ol lincoln said so nicely, only donald says it in two words. FOKK UM. Just sayin that way translation doesn't get all messed up either..

11-14-2015, 05:34 PM
Actually that's been my semi long term dream of a place in Wyoming, like 50,000 fenced acres with just me and the family. No immigration, visitors vetted at the gate, shooting range in any direction. What a dream.

Such a deal I got for you,

80 miles of fence to maintain. 25,000 pasture poodles, 1000 antelope, 14 mule deer, an occasional moose and bear, and one wild sumbitchin' heifer that we can't get close to.

50 miles to a grocery store. 28 miles round trip to get your mail. Referred to as the Saudi Arabia of wind. Sometimes snowed in for a month at a stretch.

Gather up your green stamp books and maybe we can make a deal.

11-14-2015, 06:43 PM
Well now Iggy, just last week you said the guvna said that Wyoming was officially full! All my hopes and dream crushed in one sentence. I'm still suffering a bit from it.

Now this.

Only issue I got is the damn wind, don't care much for wind. 50 miles to the grocery store is good, heck 50 miles to the property line would be perfect. Course my version of Itchy couldn't handle it, she wants it too but she's gotta go to town at least everyday or every other day, I'd never be able to afford fuel.

Always wanted to get me a nice big Antelope head mounted. Got a mountain goat, thought a prairie goat would look just fine next to it.

Probably won't happen now but it was a happy thought.

11-14-2015, 06:46 PM
We oughta invoke the LeMay Doctrine, and get rid of the purple pissing jocksukers by bombing them back to the stone age!

11-14-2015, 07:47 PM
Well now Iggy, just last week you said the guvna said that Wyoming was officially full! All my hopes and dream crushed in one sentence. I'm still suffering a bit from it.

Now this.

Only issue I got is the damn wind, don't care much for wind. 50 miles to the grocery store is good, heck 50 miles to the property line would be perfect. Course my version of Itchy couldn't handle it, she wants it too but she's gotta go to town at least everyday or every other day, I'd never be able to afford fuel.

Always wanted to get me a nice big Antelope head mounted. Got a mountain goat, thought a prairie goat would look just fine next to it.

Probably won't happen now but it was a happy thought.

Well, it's true I'd have to leave if you was to move in for more reasons than one, but if you got enough green stamps for me to retire in Fiji, we might cut some kind of a deal.;)

11-14-2015, 08:33 PM
If the muslims keep this crap up, I can see a new batch of Hitler types coming to power in Europe, riding a wave of nationalism, supported by the people wanting to preserve their traditional way of life, and not having to cater to a bunch of foreigners that want to kill them. I think this "refugee" crap is just a plot to strengthen the muslim presence in Europe and bring in more terrorists. Especially with the boatloads of 70 percent fighting aged men coming in. If they can't prove they are Christian fleeing the muslims, then they should send em home and make them pick a side and fight for their country. Makes me wonder just who is the enemy there, the muslim refugees, or the governments allowing them in? I'd say both. Globalism at it's finest. I bet things start changing as elections are held, and they vote in some leaders that have a pair, and say to hell with this political correct crap of welcoming them in to eventually take over the country. They cry about how bad things are in their country, then go somewhere else and try to make it just like the place they left.
Germany has been seeing a rise in national socialist youth in recent years, this is going to add fuel to that fire. The French were willing to try to get along with rugheads, but I think attitudes are rapidly changing now. All over Europe, these animals rape the local women, and people are sick of it. It's hard to believe the people haven't retaliated big time. Stockholm Sweden, is now the rape capital of Europe.

A lot of people are wondering if that is going to be us in a few years? Might be if we take in another few tens of thousands of "refugees" Many of whom are young men 18-40. But even the children we let in grow up or sometimes blow up and cause trouble. So it will only get worse here too. They practice that "religion of peace" game, until they get strong enough to start pulling stuff like this crap in Paris. We need to make it perfectly clear that we aren't having that crap over here. Hmm How do we do that? I won't say what I'm thinking. I bet others have the similar or worse thoughts. Just give them a clear sign they aren't welcome here, and neither are the ones that want to let them in. I sure don't like getting all hateful over this. I pray for a peaceful solution, but people have been praying for peace for years, and it hasn't happened. I'm just tired of all the kill whitey and kill a cop crap going on already, I don't want to see it coming from another group. Especially one that we let into the country as poor refugees.

I'd say that the 2016 election is probably going to be the most important one in recent history, if we have one and if the fix isn't in. And if we can vote for someone that will actually make some changes. Instead of voting in another Globalist New World Order puppet. The RNC is already talking about sabotaging some key primaries, to keep certain front runners off the ticket, so they can run Jeb. Big change that will be. Another puppet. Although I don't think there is a real political solution for the mess we are in, a leader loyal to the people of the USA would be a nice change of pace. If the idiots and the dead people and rigged voting machines pick Hillary, then I hate to think what will happen. Although if Jeb gets the nomination, then I doubt he'd be a whole lot better if he wins.

Texas, New Mexico Arizona, and California need to say screw the Feds, and borrow some of that military equipment that was shipped down that way and start patrolling the border with a vehicle every 200 yards or so, closer after dark. And take the ones they capture back across the border and drop them off after ID'ing them for any known criminals. No need to bother the feds, just put em on a bus and send em home. I guess the States need to protect themselves if the border patrol isn't going to do their job. Someone needs to protect the people down that way. You can bet if they were coming in through DC, or NYC something would have been done about it already. Who knows how many terrorists are sneaking in with the Latinos. And what kinds of weapons they are bringing with them.

BTW I hear the French Foreign Legion are pretty bad-a$$. Maybe they should turn them loose in Paris.

11-14-2015, 08:39 PM
My son said the first contingent of a 1000 Syrian Males arrived in New Orleans today.

Where are these men's families? I'd die fighting any and everybody to protect my family rather than abandon them to become an Obama Democrat.

11-14-2015, 08:41 PM
Well, it's true I'd have to leave if you was to move in for more reasons than one, but if you got enough green stamps for me to retire in Fiji, we might cut some kind of a deal.;)

11-14-2015, 08:42 PM
I'd miss the snow drifts, barb wire, and red dust, but I could live like that!!

Oh yeah, there'd be some suddenly unemployed family members that might take umbrage if'n I sold the place out from under them too.:yell:

11-14-2015, 08:58 PM
Yeah, a couple years ago there was a place in the Idaho panhandle that was trying to start such a community. I can't remember much about it but it was along similar lines. Hell of it I'm too old to move and can't afford it neither. I've already counted myself and bride as ones who are left behind (excepting for the rapture then we'll be in front of the line - at least me wife will).

11-14-2015, 09:30 PM
I'm PISSED at what happened in France. May God bless and comfort their families.

I'll tell you straight now, I am a Weapons Carry License holder, and I will now carry my Kahr EVERYWHERE unless it is legally restricted. 9mm 124gr Federal HST on my hip, at all times.


11-14-2015, 09:39 PM
Oh, and practice head shots. These d!icks are coming in wearing body armor.


11-15-2015, 06:29 AM
I practiced yesterday, 24 yard head shots on a reduced-size target. About 80% hits. COM shots went better.

Body armor doesn't cover the groin or femoral artery, good places to aim at, to interrupt their train of thought.

11-15-2015, 09:36 AM
Head shots are extremely difficult as they are small targets and always moving. My trainers told us to shoot for the hips/pelvis area. It usually breaks bones, is very painful, and immobilizes the aggressor giving you enough time for a well aimed shot.

Jesus, I though I had this figured out.
forty years ago = J-frame in pocket
twenty years ago = 3" 1911 .45 in IWB Milt Sparks Summer Special
6 years ago = Kahr PM9 or Shield PJ's or Silent Thunder IWB
grandkids came = Glock19 with Raven VG2 trigger cover
In today's world, what the hell do I need to carry to the mall to protect my family, a caddie to carry the potentially needed ammo?

11-15-2015, 10:19 AM
and the world is feeding them.

They do it to terrorize the public, and the news agencies help them by broadcasting nothing but news about them and their act. They will broadcast about it forever...feeding their ego.

I actually think the media terrorizes the world.

11-15-2015, 10:23 AM
Head shots are extremely difficult as they are small targets and always moving. My trainers told us to shoot for the hips/pelvis area. It usually breaks bones, is very painful, and immobilizes the aggressor giving you enough time for a well aimed shot.

Thanks! Good perspective and great advice!


11-15-2015, 03:47 PM
Don't belittle the French people. If it weren't for the French you'd still be waving a British flag. They came to our aid in the Revolutionary War and we were glad to have them join in the fun. They provided us with men and arms. Their president has declared war without mercy on ISIS. Our president is twiddling his thumbs .

And now, their president is delivering. Good start, at the very least. We'll see if they follow through long term.

11-15-2015, 03:56 PM
Oh, and practice head shots. These d!icks are coming in wearing body armor.

I haven't seen the details.
But mostly folks just wear vests.
Better to practice for pelvic shots.
Second choice kneecap the suckers.
Even with armor, a flock of lead has got to be a distraction.
I feel often these active shooters may not be LE/Military trained.

Also armor doesn't protect from some Martial Arts techniques.
Even shot - I'm going to do some damage if I can get my hands on the perp.
My second tip?
Bullet resistant vests don't always protect against edged weapons.

Be Safe!

11-15-2015, 04:42 PM
I haven't seen the details.
But mostly folks just wear vests.
Better to practice for pelvic shots.
Second choice kneecap the suckers.
Even with armor, a flock of lead has got to be a distraction.
I feel often these active shooters may not be LE/Military trained.

Be Safe!

That somewhat reminds me of an adage I recall from awhile ago that may have some merit here .. Aim for below the belt buckle on the first shot, and let muzzle rise take care of the rest on the follow up shots.


11-16-2015, 05:51 PM
Thanks! Good perspective and great advice!


I would think also that it wouyld effect urinating to. Just sayin

11-16-2015, 05:54 PM
My thoughts are that most every shooting, onc has no clue where he aimed or thinking about the pelvic area, over the head etc. Unless u have shot mny people to get sme immunity to actually shooting at someone who is also shooting back at u, it is nice to talk about it but in real life,that probably doesn't happen as planned. Just sayin

11-16-2015, 06:06 PM
Apparently I have been practicing my entire life for this moment in American History..........Who knew