View Full Version : What would you Do? Your thoughts?

11-21-2015, 03:35 PM
Given This:

http://video.foxnews.com/v/462...842001#sp=show-clips (http://video.foxnews.com/v/4620801709001/dr-gorka-dont-wait-for-uncle-sam-to-protect-you/?playlist_id=2694949842001#sp=show-clips)

At what point will citizens in "MAY/no issue" CCP like NJ NYC etc. start to carry regardless, for the op's exact reason. A "I will not comply" mentality. Would they be aggressively prosecuted?
I think about all the commuters that do the Trains into places like Philly and NYC, the Penn Stations and the fat ripe terror target they are.

What would you do?
Protect yourself and break a dumb Law
Hope you don't get slaughtered....

11-21-2015, 03:47 PM
I would have to try and find any way I could to move/relocate. I could not live in a state/states that does not let you protect yourself legally, and does all it can to make it impossible to get any legal permission to do so.

11-21-2015, 03:54 PM
I would have to try and find any way I could to move/relocate. I could not live in a state/states that does not let you protect yourself legally, and does all it can to make it impossible to get any legal permission to do so.

This isn't about me, I'm good. I think about the 3 million that commute to and from NYC/Philly with no legal ability to carry. The gangs of Newark Camden, that's ok. But the the people with the jobs in these ripe target zone was who I refer to.

11-21-2015, 04:28 PM
Maybe the old saying, "I'd rather have 12 judgin' me rather than 6 carryin' me." applies here.

11-21-2015, 04:32 PM
Concealed is concealed, I guess.

11-21-2015, 04:34 PM
Sadly those 3 million folks you are thinking of are probably all sheep and would not carry a sheep dog tool or means of defense if it was legal.
Many of those super highly paid folks who live like that probably don't have enough common sense to carry a weapon, nor the mind set to utilize it if needed.
It really is the way it is because that's the way they want it. It's sad for them when you think about it but pretty common all over really.

Nobody likes a sheepdog (unless they are a fellow sheepdog) until they get in a bad way and then the sheepdogs pretty ok until they are safe and out of harms way and then they don't care for the sheepdog anymore.

We all pretty much know where I stand, if my defense tools can't come with me, I don't need to go there.

11-21-2015, 06:21 PM
This isn't about me, I'm good. I think about the 3 million that commute to and from NYC/Philly with no legal ability to carry. The gangs of Newark Camden, that's ok. But the the people with the jobs in these ripe target zone was who I refer to.

I realized that it wasn't about you...............................if I had no way of leaving, I'd have to buck the law and carry.................................

11-21-2015, 06:28 PM
Sadly those 3 million folks you are thinking of are probably all sheep and would not carry a sheep dog tool or means of defense if it was legal.
Many of those super highly paid folks who live like that probably don't have enough common sense to carry a weapon, nor the mind set to utilize it if needed.
It really is the way it is because that's the way they want it. It's sad for them when you think about it but pretty common all over really.

Nobody likes a sheepdog (unless they are a fellow sheepdog) until they get in a bad way and then the sheepdogs pretty ok until they are safe and out of harms way and then they don't care for the sheepdog anymore.

We all pretty much know where I stand, if my defense tools can't come with me, I don't need to go there.

We think so much alike I think we be cuzins.

11-21-2015, 10:16 PM
It's kind of sad that The Right to Keep and Bear arms shall not be infringed, has been infringed on so much. If I was unable to move, I'd carry well concealed, and take my chances. I'm sure the first few they catch will be made an example of, but if thousands of people start doing it, what are they going to do? I'm afraid The Colonel is right about those folks living in those areas. Seems like the are willing to be victims. I can't believe some of the idiots on some of the comments on different articles crying about the poor refugees, some even comparing them to Joseph and Mary, a Mideastern couple looking for shelter, even calling them persecuted (when they weren't, just going off to sign some decree). What a bunch of hogwash. Libtards are a whole different animal, that I don't understand.

11-22-2015, 03:54 AM
Folks have been carrying concealed illegally forever. It isn't much of a social statement to break the law when the law is inconvenient. I do it in my car daily.

The real question is whether having a pistol is going to make any difference at all if you are afraid that terrorists might derail your train.

I think that a lot of people simply refuse to live in constant fear of the tiny possibility that they will personally be the victim of a terror attack, so they don't. France lost 130 victims to terror out of a population of 66 million. Since that is about 1000 times less likely than dying from falling off a ladder, is it something anyone should be so worried about that they stop enjoying their life?

11-22-2015, 07:00 AM
I haven't carried illegally forever, only for about 40 years. I recently repented and have carried legally now for about 6 years. So far I haven't had an occasion to use my guns, but Obama has decided to make this country a target rich environment by importing 10,000 Serbian refugees, so there's hope for me yet. :)

11-22-2015, 10:19 AM
Folks have been carrying concealed illegally forever. It isn't much of a social statement to break the law when the law is inconvenient. I do it in my car daily.

The real question is whether having a pistol is going to make any difference at all if you are afraid that terrorists might derail your train.

I think that a lot of people simply refuse to live in constant fear of the tiny possibility that they will personally be the victim of a terror attack, so they don't. France lost 130 victims to terror out of a population of 66 million. Since that is about 1000 times less likely than dying from falling off a ladder, is it something anyone should be so worried about that they stop enjoying their life?

I guess if your not one of the 130 victims it's hardly worth giving a thought. I wasn't in the world trade center that day so guess that wasn't a big deal either.

I don't do ladders anymore so I should be good to go.

11-22-2015, 10:30 AM
When I lived in New York I lived in a county that would not issue concealed carry. So, I was not able to buy a pistol. So, I built my own 1911. What part of "shall not be infringed" do they not understand. I will not comply.

11-22-2015, 10:36 AM
It's kind of sad that The Right to Keep and Bear arms shall not be infringed, has been infringed on so much. If I was unable to move, I'd carry well concealed, and take my chances. I'm sure the first few they catch will be made an example of, but if thousands of people start doing it, what are they going to do? I'm afraid The Colonel is right about those folks living in those areas. Seems like the are willing to be victims. I can't believe some of the idiots on some of the comments on different articles crying about the poor refugees, some even comparing them to Joseph and Mary, a Mideastern couple looking for shelter, even calling them persecuted (when they weren't, just going off to sign some decree). What a bunch of hogwash. Libtards are a whole different animal, that I don't understand.
Maybe those people are more afraid of what the "law" will do to them than the criminals. We know the criminals don't care, because the "law" usually doesn't do anything to them.

11-22-2015, 04:16 PM
Being armed if possible is important, especially for people like me who are older and stand a much better chance with a weapon than without.

But I believe the the mindset to fight and not submit is what's critical. The 3 American boys on the French train a few months ago had the attitude. Unarmed but fought and subdued the Muslim terrorist. Same thing in several plane incidents. So unarmed doesn't mean helpless.

11-23-2015, 06:17 AM
I'm not afraid of terrorists derailing the train I'm riding in. I'm concerned about the terrorist who wants to shoot me in the face or cut off my head. I was a boy scout and be prepared is still my motto.

marshal kane
11-23-2015, 07:44 AM
I would have to try and find any way I could to move/relocate. I could not live in a state/states that does not let you protect yourself legally, and does all it can to make it impossible to get any legal permission to do so.
That's the way it is in Commiefornia where the Legislature is at war with all gunowners.