View Full Version : PM45 Slide Play
11-22-2015, 10:59 PM
Hello folks, new to the forum.
Just bought a used PM45 and had it out at the range this past weekend. Love the gun, the size and the trigger. My question is in regards to what I think may be excessive play between the slide and frame. I literally can feel the slide move when I handle the gun. I've never experienced this before and none of my other handguns do this, been shooting over 25 years, so I don't know how much or if any play is normal. Also, I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn shooting this gun. Nada. Nothing, even @ 7 yards. I shot about 75 rounds before I finally put it away.
Wondering if this play between the slide and frame is normal for this gun and could it be affecting accuracy?
BTW: I also noticed a bent recoil spring when I field stripped it, same as I saw mentioned in another post. I went ahead and ordered a new recoil spring assembly.
Beats me how you can bend the recoil spring on a PM45.... but then again, the ten thumbs principles apply.
Some play is normal. You'll feel some sideways play, and up/down play. This will be noticeable with an empty pistol, no magazine.
You may feel movement at very end of the trigger pull, and when releasing the trigger to reset it. Again, normal.
Two PM45's for me, both have some wiggle, and both run like an fanatical Mohammedan across the Rio Grande on a moonlit night.
No complaints, no worries and after months of pocket carry, I just whip one out, fire it until empty in the back yard, and clean/reload it fresh ammo. Complete confidence in both.
11-22-2015, 11:38 PM
Thanks, that makes me feel a little better about the slide play. My recoil spring was not deformed as bad as the other fellow's but I decided to replace it anyway.
Maybe I just need some more range time shooting the PM45. More range time makes everything better.
11-23-2015, 08:39 AM
The long double action trigger pull takes time to learn unless you were raised on S&W double action only revolvers. You have to remember that Kahr pistols are down and dirty concealed carry self defense pistols and not target pistols. I find them to be very accurate for there intended use. You shouldn't have any problem shooting groups that stay within a three inch circle at 21 feet. Are Kahr pistols accurate? Watch the video and then you tell me.
Compared to a couple of 1911s I've owned my CW 45 slide to frame contact is tighter than a bull's ass in fly season.;)
11-23-2015, 01:11 PM
Compared to a couple of 1911s I've owned my CW 45 slide to frame contact is tighter than a bull's ass in fly season.;)
That being said, there is something definitely wrong with mine. It is not tight.
11-26-2015, 12:32 PM
I have two PM45s one is the older version with just over 10,000 rounds through it. The frame "slop" is less than the newer version with about 3,500 rounds. So I got out the calipers;
Older across the rear frame inserts = .903
Newer across the rear frame inserts = .888
Across the rear slide cut out on both = .909
12-09-2015, 05:03 PM
I bought my PM45 in 2010. Don't know how many rounds I've put through it. The slide doesn't have any up&down play and barley feel (maby a thousandth at the very end (mussel). Sounds like the previous owner may have abused it. Maby a gun smith can help you out. Good luck.
12-10-2015, 09:20 AM
That being said, there is something definitely wrong with mine. It is not tight.
I think ur worrying about to much. U can send it back but Ihave no doubt kahr will not do anything for you. Not trying to be offensive here Never read anywhere that a kahr had to be tight.
12-10-2015, 09:27 AM
Hello folks, new to the forum.
Just bought a used PM45 and had it out at the range this past weekend. Love the gun, the size and the trigger. My question is in regards to what I think may be excessive play between the slide and frame. I literally can feel the slide move when I handle the gun. I've never experienced this before and none of my other handguns do this, been shooting over 25 years, so I don't know how much or if any play is normal. Also, I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn shooting this gun. Nada. Nothing, even @ 7 yards. I shot about 75 rounds before I finally put it away.
Wondering if this play between the slide and frame is normal for this gun and could it be affecting accuracy?
BTW: I also noticed a bent recoil spring when I field stripped it, same as I saw mentioned in another post. I went ahead and ordered a new recoil spring assembly.
kahrs IMO are not an easy gunto shoot accurately. It takes alot of rounds and great trigger control Muggsy is right, in his comment about if ur good with a DO wheel gun then ur good with a kahr. Buy some snap caps, and throw them in with 30 rounds and let a nutter person load ur magazine for you. This will show u exactly what you doing wrong. Its not any side play causing to shoot that bad at 7 yards. Ur new to this looooong but smooth trigger pull. U have never had a semi that works like this either. It takes time, but personally if ur expecting 2" groups at 7 ytards, maybe anutter gun will do better. The kahrs ca do it, but most shootersw cannot. I have been shooting my PMJ9 for over 7 years and it is as tight IMO as the day I bought it,sure there is some play but nothinbg that concerns me either.There are probably more TIGHT guns that give issues than ones with some forgiving play. Try the snap caps. CJB is also right, ur noticing the side play on an empty gun, a full mag, round i the chambert, everything then tightens up like designed. Ur ok, just shoot it like u stole it, welcome to the forum. we are here to help not to harm...
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