View Full Version : New CW45 broke on the very first round fired

12-14-2015, 05:08 PM
I finally got to the range today with my CW45 that I purchased brand new 2 weeks ago. I did the recommended prep - mostly cleaning and oiling like I do all of my pistols. I racked the slide multiple times with loaded magazines (assorted FMJ and JHP rounds) to make sure they chambered and ejected properly. I did notice that a lot of time the last round would either not eject all the way or not feed all the way - can't say which - but there would be a round kind of jammed cockeyed and I'd have to pull the slide back a bit to remove the magazine and forcibly remove the stuck round. I figured it was due to me not racking the slide hard enough or something. So I brought it to the range today and brought 5 different types of factory ammo to see what it maybe had a preference for. I started off with Lawman 185 grain FMJ to get used to the recoil before moving up to the 230 grain. First round hit the bulls eye at maybe 15 feet but failed to eject - had to drop the magazine and pull the casing out. I though - okay I limp waisted it due to being wary of the recoil or something. But a total of 6 rounds did the exact same thing so looked closely and there seemed to be something missing from where the ejector sits. I looked around on the floor behind my position and found 2 rods, a spring and what appeared to be the ejector. I'm not a gunsmith but picked up the parts, packed up and brought it back to the shop that I purchased it and they said - "Hmm - never seen that before - we'll have to ship it back to Kahr for repair" I asked if that's all they could do since it was brand new and happened on the first shot and they said they can't replace it and have to send it in - and I shouldn't expect to see it for a month!
Needless to say I'm VERY disappointed in the CW45 reliability. I've been shooting since the Army in the 70's and NEVER had anything happen like this. I feel like now I'll have a "used/repaired" gun instead of new and not sure how long it would take me to feel safe with it as it's intended use was - personal carry. Terrible timing too with my time off coming up during the holidays!

12-14-2015, 05:26 PM
There has been the rare occurrence of that happening. Kahr will fix it up and it probably won't take more than a couple of weeks. I had to have a frame replaced and it was about 9 days. You'll be pleased when you get it back.

12-14-2015, 05:33 PM
Here are some pics of the missing ejector on the slide/frame and the parts that I was able to find

missing ejector

found these on the floor

12-14-2015, 05:50 PM

Curious... when you did the prep, did you have the striker out?

12-14-2015, 05:55 PM
No I've never taken any gun apart more that taking the slide off, and along with that the barrel and spring, clean it up and oil it and put it back together. VERY basic. I wouldn't know how to take the striker out!

12-14-2015, 05:59 PM
That's the extractor and if my memory is working at all you found all the parts in the chain.

I suspect the rode behind the extractor wasn't properly oriented on assembly and it just popped out.

It looks like a person could just put it all back together and it would work.
What part of the world you live in? Maybe we got somebody nearby that could help ya.

12-14-2015, 06:21 PM
The LGS already took it in to send to Kahr. I live in the Tampa Bay Florida area - to the North and West a bit from Tampa. The extractor part looked to have a small hole in the middle (like the firing pin hole looks in size) so I figured another part was missing or broken since nothing that I found would fit through that hole. This shouldn't happen on a new gun let alone on the first shot. I'm very disappointed. I was surprised at the less than anticipated recoil though - and the shots I was able to get off hit on or next to the bullseye

12-14-2015, 06:28 PM
You were very lucky to find all those pieces. That is the complete set. Were you shooting at a gun range or in a operating room?;)

12-14-2015, 06:41 PM
Coulda been back in commish in 5 minutes flat, or less if you didn't stop to have a coffee in the middle of things.....

12-14-2015, 06:53 PM
Coulda been back in commish in 5 minutes flat, or less if you didn't stop to have a coffee in the middle of things.....

Really? It seemed like a huge disaster to me. I wasn't even sure that the parts I picked up were from my gun! But still it seems to be a very weak point if that can happen right from the factory - it'll take a long time after I get it back to make me comfortable carrying it for personal protection for may family and myself - if ever.

12-14-2015, 06:57 PM
I'm surprised that your gun survived the factory test firing. Having the extractor take off for parts unknown isn't unheard of, but it isn't a common problem. Kahr will make it right and it should never happen again. Gun parts can and do fail on occasion and that's why I carry a back-up gun.

12-14-2015, 06:57 PM
You were very lucky to find all those pieces. That is the complete set. Were you shooting at a gun range or in a operating room?;)

I found them all behind me within a 2 foot circle - I swear one hit my forehead on the way by! I first thought it was the brass from the round but then thought it couldn't be because it was much too light of a strike. Oh well live and learn. I can put a multi million dollar computer network together and make it work - but not a CW45 I guess :)

12-14-2015, 07:12 PM
I'd be disappointed nobody at the shop tried to put it back together for you. That's a very easy fix assuming nothing broke.

12-14-2015, 07:29 PM
I'd be disappointed nobody at the shop tried to put it back together for you. That's a very easy fix assuming nothing broke.

I'm surprised that it would be such an easy fix considering the consequences if it were in a life and death situation :001_huh: I guess I always figured that it wouldn't be so easy break in the first place. Maybe I've been lucky until now?

12-14-2015, 07:42 PM
Really? It seemed like a huge disaster to me. I wasn't even sure that the parts I picked up were from my gun! But still it seems to be a very weak point if that can happen right from the factory - it'll take a long time after I get it back to make me comfortable carrying it for personal protection for may family and myself - if ever.

Not a huge disaster, just a screw up.

The longer pin has a bevel that rides in the groove of the extractor. Its under TIGHT spring pressure. Think... if it flies out and hits you in the eye, there will be an exit wound with brains on it.... the bevel didn't get aligned right at the factory. The spring pressure was strong enough to hold it for a few shots during test fire at the factory.

Once that bevel's in the groove, it will stay put, no issues ever... ever... on that. Only pistols that have not been assembled correctly ever show that issue.

No need to get any sort of doubting attitude with that problem!

12-14-2015, 08:24 PM
Not a huge disaster, just a screw up.

The longer pin has a bevel that rides in the groove of the extractor. Its under TIGHT spring pressure. Think... if it flies out and hits you in the eye, there will be an exit wound with brains on it.... the bevel didn't get aligned right at the factory. The spring pressure was strong enough to hold it for a few shots during test fire at the factory.

Once that bevel's in the groove, it will stay put, no issues ever... ever... on that. Only pistols that have not been assembled correctly ever show that issue.

No need to get any sort of doubting attitude with that problem!

I keep hearing that it's a minor thing - just a poor adjustment or placement in the factory when assembling the ejector mechanism. Well from a newby to Kahr and outsider from the forum, I have to say that it's a bit unnerving to me for these parts to just fly off from the frame on the first round fired - and these parts are critical to the operation for a follow up shot - which in my case would be a while since I had to pull back on the slide while dropping the magazine - and THEN re-racking a few times to get the slide in the right position to be able to pull the spent cartridge from the barrel with my fingernails. By the time I get the magazine back into place and re-rack again to be ready to fire again - a LONG time has passed by then! And that only resulted in another single round fired before starting the process again. WHAT exactly makes it so much more reliable? Seating the ejector parts a bit differently? Id the P-Series the same ejection mechanism as the CW series?

12-14-2015, 09:26 PM

Seating the part CORRECTLY.

If the damn thing is not put together right, don't expect it to work right.
When its put together correctly, it works correctly. Thats the way it is.


Since its been sent to Kahr, you can either take everyone's word for it, or go around all with your knickers in a twist. Your choice!

12-14-2015, 09:50 PM
I'll wait for them to return it to me and give it a workout after that. I wish that I didn't have to wait for a month to get a repaired gun when I did buy new and fired one shot to break it though. It's possible that the holidays extend the repair/return time. I went from being SO psyched to get out and give it a workout - to BAM - broken on the first shot. I guess that has a lot to do with my frustration. I did study long and hard before making the purchase of what I determined was the best choice for a carry gun. I don't wear knickers so can't get those in a twist - do getting my panties in a wad count :behindsofa:

12-14-2015, 10:02 PM

12-14-2015, 10:13 PM
I keep hearing that it's a minor thing - just a poor adjustment or placement in the factory when assembling the ejector mechanism. Well from a newby to Kahr and outsider from the forum, I have to say that it's a bit unnerving to me for these parts to just fly off from the frame on the first round fired - and these parts are critical to the operation for a follow up shot - which in my case would be a while since I had to pull back on the slide while dropping the magazine - and THEN re-racking a few times to get the slide in the right position to be able to pull the spent cartridge from the barrel with my fingernails. By the time I get the magazine back into place and re-rack again to be ready to fire again - a LONG time has passed by then! And that only resulted in another single round fired before starting the process again. WHAT exactly makes it so much more reliable? Seating the ejector parts a bit differently? Id the P-Series the same ejection mechanism as the CW series?


Seating the part CORRECTLY.

If the damn thing is not put together right, don't expect it to work right.
When its put together correctly, it works correctly. Thats the way it is.


Since its been sent to Kahr, you can either take everyone's word for it, or go around all with your knickers in a twist. Your choice!
You might check with the shop to see if they've returned the pistol to Kahr yet as I believe the others are correct in that the front extractor pin was probably installed wrong. I believe the pistol will function as intended once the parts are reinstalled correctly (something a handy person can do, http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?197-How-To-quot-Detail-Strip-quot-the-Kahr-s-Upper!).

As CJB states: "If the damn thing is not put together right, don't expect it to work right.
When its put together correctly, it works correctly. Thats the way it is."

12-15-2015, 04:18 AM
Hopefully when it comes back it will work great and you'll enjoy shooting it while you build confidence in its reliability.

Hang in there, I understand your frustration.


12-15-2015, 06:49 AM
If it's any consolation, one of our members has over 32,000 rounds through his PM9 and it has been 100% reliable. He has only performed routine maintenance and replaced a few worn out recoil springs. My CM9 has been trouble free through 3,000+ rounds.

12-15-2015, 07:38 AM
Thanks for the detailed reply and pics. It looks like I DID somehow find all of the parts.

If I can ask one more question - after this happened at the range I noticed that the piece at the very rear of the slide seemed loose and if I wanted to I could have slid it downward and off of the slide. It had a spring behind it that looks like it would have popped out if I would have removed the back piece. Not sure what that piece is, if it should be loose like that, or maybe its loose because the ejector isn't in place?
I'm sorry for being grumpy yesterday about the problem I had - I was just disappointed that it broke and that now I'll be without it for up to a month as I was looking very much forward to getting it broken in over the holidays. I think the felt recoil is much less than I had anticipated and the shots that I did fire hit the target at point of aim. I'm looking forward to being able to carry the CW45 IWB after getting it back and breaking it in.

12-15-2015, 07:46 AM

Sorry if I got on your nerves with my posts. They were written in frustration and the purpose wasn't to get on anyones nerves or to rag on Karh. I posted a joke about not wearing knickers and perhaps you took it the wrong way. It was meant to come off as ragging on myself for being so negative in my earlier posts.
I do appreciate all of the words of encouragement from everyone.

12-15-2015, 08:08 AM
Here's a link on how to detail strip the slide on a Kahr Pistol. It isn't at all difficult to do and there are only a few things to be careful about. Flying springs to name one. It's so easy that even Jocko can do it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XBysFcsLJI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XBysFcsLJI)

marshal kane
12-15-2015, 08:20 AM
We're all "big boys" around here so you needn't tip-toe around us. CJB's "click" could have been his idea of a joke too.

Kahr will re-assemble the extractor parts and you should give the gun a good workout when you get it back.

EXTRACTOR = the part that extracts the empty case or cartridge from the chamber. EJECTOR = the part that ejects same from the pistol.

12-15-2015, 08:32 AM
Thanks for the detailed reply and pics. It looks like I DID somehow find all of the parts.

If I can ask one more question - after this happened at the range I noticed that the piece at the very rear of the slide seemed loose and if I wanted to I could have slid it downward and off of the slide. It had a spring behind it that looks like it would have popped out if I would have removed the back piece. Not sure what that piece is, if it should be loose like that, or maybe its loose because the ejector isn't in place?
I'm sorry for being grumpy yesterday about the problem I had - I was just disappointed that it broke and that now I'll be without it for up to a month as I was looking very much forward to getting it broken in over the holidays. I think the felt recoil is much less than I had anticipated and the shots that I did fire hit the target at point of aim. I'm looking forward to being able to carry the CW45 IWB after getting it back and breaking it in.

That's the "slide back" (PN: 004CW45). The extractor spring does press the rear extractor pin against the slide back. The other spring you noticed is the striker spring; it presses the striker spring guide rod against the slide back. There is a small amount of up/down "play' to the slide back when all the parts are installed correctly, but it's not going anywhere. The rear extractor pin must be depressed and the striker spring/ ss guide rod retracted (at the same time) before the slide back can be removed.

12-15-2015, 06:42 PM
You might check with the shop to see if they've returned the pistol to Kahr yet as I believe the others are correct in that the front extractor pin was probably installed wrong. I believe the pistol will function as intended once the parts are reinstalled correctly (something a handy person can do, http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?197-How-To-quot-Detail-Strip-quot-the-Kahr-s-Upper!).

As CJB states: "If the damn thing is not put together right, don't expect it to work right.
When its put together correctly, it works correctly. Thats the way it is."

Greg, I'm telling you that you are the Master of visual aids. You must have taught in your past careers and if not you should have.

12-15-2015, 08:40 PM

Greg, I'm telling you that you are the Master of visual aids. You must have taught in your past careers and if not you should have.
Why, thank you kindly:yo:

12-16-2015, 08:39 AM
You might check with the shop to see if they've returned the pistol to Kahr yet as I believe the others are correct in that the front extractor pin was probably installed wrong. I believe the pistol will function as intended once the parts are reinstalled correctly (something a handy person can do, http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?197-How-To-quot-Detail-Strip-quot-the-Kahr-s-Upper!).

As CJB states: "If the damn thing is not put together right, don't expect it to work right.
When its put together correctly, it works correctly. Thats the way it is."

So since it appears that I DID find all of the parts - what actually holds the group into the slide? Is it similar to the way the barrel attaches to the slide?

12-16-2015, 08:49 AM
The depth of the leg along with the pressure of the angled piece holds it in place. That's why I was surprised that you found all the pieces, there is a lot of spring pressure there and I figured it would shoot out like a rocket...lol.

12-28-2015, 11:35 AM
Really sorry to hear about your experience. There is absolutely NO reason your firearm should've failed like that. Their QC failed to do their job.

My CW45 is currently in Kahr's repair shop as well. They've had it in their possession since 12/1 and haven't even looked at it yet.
Keep folks informed about how things go for you.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

12-28-2015, 11:55 AM
The LGS called today and said that mine is ready for pickup so it took less than 2 weeks. Sounds to me that the LGS fixed it after Kahr sent parts because the message said that the parts arrived and are installed and it's ready to go. Several posters here told me that it was an easy fix so maybe that's the route they went. I'll know more when I pick it up and get to the range for a workout...

12-28-2015, 01:20 PM
Glad you got a reasonable resolution.
Hope it's all good point forward.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

12-28-2015, 01:51 PM
Really sorry to hear about your experience. There is absolutely NO reason your firearm should've failed like that. Their QC failed to do their job.

My CW45 is currently in Kahr's repair shop as well. They've had it in their possession since 12/1 and haven't even looked at it yet.
Keep folks informed about how things go for you.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

There must have been a reason for the firearm to fail like that, because it did. Every Kahr pistol is test fired before the gun leaves the factory. I don't believe that QC had anything to do with it. I blame it on gun gremlins.

12-28-2015, 08:18 PM
All I can imagine is a defective/weak part in the extractor/ejector assemblies. I don't know the difference ( I do know what each means just not how they go together or are installed). That being said - I definitely will not carry it until I have a few hundred fail free rounds through it minimum. The only thing I wasn't overly happy about is that Kahr just shipped the parts to the LGS after hearing what the problem was but the LGS could only rack some snap caps through it to assure that it was functioning properly as they have no place to test fire there. I racked about 10 magazines worth of full mag's through it without issue before going to the range for the first time and having the problem during live fire. So it hasn't really been given a real test fire through it yet.

12-28-2015, 11:15 PM
Another CW45 owner, and I feel for you. My CW45 took a lot of rounds for break in. I did not have a major self destruct issue like yours, but during the initial few hundred rounds there were a lot of damaged/destroyed cases and there were a lot of jams with various types of factory practice ammo and reloads.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Once I got past 500 rounds things have been very reliable and smooth. No more mangled brass... at least not since I smoothed out the burrs on the extractor claw. All along accuracy has been very good for the size of the gun, and that has been the main redeeming feature of the gun.

My other four Kahr's have been mostly trouble free.

Please let us know how things go at the range.

01-11-2016, 10:46 PM
No light at the end of the tunnel. I got to the range today for the first time since I got the CW45 back from the shop. After 3 rounds the extractor blew apart yet again! WTF!!! I can't believe that I can't fire more than a few rounds before the CW45 blows apart. I called the shop that I purchased the gun from and they said "bring it in again - we'll call the manufacturer personally and explain the problem to them". At this point I think I just want my money back. I can't rely on the CW45 for the reason I purchased it for - personal carry. NOT a happy camper...

01-12-2016, 07:29 AM
Dear not a happy camper,
This time send the gun to Kahr and let them fix it. There are thousands of CW45s in service that don't have this problem. Kahr uses the same extractor design in all of their handguns and they work just fine. You just happened to get a bad one.

01-12-2016, 08:01 AM
The LGS misassembled it.

Too much drama here for me.

01-12-2016, 08:40 AM
He sends it in, Kahr "fixes" it, fires a test round, everything is AOK. They send back to dealer, dealer gives back to owner, owner fires several rounds and breaks it again. Pick one from the following:

1. You have really bad luck.
2. You have really hot reloads.
3. You have crappie seconds from a manufacturer.

01-12-2016, 10:17 AM
No reloads - they were brand new factory loads. I don't reload. And they weren't hot loads - just normal every day factory range FMJ ammo.

The LGS told me that Kahr sent them the parts instead of having them ship the gun in and that they reassembled it and racked the slide a few times with ammo in the magazine to make sure that it functioned properly. No test rounds were fired as the shop supposedly has no facility for that. When it was brand new I had racked different rounds through it manually to make sure they all fed properly - some FMJ and some JHP. The breakage occurred when it was fired.
I don't know much about gunsmithing so can't tell you what it could or couldn't be. I'm sorry if you some feel that I'm over dramatic for some reason. It's defective and makes no sense to me since there are so many out there with no problems with theirs. I came here looking for suggestions and direction as I've never seen anything like it before.

Am I supposed to call Kahr directly or let the LGS handle that? I called the LGS and the owner said that he's personally contact Kahr and explain the situation.

01-12-2016, 10:32 AM
Dear not a happy camper,
This time send the gun to Kahr and let them fix it. There are thousands of CW45s in service that don't have this problem. Kahr uses the same extractor design in all of their handguns and they work just fine. You just happened to get a bad one.

When I posted that I meant that this particular gun I don't really trust. There's obviously a problem with it. I'd prefer that they replace it and provide a new one. My question is - should I call Kahr directly or rely on the LGS where I purchased it to take care of it? I've never had to send a gun in for service before.

01-12-2016, 10:34 AM
Don't let folks get you down. I just got my CW45 back yesterday..been out of commission since 11/22.
Broken trigger bar & problem with the frame, requiring replacing.
Call Kahr directly & send it back..they'll make you pay the shipping.
My own opinion is that their quality control is not at the same level as many other manufacture. They have a good concept, just not quite there.
You have a right to expect a working firearm out of the box.

Let them take care if it.. Mine was 6 weeks to get back. It came back "covered" in oil with a bunch of plastic shavings in the breech.

Best of luck.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

01-12-2016, 10:44 AM
If I were to ship it to Kahr myself - how do I go about that? Excuse the ignorance but I didn't think that I could just ship a firearm through the mail?

01-12-2016, 11:14 AM
Sorry you are having a problem with the CW items.....What you should do is contact Kahr and explain that you have a problem with your pistol and ask for a return shipping label and they may pay the freight but if they refuse you will need to ship it FedEx overnight which is the only legal way a non FFL holder can ship a firearm....It's a little bit spendy but it will get to where it needs to go and by all means write a very detailed letter describing everything that has gone on and let Kahr have a crack at fixing it, they made it and they can fix it....Good luck

01-12-2016, 11:17 AM
Just put the parts in °CORRECTLY°.

This aint rocket surgery.

01-12-2016, 11:19 AM
Btw, if the front pin aint right, it does exactly what you experienced. After a few shots, with no positive retention, the extractor walks out.

01-12-2016, 11:40 AM
If I were to ship it to Kahr myself - how do I go about that? Excuse the ignorance but I didn't think that I could just ship a firearm through the mail?

You can request a prepaid mailing label from Kahr. If Kahr denies the request return the gun to Kahr through your FFL for the best rate.

01-12-2016, 11:46 AM
Maybe he should ship his gun to CJB. Being a certified Wham-o Slingshot armor CJB should be able to put it together properly even if if Kahr and a local gunsmith couldn't.

01-12-2016, 12:09 PM
I'd be happy to teach you to fix Wham-O slingshots and Kahr extractors too, Muggs!

01-12-2016, 12:21 PM
Looks like Kahr did send the LGS the new extractor parts because I looked in the box and found the original parts that I collected from the floor after it first broke still wrapped up in tape. So I probably have the parts I need to put it back together but have no idea how to do it. From what it sounds like here - the guy at the LGS put the parts in wrong? But that doesn't explain the first time when it was factory new. Kind of makes me wonder if it actually WAS factory new when I bought it...

01-12-2016, 12:26 PM
Take a look at the diagram in this thread.

01-12-2016, 01:28 PM
Since it came apart after the first shot and again after a gunsmith installed new parts it sounds to me like the slide may be defective which is why it needs to go back to Kahr to inspect.....If the slide is defective they will replace it and since the frame is the only part BATF considers a "gun" you wont have to do any paperwork....What do you have to lose?

01-12-2016, 01:30 PM
I looked at the diagram and found a couple links to Kahr slide disassembly/assembly and was able to use the original extractor since I lost the newest one yesterday. It went back together, the rod that holds the extractor in is properly oriented and the back plate "snapped" into place as it did on the video. So I'll have to head to the range and pay $15 to try it out.

It just seemed odd that it happened straight from the factory - well supposedly - who knows if it was a demo that was sold new to me and someone took it apart and assembled it incorrectly. I'd hope no, but who knows.

I appreciate all the help here. That's what these forums are all about!

01-12-2016, 01:56 PM
I looked at the diagram and found a couple links to Kahr slide disassembly/assembly and was able to use the original extractor since I lost the newest one yesterday. It went back together, the rod that holds the extractor in is properly oriented and the back plate "snapped" into place as it did on the video. So I'll have to head to the range and pay $15 to try it out.

It just seemed odd that it happened straight from the factory - well supposedly - who knows if it was a demo that was sold new to me and someone took it apart and assembled it incorrectly. I'd hope no, but who knows.

I appreciate all the help here. That's what these forums are all about!
Good job on that, items.
Did you happen to exam the tunnel where the extractor parts ride in the slide? Did any of the parts seem to catch on anything when you installed them? I'd like to suggest that you take a tool (tooth brush handle will do) and push the extractor to it's travel limit and release it several times. The extractor should move smoothly with no hang up. Watch the pin while doing so (especially when releasing the extractor), it should be under pressure and stay firmly in contact with the extractor through out it's travel

01-12-2016, 02:00 PM
Manipulate the extractor with a prod of some sort. It should want to stay put. Do that enough times to get some confidence in it before shooting.

01-12-2016, 04:54 PM
The standard procedure is to call Kahr Service, explain the problem and request a RA (return authorization) number. You should also request a prepaid mailing label. Kahr may or may not send you a shipping label. If Kahr doesn't send you a prepaid mailing label return the gun to them through your local gun store. That is the least expensive and legal route to take.

01-12-2016, 05:01 PM
I'd be happy to teach you to fix Wham-O slingshots and Kahr extractors too, Muggs!

Thanks, but no thanks CJB. I invented the Wham-o slingshot. :rolleyes: As for Kahr extractors, not all Kahr owners are as mechanically inclined as you and I. Those who aren't are better off letting a professional repair their firearms particularly if their firearms are brand new and under warranty. That's just my humble opinion and your mileage may vary.

01-12-2016, 05:13 PM
Holy geeze-O-pete! Muggs if I send you my collection of Wham-O slingshots, would you autograph 'em for me ? Would ya? PLEEEEEZE?

01-12-2016, 05:13 PM
I went to the range and fired off 100 rounds without any problem. The only problem I had was having to keep replacing the target after the bulls eye was shot out.

Before I left for the range I was still trying to figure out why this happened and during my investigation I noticed that there were different length's to one of the boxes of ammo - the ones in that box are shorter than the others. I'm embarrassed to say this - but the one box of ammo was .45 GAP rounds. I had no idea that there even WAS such a thing. Reading up on it it seems that there's more pressure in a GAP round than ACP and I'm convinced that my ignorance is what caused the problem. I'm probably lucky that the extractor was the only victim!

I want to thank everyone that has responded here to my problem and the suggestions that were made. CJB was correct in thinking that the rounds were hotter (thinking that I did my own reloads). So it wasn't reloads but my own ignorance that was the problem :-(

01-12-2016, 05:16 PM
And, to give shooters credit, I believe anyone with the mechanical aptitude to safely work an autoloading pistol has the ability to replace something as simple as an extractor.

No dremel required! And, there are such full, rich and detailed step bystep instructions... even video on how to break down the upper part of the pistol into its component parts. Why, even a slingshot inventor could do it! :D

01-12-2016, 05:35 PM
And, to give shooters credit, I believe anyone with the mechanical aptitude to safely work an autoloading pistol has the ability to replace something as simple as an extractor.

No dremel required! And, there are such full, rich and detailed step bystep instructions... even video on how to break down the upper part of the pistol into its component parts. Why, even a slingshot inventor could do it! :D

It was WAY easier than I had anticipated. So even though it sucked that I went through this (and what the actual problem ended up being), I did learn some things throughout the ordeal that will help me in the future.

01-12-2016, 08:44 PM
Enjoyed following this thread the last few days and glad everything worked out, items! I was new to firearms a couple of years ago and since then I have taken apart my P380...way too many times, put an Apex competition trigger in my M&P, and replaced the springs in my 9mm XDS. Although a little intimating at first, in the end, as you have experienced, you walk away with a lot more confidence and knowledge of your firearm. I'm leaving my 2 month old K9 alone for now but I'm searching for a reason to tear down my P938....but who says I need a reason!! haha..

01-13-2016, 11:10 AM
That's great items, glad you got it figured out and now have confidence in your pistol....I never could understand why anyone thought a .45 GAP round was needed anyway, seems like a solution to a problem that never existed to me....Glad it all worked out for you and the worst thing that happened was some aggravation and look on the bright side, you now have a beautiful shooting pistol and you learned how to fix an extractor....It's all good

01-13-2016, 12:00 PM
Glad it worked out for you.

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01-13-2016, 12:54 PM
Back a few years ago when Obummer was first elected we had a run on handgun purchases and ammo sales. The only .45 ammunition that was available at the time (and plentiful) was the .45GAP. We sold a bunch of Glock 45GAP pistols at that time because nobody could find any 45ACP ammunition.

There are still a few of them out there stuck in the back of safes. So I guess this serves as to raise awareness.

01-13-2016, 01:09 PM
That's great items, glad you got it figured out and now have confidence in your pistol....I never could understand why anyone thought a .45 GAP round was needed anyway, seems like a solution to a problem that never existed to me....Glad it all worked out for you and the worst thing that happened was some aggravation and look on the bright side, you now have a beautiful shooting pistol and you learned how to fix an extractor....It's all good

The .45 GAP was a cater to the LE community, whereas...

It was all about putting the manly .45 five caliber bullet into a grip frame that would accommodation 9mm. The original concept... was a weird stagger (perhaps not optimal) to make that all work out. IOW, you had a 19 round Glock become a 45 GAP Glock holding say... 11 rounds, or maybe 12.

For Glock's marketing purposes, it served its role. It was a "and we can do this too" feature that nobody else had, allowing the LE community to "switch" calibers when needed, or for certain LEOs, without issuing new pistols, just a slide, barrel, recoil spring and three magazines.

As always, the details matter. And it is, what it is today... mostly (but not entirely) a marketing tool for brand G.