View Full Version : Smoothing out the grip on a PM 9

12-17-2015, 07:43 PM
Mine is my pocket carry in a fitted leather holster. If I practice more than 25 rounds or so at a time the grip chaffs my hand. I had a molded rubber cover for a few years I cut down with a knife but it split last week. It now has tacky looking electrical tape. Any ideas?

12-17-2015, 07:51 PM
You can stretch a piece of bicycle inner tube over the grip:

There's been many threads on the subject, you might want to search them if interested.

12-17-2015, 07:56 PM
+1^ 1.75" bicycle inner tube. I also pocket carry.

12-17-2015, 08:24 PM
I got tired of the inner tube plan and broke out my wood burn pen.

I took like a flat tip and basically melted down the corners on the front and back strap.
Then put a round tip on and stippled the sides and the front and back.
Still provides excellent grip traction but doesn't hurt your hand.

Didn't take long at all, took longer to build up my nerve than it did to do the job.

Don't over analyze it or figure it has to be perfect, just start poking.

12-17-2015, 08:49 PM
I used a dremel to grind down all the nubs. The smooth grip feels great.

12-17-2015, 09:30 PM
Apply 72 condroms to the grip, then slit the endy with yer knife, so that the magizeen goes right in.

HINT: Ribbz is ok, but lubbz is not ok.


Or, seriously man up. I've shot five boxes straight through, with six magazines gettin all loaded up some during the breaks. No issues, no chafe, no blizterz.

12-17-2015, 09:52 PM
Could always buy Talon grips for less than 20 bucks problem solved

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12-18-2015, 07:14 AM
Apply 72 condroms to the grip, then slit the endy with yer knife, so that the magizeen goes right in.

HINT: Ribbz is ok, but lubbz is not ok.


Or, seriously man up. I've shot five boxes straight through, with six magazines gettin all loaded up some during the breaks. No issues, no chafe, no blizterz.
Real men ride bareback!

12-18-2015, 07:17 AM
^^^ ewwwww!

12-18-2015, 07:22 AM
Apply 72 condroms to the grip, then slit the endy with yer knife, so that the magizeen goes right in.

HINT: Ribbz is ok, but lubbz is not ok.


Or, seriously man up. I've shot five boxes straight through, with six magazines gettin all loaded up some during the breaks. No issues, no chafe, no blizterz.

Hey, I'm supposed to be Jocko's stand-in! What gives CJB?

12-18-2015, 08:16 AM
Playtex gloves................................give a great grip.............................

12-18-2015, 10:49 AM
I got tired of the inner tube plan and broke out my wood burn pen.

I took like a flat tip and basically melted down the corners on the front and back strap.
Then put a round tip on and stippled the sides and the front and back.
Still provides excellent grip traction but doesn't hurt your hand.

Didn't take long at all, took longer to build up my nerve than it did to do the job.

Don't over analyze it or figure it has to be perfect, just start poking.

I go along with Bawanna about cutting and melting being the best, but I never had the courage to get out the wood burning kit...
I have a CW40 which has great sentimental meaning to me and I plan to have that one my whole life. I found though, nobody else likes the hard hitting, biting sow grip on the guns backstrap. I finally removed it from the carry rotation and sent it on to Calvin Stathem (with a bunch of money) at WeaponWORX to have his artistic touch applied.
Do not do this if the PM9 is your only carry gun! Like most really talented gunsmiths, Calvin is backlogged way beyond what his website states. I expected this going in and I'll be happy with a six month turn for heirloom quality work.
I will say that If you decide to sand down the cheese graters on the grip, hand sand them slowly, unless you are really comfortable using a Dremel tool. I grind high priced metal and composites for a living and I would hand sand a Kahr grip. One nice enough job I shot at the range was a CW9 that had the blocks sanded 99% off and one of those spongy decal grip kits laid over it. What it lacked in looks, it made up for in comfort. The guy hated the mag full of 180grn 40S&W from my gun and said he made the right choice buying the CW9 instead.

Good Luck with your PM9 and let us all know what you decide to try.

12-18-2015, 12:23 PM
My shaved PM45 isn't much to look at, for sure.

12-18-2015, 02:02 PM
Apply 72 condroms to the grip, then slit the endy with yer knife, so that the magizeen goes right in.

HINT: Ribbz is ok, but lubbz is not ok.


Or, seriously man up. I've shot five boxes straight through, with six magazines gettin all loaded up some during the breaks. No issues, no chafe, no blizterz.

I'm 68 years old and have had surgery on both my hands. My "man up" days were about 40 years ago.

I'm almost ashamed to ask but what is a 72 xxx? I know what the xxx part is but not the 72.

I also have a P380. It doesn't have the recoil of my PM 9 but could use a little help as well.

I also have Crimson Trace lasers on both these guns. Part of the laser curves around to the grip. The on/off button is on the grip activated by my middle finger.

I tried to file off a bit of the nubbies with a hardware store file. Those are some tough nubbies. I have Dremel but was hoping for a reversible solution. I'll do a search of this site too. I may even call Kahr and see if they have a solution.

12-18-2015, 02:25 PM
Nonsense, your man up days are at hand today. I have to man up and put on my game face just to get out of bed in the morning.

If you want reversible, the bicycle inner tube is the ticket. Tones down the nubbies but easily removed if so desired.

12-18-2015, 03:03 PM
I hate to recommend these after making such a fuss about manning up, but I have to respect my elders. :) Talon stick on grips are your answer. They aren't expensive, they are easy to install, they wear well and can be removed if you don't like them. They have the Muggsy seal of approval. Read and follow the installation instructions. Don't put them on and then read the instructions like Bawanna does. :) Here's a link.


12-18-2015, 08:27 PM
Hogue slip on grip work perfectly on my CW9 and only adds a slight amount of width to the grip.

12-18-2015, 08:41 PM
Here's what I use on my CW45. Makes a nice, comfortable grip. Feels really good in hand.



12-19-2015, 08:38 PM
I first sanded my cm9 grips and eventually added Hogue Jr. rubber slip ons. But when I got my cm9 and started front pocket carry I went with the Talon grips. If you go with stick on grips be careful with cleaners because they will dissolve the adhesive and loosen the grips.

12-19-2015, 10:13 PM
My philosophy on stick on is if it sticks on it can become unstuck. Never did cotton to em myself but some folks say I'm a little different.

12-20-2015, 06:49 AM
My philosophy on stick on is if it sticks on it can become unstuck. Never did cotton to em myself but some folks say I'm a little different.

I'm one of those folks who says your a lot different, Bawanna. :) I've always said that if a grip can slip on it can also slip up and interfere with the mag release. Most slip on grips do. Grip condoms never did turn me on. I'm waiting for them to come out with the pill.

12-21-2015, 06:02 PM
I use a Pachmayer Grip Glove on my PM9 and my XDs9. Both have the CT Laser Guard sight so I took a .308 hull and put the grip glove across a piece of 2x4 , place the bullet end of the hull about an 1/8
of an inch from the edge where the activator for the laser is and hit it with a hammer. Bingo, perfect round hole right where I need it. Slip the grip glove on as pictured and you have a soft grip that feels
good for hours of shooting. I generally pocket carry in an Alabama Holster pocket holster and the combo works great.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y200/omega5m14/PM9%20w%20Pachmayer%20Grip%20GLove_zpsc5otxoom.jpg (http://s5.photobucket.com/user/omega5m14/media/PM9%20w%20Pachmayer%20Grip%20GLove_zpsc5otxoom.jpg .html)

12-21-2015, 06:30 PM
I like the Pachmayr grip glove on my MK, and I like the grip tape on my H&K. Both work well for each firearm. The grip glove gives me the perfect squeeze on the MK, with some cushion, and works well on the hand. The grip tape is a bit rougher, but also works well with my hands with no slippage.