View Full Version : Which Kahr would you choose
As a EDC and why?
1. Kahr CW40 w/ front night sight
2. Kahr K9 w/ 3 dot night sights
3. Kahr CM9 w/ front night sight
12-07-2015, 11:37 AM
This is of course a personal choice and you'll get a multitude of off setting answers.
Myself, I eliminate the 40 straight away. Although I love the 40, I do not like it in a subcompact super light gun. It's not painful and I can shoot it all day but too much muzzle flip for me for a defense gun.
The K9 is a winner and probably the flag ship of the whole Kahr company, great gun and if you belt carry in a proper holster on a proper belt, that would be my first choice.
If you want to pocket carry in some form either pants or jacket etc, then the CM wins the day. Be good for ankle carry as a back up gun. Works equally well if you use the belt and holster as above.
12-07-2015, 12:44 PM
Need to know how it's going to be carried..........................not knowing that, I'd have to go with the CW .40 for no other reason in that .40 cal is my favorite caliber to carry and shoot. I do carry an MK9, but have been carrying a .40 cal firearm lately..............been feeling a bit underpowered as of late:)
12-07-2015, 01:43 PM
As a EDC and why?
1. Kahr CW40 w/ front night sight
2. Kahr K9 w/ 3 dot night sights
3. Kahr CM9 w/ front night sight
none of the above. PMJ9 , all day, every day. Just sayin
12-07-2015, 03:35 PM
Which Kahr would you choose
K9, the most reliable Kahr I've owned. A side benefit is that Crimson Trace laser grips can be added as a feature. P9 would be my second choice due to it's lesser weight.
12-07-2015, 03:40 PM
K9. Night or standard sights, either is fine.
Or CT9 with Alphonse's +1 base plate, to save weight and money for lotsa ammo.
12-07-2015, 04:27 PM
Easy, the one I do carry everyday. K9 with night sights.
Even if this thread went on for weeks, you would not get any better advice than the advice below.
This is of course a personal choice and you'll get a multitude of off setting answers.
Myself, I eliminate the 40 straight away. Although I love the 40, I do not like it in a subcompact super light gun. It's not painful and I can shoot it all day but too much muzzle flip for me for a defense gun.
The K9 is a winner and probably the flag ship of the whole Kahr company, great gun and if you belt carry in a proper holster on a proper belt, that would be my first choice.
If you want to pocket carry in some form either pants or jacket etc, then the CM wins the day. Be good for ankle carry as a back up gun. Works equally well if you use the belt and holster as above.
12-07-2015, 06:59 PM
12-07-2015, 07:22 PM
Like others have stated - it's all personal preference.
Only you can answer that question for yourself.
My personal take;
1. Kahr CW40 w/ front night sight (Don't like most small polymer guns in 40 S&W).
2. Kahr K9 w/ 3 dot night sights - For Belt Carry.
3. Kahr CM9 w/ front night sight - For Pocket Carry.
That is all...
12-07-2015, 08:03 PM
Bawanna and Barth nailed it. Jocko did OK too for pocket carry.
12-07-2015, 08:05 PM
As a EDC and why?
1. Kahr CW40 w/ front night sight
2. Kahr K9 w/ 3 dot night sights
3. Kahr CM9 w/ front night sight
been feeling a bit underpowered as of late:)
no love for the CM/CW .45 :confused:
12-07-2015, 08:25 PM
I don't give a damn what gun you carry as long as 9MM is stamped somewhere on the gun. The 9MM is more than adequate for personal defense, is easier on the gun and the shooter, and a whole lot cheaper to shoot. A .40 S&W won't kill a perp any deader than will a 9MM luger.
Thanks for the replies guys.... I own in fact all three of the kahr pistols mentioned. I carry the K9 the most and it goes in a Desantis cozy partner IWB holster. With open carry weeks away from becoming official I picked up a Desantis speed scabbard OWB holster... ( I plan on still carrying concealed although "loosely" ie, under a shirt but still in a OWB holster.)
Without doubt, my EDC is the K9. It has been 100% reliable since day one and accurate as heck. The CM9 is my summer/light clothing go-to gun and my CW40 was my first Kahr but now I use for our local weekly IDPA matches although on occasion it ends up in my carry rotation. All of my kahr pistols have been rock solid performers since the first day I brought them home.
I've owned a couple S&W's, a M&P Shield 40 & a M&P Bodyguard .380. Both are good guns in their own rights however when it comes down to it, I love kahr pistols. I love the smooth DAO trigger & the safety features built into the pistols.
12-07-2015, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.... I own in fact all three of the kahr pistols mentioned. I carry the K9 the most and it goes in a Desantis cozy partner IWB holster. With open carry weeks away from becoming official I picked up a Desantis speed scabbard OWB holster... ( I plan on still carrying concealed although "loosely" ie, under a shirt but still in a OWB holster.)
Without doubt, my EDC is the K9. It has been 100% reliable since day one and accurate as heck. The CM9 is my summer/light clothing go-to gun and my CW40 was my first Kahr but now I use for our local weekly IDPA matches although on occasion it ends up in my carry rotation. All of my kahr pistols have been rock solid performers since the first day I brought them home.
I've owned a couple S&W's, a M&P Shield 40 & a M&P Bodyguard .380. Both are good guns in their own rights however when it comes down to it, I love kahr pistols. I love the smooth DAO trigger & the safety features built into the pistols.
Anyone who loves Kahr pistols can't be all bad, except possibly for Jocko. :)
12-08-2015, 09:06 AM
People that choose 9mm, choose it because it's easier to shoot. Supposedly........................I am most accurate with .40, and so are many others. Nothing against .45 either, I carry that on occasion. Not starting a caliber war again, but bigger holes achieve your goals............................................. ...................................half the people that tell you that you should carry a 9mm, use 9mm for their backup firearm, and carry a larger caliber as their main gun.:o
12-08-2015, 09:38 AM
A 40 S&W is only .02 larger than a 9MM. I doubt the 2/100 of an inch is going to make that much of a difference. As long as the projectile penetrates sufficiently to reach vital organs it will get the job done. A forty isn't any more inherently accurate that a nine. Not trying to start a caliber war. Just telling it like it is.
12-08-2015, 10:01 AM
1 - It makes sense to me to carry a 9mm solely for the additional round(s) compared to larger calibers. To muggsy's point, it will get the job done.
2 - I'm with berettabone = I too shoot .40 just as well or better than 9mm so, for me, it's a viable option.
3 - Seems I'm carrying the CM45 more and more nowadays = big holes + conceals well + light weight for caliber.
4 - My favorite Kahr to shoot is still the K40.
12-08-2015, 10:13 AM
I'm not afraid of caliber wars. I didn't bring up the proper 45's because it was'nt listed on the menu of options and doing so would have only muddied the waters more.
With a 45 there's no need for additional rounds and if you find yourself outnumbered it's time for a rifle or an escape plan.
Just sayin.
12-08-2015, 10:22 AM
A 40 S&W is only .02 larger than a 9MM. I doubt the 2/100 of an inch is going to make that much of a difference. As long as the projectile penetrates sufficiently to reach vital organs it will get the job done. A forty isn't any more inherently accurate that a nine. Not trying to start a caliber war. Just telling it like it is.
A .40 may not be any more accurate for you, but for others it is. To break it down to 2/100 is not the only factor in play. If everyone shot 9mm more accurately, everyone would be carrying it. I believe that the snappiness of the load helps get back on target faster, as do many others. Bigger holes never hurt either. These days, with the drugs, and the clothing issue, a larger caliber will never hinder you. In all reality, many can't hit the broad side of a barn with any caliber, much less 9mm. It's also a reason many people carry .380, they can't shoot anything else accurately with a recoil.
12-08-2015, 10:43 AM
A .40 may not be any more accurate for you, but for others it is. To break it down to 2/100 is not the only factor in play. If everyone shot 9mm more accurately, everyone would be carrying it. I believe that the snappiness of the load helps get back on target faster, as do many others. Bigger holes never hurt either. These days, with the drugs, and the clothing issue, a larger caliber will never hinder you. In all reality, many can't hit the broad side of a barn with any caliber, much less 9mm. It's also a reason many people carry .380, they can't shoot anything else accurately with a recoil.
seems odd tat the snappienss of the round gets one back on target faster. I then wonder why many magna port hand guns. Ity has been proven that it works, especially on the bigger calibers. Just sayin
12-08-2015, 10:59 AM
seems odd tat the snappienss of the round gets one back on target faster. I then wonder why many magna port hand guns. Ity has been proven that it works, especially on the bigger calibers. Just sayin
It might be better to think about it like this: it takes a good grip and shooting fundamentals to mitigate muzzle flip on a .40. That same effort gets you back on target faster = I shoot it better. Since magnaporting helps reduce muzzle flip, it makes sense that I could shoot that even better. Hmmmm. :)
12-08-2015, 11:09 AM
If you talk to people who shoot the .40 cal round on a regular basis, they will tell you the same thing I just posted. Many cannot tell you exactly why they shoot it more accurately, they just do. When I stand next to someone who has a magnaported gun at the range, I just want to ****** them in the face:)
12-08-2015, 11:36 AM
A lot probably has to do with the 40 being faster and undoutedly flatter.
Many could probably hit a target better with one shot especially at longer ranges because it is inherently accurate.
At closer range going for speed, the 9 would win the day.
That's why game shooters want a little recoil as possible, also why they have major and minor classes to even the playing field.
Again to me its all about confidence in yourself and what you carry. Whatever works for each person is the right choice for them even if it isn't a 45 and they are totally clueless and really don't want to hurt anybody.
12-08-2015, 12:02 PM
Of those depicted I would choose the CW40 since it would be lighter then the K9. I'm not a fan of the CM,s since I can't pocket carry them so if it's going on the belt I want the 3.5" barrel and 1 more round.
Also not a fan of night sights. Yes they are easier to see, and everyone else too. Since I wasn't limited to those listed I did pick the P9 with standard peach on a post sights. The C was not an option when I bought mine. Choosing today I might pick the CW9 to save a few bucks but since I already have my P9 I'm not trading.
12-08-2015, 12:11 PM
A lot probably has to do with the 40 being faster and undoutedly flatter.
Many could probably hit a target better with one shot especially at longer ranges because it is inherently accurate.
At closer range going for speed, the 9 would win the day.
That's why game shooters want a little recoil as possible, also why they have major and minor classes to even the playing field.
Again to me its all about confidence in yourself and what you carry. Whatever works for each person is the right choice for them even if it isn't a 45 and they are totally clueless and really don't want to hurt anybody.
I agree with everything you have stated, except for the speed............I can shoot a.40 or a 9mm just as fast as the other, with pretty much the same accuracy, from close range.
12-08-2015, 01:01 PM
My first kahr was a cw9 and really liked it but started CC'n a 40sw back around '92 and always had one in my rotation . I have not carried a 3.5" pistol in now 7 + years and a 3" in close to 9 years . My kahr edc quickly became a tp40 with 155gr 1300+fps load once I was sure I liked kahrs pistols but after hand surgery early last year I had to reduce recoil and snap and moved to a wider heavier pistol for carry . My primary carry is still the larger pistol but I have a ct45 now I have to say its a mid sweet shooter even with 200gr +P loads and split times are faster than a 5" 1911 so I sold the 1911 and the ct45 is finding its way in to my carry holster more often . I still have a cm9 but not pulled the trigger on it in some years . My oldest girl now carrys my cw9 as her edc .
12-08-2015, 03:25 PM
If you talk to people who shoot the .40 cal round on a regular basis, they will tell you the same thing I just posted. Many cannot tell you exactly why they shoot it more accurately, they just do. When I stand next to someone who has a magnaported gun at the range, I just want to ****** them in the face:)
about the waqy I feel when standing next to a 40 cal shooter. LOL.. not really worth arguing about either. everyone has their own choices and reasons. no doubt the 9mm rules in the sales world, maybe a reason, ammo price has to be a good start, recoil a second start.
There's no debate that either 9mm or .40s&w will get the job done. If law enforcement or the military uses it, then it's good enough for civilian self defense. Anything less, (.22 .25 .32 & .380) IMHO is unnaceptable.
I traded in my M&P Shield 40 towards the purchase of a new CM9. Not because of caliber, but more because of the caliber in that particular platform. 40s&w in a small compact polymer frame such as the shield can be punishing on the range. Although the Shield 40 is a awesomely accurate & reliable weapon I strongly feel that the 9mm version is the overall best option due to lesser felt recoil, 1 more extra round in the mag & price per round Vs .40s&w. Again, I must stress, it's the M&P Shield platform I'm talking about here.
Kahr pistols are different.
I will strongly defend my CW40. Unless you have actually spent some time with it on the range, dont say that it's recoil is snappy or too heavy... IMHO, the recoil of my CW40 using either 165 gr. WWB or freedom munitions 180 gr. FMJ, other than the obvious louder BANG when you pull the trigger, I find it's recoil to be comparable to a 9mm. In fact, I've been using my CW40 for local IDPA matches and it has been 100% flawless in the 100 rounds fired thru it to date...I have recently updated to a new stainless steel recoil guide rod from Kahr's custom shop & a new recoil spring. (Kahr suggests replacing their springs every 2k rounds anyway) I would trust my life to my CW40, any of my Kahr pistols I would trust.
As a EDC and why?
1. Kahr CW40 w/ front night sight
2. Kahr K9 w/ 3 dot night sights
3. Kahr CM9 w/ front night sight
CM9. Like the lighter weight of the CM over the K, and not a fan of 40
Big Sexy
12-24-2015, 09:18 PM
Of those choices, I'd get the K9. In fact, I did and haven't regretted doing so. It's a fantastic pistol in all respects.
But, for EDC, I'd go with MK9.
I prefer the all-stainless steel Kahrs over polymer frames.
12-24-2015, 10:11 PM
I have carried the CW40. I shoot it well...
I do carry a K9 and I shoot it well also...
I do carry a P380, shoot it well and don't feel under armed...
Each gun has its day, when wardrobe dictates one form of carry over the others. Mainly works out to what kind of holster "kit" you have for each IMOHO.
I have carried the CW40. I shoot it well...
I do carry a K9 and I shoot it well also...
I do carry a P380, shoot it well and don't feel under armed...
Each gun has its day, when wardrobe dictates one form of carry over the others. Mainly works out to what kind of holster "kit" you have for each IMOHO.
I pretty much do the same thing.... My K9 is my primary, however my CW40 gets out there every now & then.... For the most part, I carry my CM9 when going out for walks, hot summer days & quick trips to the store.... But nothing beats the K9 in accuracy & cool factor
12-24-2015, 11:53 PM
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12-25-2015, 08:34 AM
People that choose 9mm, choose it because it's easier to shoot. Supposedly........................I am most accurate with .40, and so are many others. Nothing against .45 either, I carry that on occasion. Not starting a caliber war again, but bigger holes achieve your goals............................................. ...................................half the people that tell you that you should carry a 9mm, use 9mm for their backup firearm, and carry a larger caliber as their main gun.:o
They choose 9mm because it's the most compact caliber and what many consider a minimum for a self defense caliber. Sure, there a few .380 loads that will penetrate to 12", but expansion is kinda shoddy out of a small barrel. Also, yes, bigger bullets moving faster cause bigger holes, but the difference between a 40 and a 9mm in a non-lethal area is negligible. If you hit where you're supposed to, then all handgun calibers perform nearly identical as far as wounding capability outside of all the large bore magnums (44, 500S&W, 454 casull, etc) but who has the real estate to carry those?
Out of all the pistols posted by OP, I'd choose the CM9/PM9. CCW is all about comfort. The more comfortable you are carrying, the more you'll be willing to carry. I hated carrying IWB because I found it uncomfortable. PM9 was the only thing that fit in my pocket/ankle so I went with that.
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