View Full Version : Bad Hands No More

12-18-2015, 06:08 PM
This all started from last year when I had a thumb injury and lost the nail, I was worried about infection so I was doing some research and fell across this. This method not only took care of the problem I was worried about but had a benefit of healing the skin on my hands. Usually by this time of the year my hands are cracked and bleeding and have tried everything before such as super glue and all the creams in between this works better than vitamin E ,this has worked wonders. It was a mix of stuff you have in your house and won’t cost you anything. Virgin olive oil and table salt, I mix it up between a paste and a slurry in a small jar and put about a pea size dab in my hands and rub fast to get some heat in the hands. The salt does not dissolve in the oil it stays as grains and salt is good for infections ,but it’s more of an exfoliate. Been doing this for awhile now and my hands have never been better in 25 years. Let the olive oil soak in your hands if after 10 minutes they are still oily just get a paper towel and wipe them off. When I do this I hold my hands over a trash can all the salt will fall off, once in the morning and once at night. Hope this helps some of you with bad hands and before I forget everyone have a good Christmas, carry on

12-18-2015, 06:40 PM
You got bad hands from working, like cement and cold and dryness or is this like the reumatise and heart break of psoriasis?

When I was fencing my hands always went to heck in the winter, from cement, being wet, galvanized wire on and on.

My trick was Bag Balm. Comes in a square little jar, works great.

Might as well tell a story, don't remember if I did before. This is true or Muggsy can run me over with Jocko's Harley.

Had a new guy working with us at the time and his hands of course were bad just like mine.
So I told him the Bag Balm trick and he didn't know what it was or where to get it.
I said just about any drug store aisle will have it, it's actually made to smear on cow teats to keep em from drying out after milking especially in the winter time too.
Well that evening he heads to the store and is a wanderin up and down the aisle's looking and a young gal, he described her as a pretty little thing, asked if she could help him.
He told her he was looking for Bag Balm. She didn't know what it was neither, asked what it was for.
He said you smear it on your **** to keep em from drying out. Well as one can well imagine, the pretty little thing didn't take to kindly to that.
What saved my young coworkers very life was there was an older gal next aisle over who obviously was raised on a farm, and she said you don't smear it on your **** you durn fool, you smear it on your cows teats and it's over here on aisle C.

He was lucky to get out alive with his can of bag balm in hand.

I'll remember that story when they nail the lid down on me.

12-18-2015, 07:06 PM
I’ve tried Bag Balm it’s like a thick grease even put cotton gloves on to hold it in. Was uncomfortable to sleep with the gloves on. And besides I need to have a trigger finger if necessary:). And your right cement and lime will eat the flesh off your hands. Olive oil and skin care goes way back further and for me works great

12-18-2015, 07:34 PM
Hey Harrylee, that salt and olive oil works well. Wife found it a couple of years ago. She found using bees wax helps too. You can melt a small bit in the oil and let it cool before adding the salt.

12-18-2015, 07:54 PM
In Ohio they call it Udder Cream. It works ok, but not as good as maiden oil. That virgin oil might even be better, Harry. Kinda hard to find around these parts. :)

12-18-2015, 10:36 PM
Bag Balm, green/square/tin can
Walmart, pet department
just sayin'

12-18-2015, 10:58 PM
+1 on bag balm!!!!

and bourbon!

Second Try
12-19-2015, 08:19 AM
My wife used bag balm for years and now uses "Working Hands", small can like a snuf can. She loves it.

12-19-2015, 10:54 AM
Bag Balm, green/square/tin can
Walmart, pet department
just sayin'

That's the stuff, very familiar can. Now that I'm a full time office puke I really don't have hand issues cept for a little rust in the joints, especially on a cold morning. So sad I even sometimes now wear gloves. Hate gloves.
One of my least favorite things is getting pitch on my hands. Hate that. Got some last night starting a fire, I never seen cedar with pitch but this bunch I got awhile back is loaded with it. Drives me nuts.

12-19-2015, 04:42 PM
That's the stuff, very familiar can. Now that I'm a full time office puke I really don't have hand issues cept for a little rust in the joints, especially on a cold morning. So sad I even sometimes now wear gloves. Hate gloves.
One of my least favorite things is getting pitch on my hands. Hate that. Got some last night starting a fire, I never seen cedar with pitch but this bunch I got awhile back is loaded with it. Drives me nuts.

Gee Bawanna I always imagined you had hands of steel ( “Say it ain’t so, Joe.” ). But really I think back in the younger days I did a lot of automotive painting and you get paint on the hands and the easiest clean up was lacquer thinner and when my old partner and me used to build racing boats we used marine epoxy and once again lacquer thinner was the clean up. Didn’t seem to hurt your hands when we were under 30 but now come back to haunt the old hands. Hel! Now I even where gloves when I clean my guns. So much for being young anymore. I think the oil works best for me it soaks into the damage skin. So who knew all you old bucks had bad hands like me:rolleyes: