View Full Version : Meprolite night sights or XS Big Dot for PM9?

12-02-2015, 10:55 PM
Hi. I'm new to the sight as you can probably tell by my question. I recently bought a PM9. I use it as my self defense concealed carry weapon. I live in an urban area and I train shooting 8" targets, rapid fire, at 15' & 21', at my local range. With this said, do you think the new Meprolite sights or the XS Big Dot sights would be best for my needs when carrying at night?
Thanks for any advice.

12-03-2015, 09:32 AM
It depends. I love the concept of the Big Dots, but I am not very accurate with them. It probably has to do with my eyesight, etc. I ended up changing all my Kahrs to 3 dot sights.

But, if the factory, dot the i, sights work for you, the Big Dots should be great.

12-03-2015, 09:40 AM
I like the factory sights on my MK........................I put Big Dots on another firearm, and I can't say enough about them. For very fast acquisition, IMHO, they can't be beat. Especially good for older eyes. I too do most of my shooting for defense practice, and the Dots have really helped my accuracy. There's nothing wrong with Meps either, if you prefer that 3 dot configuration, but for business work, I'd go with the Dots.

12-03-2015, 09:43 AM
If you need better sights the choice is yours as all these fancy brands work for many folks well . I like standard Trijicon NS best and not distracting like some can be . Kahrs NS are trijicon .

My eyes sight does not allow me to see my sights clearly and get a good down range transfer for defensive shooting so my focus is on the target . I don't know how to call what I do , aimed point shooting maybe . Its not point shooting like from the hip but looking down the top of the slide or over the sights with no hard focus on the sights , only on the target and out to 15 yards I can keep a rapid fired group inside a 8 by 12 area , 10 yards with my cm9 .

Theres a good article in the latest Guns & Ammo rag - January 2016 - See Your Sights . In the article Rob Leathem covers it well .

Its a different type of shooting focus from shooting for group size were sight type matters far more . Dot optics for me when accuracy matters !! Hummm , trijicon rmr on a little cm/9 series kahr would look funny .

12-03-2015, 10:17 AM
Not the best pics, but maybe it will help you decide............................................ .

12-03-2015, 05:29 PM
I have a PM9 with factory night sights. Great at the range to show the guy/gal next to you a nice tight group at 30'. Now, on the the reason you probably own your PM9. If you have terrific eyesight, the stock sights or night sights should do fine with your young eyes. In darkness, the three dot sights are superior but who is going to fire away in total darkness?

I am old, and understand that my defensive handguns are just that. I have learned to point shoot those guns. When driving my gun forward I prefer a front sight that catches my eye as I am coming to target.

12-03-2015, 05:47 PM
I have a PM9 with factory night sights. Great at the range to show the guy/gal next to you a nice tight group at 30'. Now, on the the reason you probably own your PM9. If you have terrific eyesight, the stock sights or night sights should do fine with your young eyes. In darkness, the three dot sights are superior but who is going to fire away in total darkness?

I am old, and understand that my defensive handguns are just that. I have learned to point shoot those guns. When driving my gun forward I prefer a front sight that catches my eye as I am coming to target.

This sounds logical and consistent with my experience. A big bright front sight is quicker on target but 3 dots yield slower but tighter groups (for me).

12-03-2015, 07:48 PM
IMHO you're splitting hairs with what comes down to personal preference.
You're asking a question that only you can answer for yourself.
Both sights are fine and I run both on various guns.
But I really favor the factory Three Dot NS on my MK40 Elite.

My best recommendation is to
borrow and shoot friends guns with various sights and figure it out for yourself.

Full Disclosure:
I just don't have a single favorite.
And have changed NS more than once on particular guns.
Also I really don't think of Big Dots as target sights.
More for Close Quarters Combat.

Good Luck!

12-06-2015, 12:06 PM
Total agreement with Barth. I don't have Big Dots yet, but for my cm9 and the intended use of close up protection, I do plan on getting them. For target at up to 15 yd the factory sights are ok for me, but Bid Dots will be replacing them on the cm9 because I want fast target acquisition.

12-06-2015, 12:43 PM
Go with factory.

Here is a picture to prove why.

Notice it's daytime, if you can't see them at night then :confused::confused::confused::confused:

http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s286/Droolguy/20151206_1036501_zpsxwormhpw.jpg (http://s155.photobucket.com/user/Droolguy/media/20151206_1036501_zpsxwormhpw.jpg.html)

12-19-2015, 11:40 AM
Go with factory.

Here is a picture to prove why.

Notice it's daytime, if you can't see them at night then :confused::confused::confused::confused:

http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s286/Droolguy/20151206_1036501_zpsxwormhpw.jpg (http://s155.photobucket.com/user/Droolguy/media/20151206_1036501_zpsxwormhpw.jpg.html)

Why is the front sight so small and dim?

12-19-2015, 11:45 AM
Why is the front sight so small and dim?