View Full Version : .45 Long Colt from Charter Arms

11-16-2015, 05:58 PM
I called Charter today, to order a spare hammer so I could bob one.

They don't offer a bobber for the 45ACP yet, or I'd have just bought one of those.

The lady was really nice. Dee Ecker. Just happens to be the same name as the President/CEO Nick Ecker! I'm impressed.

Small company. Fifty or so employees. Sounded very "its a family thing" to me. Dee knew all the parts inside and out. She's an expert.

Ok, so I asked for a new hammer. She asked, was there a problem, why did I need a new one. I said I wanted to bob one, since they're not available yet.

Ok, $24.95 plus five bucks shipping. Took my card info, promised a Tuesday ship out, arrival Friday.

So I mentioned... you know... you're driving me nuts with the 45ACP, since a 45 Long Colt will fit that cylinder.

She "implied" it was on purpose (or that's my take on it), and also said, its in the works, but not to hold my breath. They've got some other things in the works too, that come first. I know they've been working with all sorts of finishes and combinations - short run stuff. Anyway, she assured me it was on the list of things to do, they know it can be done, have a decent amount of requests for it.

So there ya go. This new Charter is not a Smith. There are few rounded and svelte corners. Its not as smooth (but mine has smoothed up considerably).

The design has some nice features - the way they lock the front of the crane to the frame is novel, and it works! I always used to think they locked at the rear only... nope, front and back, and as nice as a Ruger in that regard (although different). I'll say they've tightened up the quality (on the one I got at least) and I don't feel like I'm holding an IED when its in my hand.

Anyway, I had a very good vibe when speaking with Charter today. I read online that in 2011 they fired their suppliers for not being able to deliver the quality of parts they wanted. New vendors, higher degree of quality control. Nick seems determined to make a go of it with quality. No question, what I got was perhaps not flawless, but well made (if unadorned).

11-16-2015, 06:28 PM
When I read the title of this thread i thought you had already modified yours or got an extra cylinder.

Did you get to shoot it and if so what were your thoughts?

11-16-2015, 06:31 PM
No, I got rained out on Saturday.... I have zero doubts about its shootability.

Grips are mo' comfy now.

Action is slicked up like any Ruger - just keep dry firing!

I did get a chance to round off the trigger corners a bit... HUGE improvement (for my hammy finger at least).

I'm getting a bit sentimental here, but I really wish they'd do this up in a five inch barrel with adjustable sights......

11-17-2015, 10:18 AM
I'm glad Charter has another happy customer. I always thought they were a very decent outfit, and their guns were good. Plus made in the USA. :Amflag2:

I wonder if the 45LC, will be a Judge type pistol capable of firing 410 shells too.

11-26-2015, 07:43 AM
Just as a side note, when you bob that hammer, be prepared to stiffen up the main spring. Sometimes taking off that little bit of weight on the hammer results in light hits. May not be the case on your Charter, but thought I would mention it. Good luck with the "bob" and let us know how it goes!

11-27-2015, 08:32 PM
Grips are mo' comfy now.

You didn't mention grips in your original post. What did you do to them?

Edit: Never mind, just saw your other post about shortening the grips.

11-27-2015, 10:10 PM

Both Grips shortened, and sorry, no "before" shots.

Still have not rounded the Pitbull, but probably will this weekend

11-29-2015, 06:26 AM
I'm glad Charter has another happy customer. I always thought they were a very decent outfit, and their guns were good. Plus made in the USA. :Amflag2:

I wonder if the 45LC, will be a Judge type pistol capable of firing 410 shells too.

Won't happen, the frame is not long enough to accommodate the 410 shotshell.

11-29-2015, 09:57 AM
I think that's rather obvious... but it wouldn't take too much rework to lengthen the frame. You'd have the frame, cylinder, ejector and ejector rod... maybe an odd spring in there too. I don't think its likely though.

What I do think is likely is the .45LC, since they said so.

It would be a no brainer to make 10mm revolver, using 40cal barrels on the 45 frame (which is larger than the 44 frame the 40 is on) and make up 10mm five shot cylinders. Maybe have to finagle the length of the ejector there too, as the 10mm is more than a C-hair longer than the 40. But in essence, it would work, and the larger cylinder should be up to the task of the 10mm.

The 30cal carbine would also be doable as a six shot in the 45 size cylinder.

I don't think we'll see .45 Win Mag in that... not enough beef, similarly forget the .44AMP or any bottleneck cases.

And if you wanted to get really clever and outrageous, a 32acp 6 shot, or 25acp 8 shot....