View Full Version : San Bernadino Shooting- Here we go again
12-02-2015, 01:46 PM
It must be the time of year. Not much info so far. Still developing. 20 (not confirmed) victims.
12-02-2015, 01:50 PM
Cue 0zero in three, two, one...
12-02-2015, 02:07 PM
Reports say multiple shooters involved and 12 confirmed dead.....This is more than just a nut job.....
12-02-2015, 02:39 PM
I'm curious to know where it occurred. Was it a gun-free zone?
12-02-2015, 02:49 PM
The Inland Regional Center is a state run facility for people with developmental disabilities. It looks like a big facility. I'm sure its a weapon free zone.
12-02-2015, 02:53 PM
does the insanity ever stop? Damn.
12-02-2015, 03:00 PM
Farook Syed. No doubt a Roman Catholic conservative Republican NRA member.
12-02-2015, 03:04 PM
I always thought that the California gun laws were supposed to stop these types of things............................................ ...
12-02-2015, 03:13 PM
They're getting closer to confiscation. :(
12-02-2015, 03:17 PM
I wonder if he had a Confederate flag on his car.
12-02-2015, 04:03 PM
Based on the police interview, it appears there were up to 3 shooters. 14 dead and 14 wounded. Shooters fled the scene in a black SUV. Still at large.
12-02-2015, 04:25 PM
guys, I live here in this State.. This is a tragedy for the families of those murdered and for the 2nd amendment here in Kali
12-02-2015, 04:34 PM
Its not sounding like a "typical" crazed gun man. It's sounds like an act of terrorism. Terrible either way. Stuff like this makes me cringe.
12-02-2015, 04:36 PM
guys, I live here in this State.. This is a tragedy for the families of those murdered and for the 2nd amendment here in Kali
^^^ Truth!
But this sort of craziness makes us (me) angry: angry for those harmed, angry for our loss of liberties, angry for knowin' what's coming and that we might not be able to stop it... just f n angry. Sorry to vent but it's hard to know how to react/behave under these circumstances.
12-02-2015, 05:21 PM
We don't know if this was terrorist related or not but it sure looks that way and Obummer is already at it....This man is incorrigible
Sounds like they may have got them. This work place violence is getting old.
However, comma, I see that 0 is already on his stump about gun confiscation.
As Rhamn said. Don't let any tragedy go to waste.
Sphincter in Chief, Obama, calls for "Gun SAFETY Laws"
Note the subtle inclusion of "safety". Everyone wants to be safe. Safe is good. We need Obama to be safe. We need to be disarmed to be safe....
12-02-2015, 06:08 PM
the feeding frenzy starts
12-02-2015, 06:45 PM
Obama said "we need to change the laws", no it's called the Constitution. These shootings are terrible but we must not lose sight of the big picture which is American freedom. Guns have kept those that would take our freedom out and controlled those Americans among us who would do us in.
12-02-2015, 07:09 PM
These people were stopped by men with guns. When 0zero gives up his armed security, I'll give up mine.
Can you imagine O returning to his ghetto mansion in Chi town and leaving his Secret Service detail behind?
12-02-2015, 07:41 PM
Flipping channels betweem Fox News and MSNBC it took Chris Matthews less than an hour to blame the NRA for this mass shooting.
12-02-2015, 07:50 PM
Obama said "we need to change the laws", no it's called the Constitution. These shootings are terrible but we must not lose sight of the big picture which is American freedom. Guns have kept those that would take our freedom out and controlled those Americans among us who would do us in.
I thought is was already against the law to kill people?
How about enforcing existing laws?
More unenforceable laws.
Or worse yet, laws that simply disarm law abiding citizens are just plain stupid.
I'm so tired of this crap...:mad:
12-02-2015, 08:05 PM
guys, I live here in this State.. This is a tragedy for the families of those murdered and for the 2nd amendment here in Kali
Why do you say that this is a tragedy for the second amendment? It's a tragedy for the families of the dead and wounded, but the second amendment remains sacrosanct.
12-02-2015, 08:08 PM
Can you imagine O returning to his ghetto mansion in Chi town and leaving his Secret Service detail behind?
Yes. Yes I can.
12-02-2015, 08:11 PM
I blame this situation on global warming. What the hell, it seems to work for Obama.
12-02-2015, 08:42 PM
Can you imagine O returning to his ghetto mansion in Chi town and leaving his Secret Service detail behind?
A fella can dream can't he?
Shooter Syed Farook. Must be NRA, probably of Irish/German ancestry.
12-03-2015, 06:52 AM
Fokking moose limbs. Satanic camel-piss-drinking pedophile death cult.
12-03-2015, 07:20 AM
Now for the knee jerk over reactions and the blaming of the guns not the people. This was a planned attack on soft targets for as yet unknown reasons. I'm sure we can guess the reasons. Can I get an Allah Akbar...
marshal kane
12-03-2015, 07:32 AM
The community organizer is calling for more stringent gun control again? How about him setting the example by dismissing his security team, driving to work in his own car, and taking public transportation when he travels like the rest of us?
12-03-2015, 07:44 AM
1. Muslim
2. Planning
3. Left child with grandmother
4. Tactical gear
5. Pipe bombs
6. Illegal weapons and magazines for California
7. Went to Saudi Arabia prior to the shooting
8. Personality change after returning from Saudi Arabia
9. US born and educated
No matter who argues, the facts are obvious, even NBC News.
Longitude Zero
12-03-2015, 08:01 AM
1. Muslim
2. Planning
3. Left child with grandmother
4. Tactical gear
5. Pipe bombs
6. Illegal weapons and magazines for California
7. Went to Saudi Arabia prior to the shooting
8. Personality change after returning from Saudi Arabia
9. US born and educated
No matter who argues, the facts are obvious, even NBC News.
IMHO the investigation will show all this to be absolutely true and much, much more. It is also being reported the female was a Qatarian citizen by birth.
The dear leaders says we have to do something about this.. Well I did this morning. I went from .45ACP to 10mm. More horsepower and more ammo...:Amflag2:
12-03-2015, 08:39 AM
If you look at it, the idiot in the Whitehouse is causing all this crap. He's basically daring anyone to challenge his authority, and idiots are stepping up to bat. The more emotion he shows, the worse it's going to get. Let's get a real President in there, one with a good poker face, and a brain in his head.
12-03-2015, 11:01 AM
Can you imagine O returning to his ghetto mansion in Chi town and leaving his Secret Service detail behind?
I bet you a dollar he'll move to an expensive mansion in a liberal gated community because he only posed as a black Chicago native to get elected anyway. Plus he's a chicken which is why he does everything he does.
What cha think?
12-03-2015, 11:07 AM
IMHO the investigation will show all this to be absolutely true and much, much more. It is also being reported the female was a Qatarian citizen by birth.
...... right before it's declared a workplace violence incident by you know who because pork chops were served at the CHRISTmas party and he got his feelings hurt.
12-03-2015, 11:20 AM
The home where they lived was an IED factory. Explosives were blown up and apparently their house has the windows blown out.
Now the Feds are searching their computer info and trying to ascertain what happened in Saudi Arabia. There was training from somewhere, IEDs on remote controlled cars, and so. A neighbor saw suspicious activity by the man and his wife with many deliveries of packages and working in their garage at night after he got off work. The woman who saw this was politically correct and didn't report anything because she didn't want someone to think that she was bigoted. He PC decision cost 14 lives.
The guy was a county health inspector of restaurants. He changed with his attitude and became standoffish at work. He was nervous at the Christmas party and left it with his jacket still on a chair.
He returned in tactical gear with his wife and they shot up the place. This was planned and intentional.
Just like 911 and apparently we (the nation, law enforcement, and intelligence have learned nothing since 911.
12-03-2015, 11:51 AM
The dear leaders says we have to do something about this.. Well I did this morning. I went from .45ACP to 10mm. More horsepower and more ammo...:Amflag2:
Good plan Iggy, I'm not switching to 10mm but adding more 45. I do believe it's high time to play cowboy and Muslims.
I got a horse and the hat, lets play.
12-03-2015, 11:56 AM
I'm having a Christmas party at my office and some local muslims are invited. You're all invited!
12-03-2015, 12:06 PM
Interesting how this will play out. Do you think the antigun banter will stop given the new info or will it press people to demand more access to firearms for protection. What sayeth the forum members?
12-03-2015, 01:06 PM
I think the anti-gun rhetoric will peter out. No law would have stopped this. The question we will be left with is the fact that this was a terrorist event and we (government) had no idea it was coming. They were saying Black Friday gun sales were an all time high, something like 180k sold. They haven't seen anything yet.
Nothing will deter the antis. They have never let the truth or facts deter them in their disarming of America. This will just fuel their attacks on legal gun owning American.
12-03-2015, 03:01 PM
I think the anti-gun rhetoric will peter out. No law would have stopped this. The question we will be left with is the fact that this was a terrorist event and we (government) had no idea it was coming. They were saying Black Friday gun sales were an all time high, something like 180k sold. They haven't seen anything yet.
Harry Reid has already started blaming guns. And that Dingle berry on msnbc too whatever his name is.
12-03-2015, 03:27 PM
Harry Reid has already started blaming guns. And that Dingle berry on msnbc too whatever his name is.
Harry Reed attracts about as much attention today and a fly on a turd. Just sayin. He hated his mother.
marshal kane
12-03-2015, 03:27 PM
Look, it happened in CALIFORNIA where the Legislature and Governor have been passing gun control laws for years. Home of some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. With so many laws already on the books, this should have never happened! Yet the population still overwhelmingly supports their politicians like lemmings following their leaders off a cliff.
12-03-2015, 03:45 PM
That's a fine idea! Lets find a really tall cliff. Dear Leader can lead the parade.
12-03-2015, 05:19 PM
I was in a MILO training session with a few cops and a couple of Sky Marshals when the shooting broke out. Oddly enough, we were practicing active shooter scenarios on a 180 degree screen with interactive lasers. Everyone's attention picked up as the cell phones auto updates started bringing in the news. An odd feeling to say the least.
12-03-2015, 06:56 PM
[QUOTE=marshal kane;356252]Look, it happened in CALIFORNIA where the Legislature and Governor have been passing gun control laws for years. Home of some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. With so many laws already on the books, this should have never happened! Yet the population still overwhelmingly supports their politicians like lemmings following their leaders off a cliff.
Apparently the laws and signs are not specific enough. They should make one that clearly says NO MASS KILLINGS HERE. Pretty sure that will stop the problem.:rolleyes:
12-03-2015, 07:11 PM
Interesting how this will play out. Do you think the antigun banter will stop given the new info or will it press people to demand more access to firearms for protection. What sayeth the forum members?
I don't think that we'll ever see an end to the argument, but for the most part it's just the left pandering to it's base. It's up to people like you and me to vote for conservative candidates.
12-03-2015, 07:13 PM
Harry Reid has already started blaming guns. And that Dingle berry on msnbc too whatever his name is.
They're all dingle berries at MSNBC. Can you narrow it down a bit? Did he get a thrill up his leg when Obama was elected? In that case it would be Chris Mathews.
12-03-2015, 08:16 PM
They're all dingle berries at MSNBC. Can you narrow it down a bit? Did he get a thrill up his leg when Obama was elected? In that case it would be Chris Mathews.
You nailed it, Chris Mathews. Thanks
12-03-2015, 08:56 PM
You nailed it, Chris Mathews. Thanks
I'm good. I read your subconscious mind. :)
12-04-2015, 08:08 AM
They keep referring to this as a "mass shooting" instead of a terrorist attack, ignoring the failed or unused pipe bombs and the obvious Muslim jihad involved.
It ain't rocket science. The anti-religious cultural Marxists in charge of Hollywood, our schools and Universities, Washington DC, and the largest cities deny the existence of good and evil in the religious sense. They re-wrote it so poor Democrat voting minorities (and Democrat politicians) are "good" and the rest of us are "evil" by definition.
Guns neither obey nor disobey laws. Good people obey laws, evil ones don't. We can't begin to solve the issue of violence until we accept that good and evil exist, and that laws have almost zero influence over good or evil behavior. Good people obey the law because most laws correlate to good behavior kind of by coincidence. Evil people, well do I even have to explain it?
12-04-2015, 08:09 AM
ISIS sympathizer coming near you.
What do you know, 20 year old woman in #5 was less than an hour from my house, and honeymooning couple in #4 was next state over.
Looks like we have nothing to worry about, huh? :confused:
12-04-2015, 08:23 AM
ISIS sympathizer coming near you.
What do you know, 20 year old woman in #5 was less than an hour from my house, and honeymooning couple in #4 was next state over.
Looks like we have nothing to worry about, huh? :confused:
Naw, 0puke said we were safe.
The Congress should ban mass killings. After all it would be a federal law.. Everybody obeys those don't they?
12-04-2015, 10:54 AM
The Congress should ban mass killings. After all it would be a federal law.. Everybody obeys those don't they?
Bingo! You've solved it!
Yup, everybody follows federal laws, except the Feds.
Oh, yeah... I forgot about them. :mad:
12-04-2015, 01:36 PM
Wish I could forget.
What happened to the days when being a Senator, a Congressman or a President was an honor and they felt a duty to their country. Did good for a term or two and then went back to the real world.
Now it seems to be a career and a very lucrative one too.
12-04-2015, 02:02 PM
They keep referring to this as a "mass shooting" instead of a terrorist attack, ignoring the failed or unused pipe bombs and the obvious Muslim jihad involved.
It ain't rocket science. The anti-religious cultural Marxists in charge of Hollywood, our schools and Universities, Washington DC, and the largest cities deny the existence of good and evil in the religious sense. They re-wrote it so poor Democrat voting minorities (and Democrat politicians) are "good" and the rest of us are "evil" by definition.
Guns neither obey nor disobey laws. Good people obey laws, evil ones don't. We can't begin to solve the issue of violence until we accept that good and evil exist, and that laws have almost zero influence over good or evil behavior. Good people obey the law because most laws correlate to good behavior kind of by coincidence. Evil people, well do I even have to explain it?
FBI today called it terrorist attack, course no doubt this pisses the POTUS off as he is the king of all this knowledge. so what does the FBI know. Just sayin
and..... CAIR says... its partially the fault of US policy....
Here's what I got to say about CAIR:
The day they come forward, and say "Anyone who terrorizes, harms, or kills in the name of Allah, cannot be a true Muslim, or follower of Islam"....
That is the day I'll have sort of respect for those morons.
For them, just like the monkey's over at Black Lives Matter, just like the tree huggin' climate change progressive whackjobs, like the filth ridden Occupy Wall Street derelicts, they don't care about the meaning of their message, as long as they can use the message to sell their real agenda.
You can bet the FBI is gonna be on a mighty short leash on what they can reveal.
Investigation will not come to any significant conclusions.
Is it just me or does she look like John Belushi in drag?
Then again, those terrorists tend to look like big stars.....
12-05-2015, 09:09 AM
12-05-2015, 10:37 AM
you can bet the fbi is gonna be on a mighty short leash on what they can reveal.
Investigation will not come to any significant conclusions.
not sure we eed to know all tat sh!t either. Tell us and ur telling the world THE NEWS media is who should be on a short lease.
Six middle eastern men were taken into custody on an Arizona ranch yesterday.
Two had "steel canisters" in their backpacks.
Border Patrol called DHS. DHS called the FBI.
The Border Patrol logs every person apprehended, by name and by biometric information.
FBI would not release the names of the two with the canisters. Neither would they reveal detailed biometrics.
Border Patrol supervisor said in 35 years, these were the only two "un-named detainees" logged into their records.
So, I got thinking... WTF is with that?
Here's where I'm going with this Jocko....
The BAD GUYS already know that two of their folks were taken, and they know which two - with the canisters!
They know already. No check in, no confirmation calls, read the news, etc. etc. They know what happened, I think that's certain.
So why hide the information?
They don't want the people of the USA to know.
What if some 3rd party group that monitors the "do not fly list", or monitors the list of know terrorists, or other nasty guy roster, makes a match?
We got confirmed terrorists crossing the border, that's what.
Keep it hush, keep it under wraps... nothing to see here, just two guys....
I really doubt this is tinfoil hat stuff. They don't want anyone to really fully understand what is getting in here.
Might interfere with Latino influx.
Might interfere with Syrian influx.
Might look even worse for O'Bummer...
12-05-2015, 01:44 PM
:behindsofa:Obama Response To San Bernardino Is Shocking?
by Andrew McNealy ( - Dec 5, 2015
85,000 Muslim refugees to be resettled… in San Bernardino
After two ISIS-affiliated gunmen shot up a San Bernardino, California, office holiday party, the federal government is doing something drastic—but not what you’d think.
Now, it appears the federal government has decided that San Bernardino County is the perfect place to house tens of thousands of Muslim refugees from Syria.
Apparently, local San Bernardino area charities have been paid by the United States Department of State to resettle refugees in nearby Redlands, California—and citizens are up in arms.
At a meeting this week, sponsored by the activist group Redlands Downhill, citizens expressed outrage to the city council that the federal government would pack more refugees into their hometowns.
“Where will they be housed?” demanded Victoria Hargrave, to the city council. “How will their expenses be paid and by whom? And what will be done to ensure the safety of our community? Our biggest concern is the safety of our family, our children and our grandchildren.”
“The Obama administration would like to bring in 85,000 Syrian refugees into our country in the calendar year that just started on Oct. 1 and they have admitted that they have no database or source of information with which to vet these refugees,” she added. “There are primarily Sunni Muslims. Al-Qaida are Sunni Muslims whose culture and ideology are completely contrary to our Constitution.”
“I don’t care to be politically correct any longer. This is just a plan for disaster,” said another concerned woman, anonymously.
To help quell concerns, the Islamic Center of Redlands hosted an “Open Mosque Day,” to help show residents that Muslims aren’t so different than the rest of the people of San Bernardino—but it didn’t appear to have helped.
Much of the resistance had already been brewing—but it appears to have reached fever pitch in the days after the terrorist attack. It remains to be seen whether or not the federal government will move ahead with their plans to resettled 85,000 Syrians in San Bernardino—or if voters will fight back and win
There's a lot more people listening to Barry these days..... hoping to hear a shot!.:behindsofa:
12-05-2015, 06:15 PM
They don't want the people of the USA to know.
I believe that.
12-06-2015, 09:56 AM
People buying up arms.
12-06-2015, 04:46 PM
I think u all are to hard on Obummer. I blame his wife, she has radialized him.. all these women make us men seem useless without them.
I do have a good question concerning these towel head women , this might sound alittle off the wall, but heh, its ol jocko,, do those towel head muslim women give hummers? Just askin.
I got raidialized once. It was a pick up in bar/one night stand. If I coulda ever found that woman again I woulda married her on the spot.
..... the weapons were military grade rifles, modified to make them more lethal....
is what the new reported about the two AR's
So, do you think the reporters got this information spoon fed to them by someone?
What makes them military grade (they are not) and what made them "more lethal"?
12-06-2015, 07:29 PM
I think u all are to hard on Obummer. I blame his wife, she has radialized him.. all these women make us men seem useless without them.
I do have a good question concerning these towel head women , this might sound alittle off the wall, but heh, its ol jocko,, do those towel head muslim women give hummers? Just askin.
She turned him into a tire? (
She radlalized him alright.... that explains the tread pattern in his nappy doo.
12-07-2015, 07:01 AM
I got raidialized once. It was a pick up in bar/one night stand. If I coulda ever found that woman again I woulda married her on the spot.
I married her, she was my first wife, u were lucky, u survived. Just sayin
12-07-2015, 10:23 AM
Dont know if this has been posted but its quiet interesting
Tashfeen Malik (King) is a nom de guerre for a Muslim Jihadist from the annals of Muslim history ( As he is known to Muslims “تاشفين ملك الموحدين” Tashfeen Malik Al-Muahideen, in English: Tafhseen King of the Unitarians (Muslims) and the conquerer of the west. The history stems from when Yusuf ibn Tashfin ( led the Muslim forces in the Battle of Zallaqa ( He came to Andalusia from Morocco to help the Muslims fight against Alfonso VI (, eventually achieving victory and allowing the Muslims to remain in Spain for centuries. The battle has been symbolic for Muslim victory against the Christians.
12-07-2015, 01:44 PM
I feel oh, so much safer after the POTU spoke last nite. I think I will sell all my guns (sorry colonel, not the Model 60, )
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