View Full Version : New M&P Shield Performance Center 9mm
12-19-2015, 09:28 PM
Just picked up today from my FFL. Purchased from Grab-A-Gun. This is the new Shield Performance Center. I love my regular Shield which I have had a year now and is one of my favorite carry guns. However when I first saw the new Performance Center version I couldn't resist! The main differences are the ported barrel and slide, fiber-optic sights, and an upgraded trigger. I just took these photos after I finished field stripping, cleaning, and lubing. Initial impressions are:
Fiber-Optic Sights- Will have to report after my first range session with it tomorrow to have an opinion
Ported Slide- Intended to lighten the slide and reduce muzzle flip. The main thing is it looks killer!
Upgraded Trigger- I notice a big difference over my regular Shield. This one is much smoother and at least 50% lighter. It's supposed to be about 4lbs.
As you can see by the photos, the Performance Center Shield has a manual thumb safety. My regular Shield does not (nor do my other carry guns, Glocks and Kahrs). I will have to get used to it. S&W does not as yet offer a NTS version of the Performance Center. My sense is that the manual safety will be a good safety feature in that the trigger pull is so light. The gun comes with a 7-round mag and an extended 8-round mag, same as other Shields do.
I will update this thread after I take it to the range tomorrow and run 100 rounds or so through it. My regular Shield has performed flawlessly after 700-800 rounds, and I have every reason to believe this one will as well.
This photo shows the Performance Center in the foreground and my regular Shield behind it.
I every day pocket carry so I use my CM9 90% of the time. For deep concealment I pouch carry my .40S&W Shield, with safety, at 12:00. Recently had X/S Big Dot night sight installed. Never minded the trigger on the Shield.
Porting on your Shield is cool! Looking forward to range comparison report.
12-20-2015, 04:26 PM
How smooth is the trigger on that performance center m&p? I have a performance center j-frame and its sooooo smooth it is amazing. Nicer even than my kahrs.
12-20-2015, 06:20 PM
How smooth is the trigger on that performance center m&p? I have a performance center j-frame and its sooooo smooth it is amazing. Nicer even than my kahrs.
It's 2-stage. Smooth, light take-up, and crisp clean break. I haven't shot it yet, but it feels about 50% lighter than my regular Shield, 4 lbs. according to S&W specs. It feels very smooth, like a professionally worked trigger, unlike my regular Shield which has some grittiness in the take-up.
12-20-2015, 09:45 PM
Sounds nice
12-21-2015, 09:05 AM
Are you going to be able to get some velocity numbers out of both shields ?? Be interesting at the velocity difference and comparing accuracy from a rest .
12-21-2015, 10:21 AM
Congrats on the Performance Center Shield! It's always nice to have a firearm that has that "extra" touch from the factory.
I guess I've been neglecting my Shield, probably should dig it out of the safe and run some rounds thru it (thanks for the reminder).
12-21-2015, 04:41 PM
Are you going to be able to get some velocity numbers out of both shields ?? Be interesting at the velocity difference and comparing accuracy from a rest .
I don't have the equipment, ability, or the knowledge to measure velocity. What I do know is that I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a Critical Defense FTX bullet fired from either one of them... With respect to accuracy, I can't speak to the inherent accuracy of one or the other, however after having fired the Performance Center Shield for the first time today, I will say that the reduced muzzle flip from the porting as well as the upgraded trigger makes ME more accurate with the Performance Center, especially if I try and discipline myself to shoot follow-up shots from the reset. The upgraded trigger alone is almost worth the price of admission. It's almost like a SIG SRT.
12-22-2015, 10:49 AM
It is too bad S&W did not spend a tiny bit more machine time on the striker block hole when knocking out 1 million Shields in the past few years. I bought a Shield when they first came out and the need for a better sear and smoothing in a couple of areas to remove machine marks was apparent from day one. Apex to the rescue. I also replaced the sights with Ameriglo i-Dots.
Although, when the need to go small is important my PM9 always wins out, the Shield is pretty much my go to daily carry firearm.
BTW that Garretts Silent Thunder Solo holster is far and away the most comfortable IWB holster I have ever worn. 6'-3" 205#
03-11-2016, 09:30 AM
It's 2-stage. Smooth, light take-up, and crisp clean break. I haven't shot it yet, but it feels about 50% lighter than my regular Shield, 4 lbs. according to S&W specs. It feels very smooth, like a professionally worked trigger, unlike my regular Shield which has some grittiness in the take-up.
You may get rid of the grittiness by removing the striker safety plunger and spring, and cleaning out that hole. You have to be careful removing the sight to get at it. It seems to be a somewhat common complaint. Luckily for me, my trigger has been smooth from the get go...........
03-11-2016, 09:58 AM
I have a Shield, my carry gun- and love it. After I did the Apex carry trigger kit and Trijicon night sight upgrades. Trigger is now beautiful and smooth- and the sights perfect. A pleasure to shoot. I did all the work myself, and I can tell you that the Shield sights are a nightmare, they are so tight! Actually broke a sight pusher trying to get the front sight out! But the work and effort was worth it.
03-11-2016, 10:32 AM
Because of District Attorney's.............................IMHO....... .....Never carry a gun that you don't want to lose...............never do trigger work like Apex kits.................If you ever have to use it, the DA will have a field day. If you ever have to use it, neither the bad guy or you will ever be able to tell, or remember that you installed a trigger kit. I don't see anything wrong with the stock trigger.:)
03-11-2016, 10:40 AM
Because of District Attorney's.............................IMHO....... .....Never carry a gun that you don't want to lose...............never do trigger work like Apex kits.................If you ever have to use it, the DA will have a field day. If you ever have to use it, neither the bad guy or you will ever be able to tell, or remember that you installed a trigger kit. I don't see anything wrong with the stock trigger.:)
I'd rather lose my favorite gun vs. my life. I'm gonna carry the best thing I got. And if it needs a trigger kit to make it run right, I'll do that too. Better yet. Carry a Kahr.
03-11-2016, 10:56 AM
I followed that rule of thought and sometimes fall back to it. I'd carry a different cheaper but of course stone cold reliable 1911 because I didn't want to risk losing my Cbob or other more expensive guns, some of which would be hard to replace.
One reason many folks and departments love Glocks. They are all the same, easy to get, if you have to take one away you can give them another new one and nobody will care or notice.
I do the same thing with clothes. I get a favorite shirt and I don't wear it for fear I'll stain it or wear it out, not much sense in that.
I'm back to damn the torpedoes and wearing the Cbob which carries well, looks cool and runs superb.
Of course the PM45 is always on the ankle (shhhhsh, brass don't need to know about that one). I'd hate to lose it also but at least I can get another pretty quick.
Kind of figure if I'm in a shooting, it'll be ugly for quite a spell in all respects. Losing the gun might not be the biggest issue at least until the smoke dies down and the loss becomes more painful.
03-11-2016, 11:32 AM
I'd rather lose my favorite gun vs. my life. I'm gonna carry the best thing I got. And if it needs a trigger kit to make it run right, I'll do that too. Better yet. Carry a Kahr.
Carrying your favorite firearm doesn't really guarantee either. I am comfortable carrying my $400 M&P, and my $500 MK..................really don't want my HK's or others taken away. People that bling up their firearms will be in for a big surprise, if the time ever comes. I've seen it play out up here, and have actually been called for jury duty in a shooting case. Sights, trigger kits, ammo, all fair game for the DA. Hope you've got lots of attorney $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Would have come across better if you'd have said you carry the firearm you shoot best. Up here, even if your in the right, you won't see your firearm for at least a year or two, and many give up, because the attorney fees to get your firearm back out weigh the original cost of the firearm.:)
03-11-2016, 12:02 PM
The loss period is the same here. About a year at minimum. It's usually worse for LE guns as the defense attorney's usually love to tie them up forever for possible future evidence needs.
One incident here they took one of my MP5's, they also usually take any additional guns even if they aren't fired. Back up guns, duty pistol etc.
I was told to write the MP5 off as we'd never see it again. I DID NOT give up, it took a long time but I got it back. It was a mess and took some major cleaning but it's back all fixed up.
I don't spend a penny and didn't spend a penny on attorney's, actually that's not true, we all pay for attorneys with additional cost for everything to cover liability arse covering, health care is a big one. Take away malpractice suits and medical cost would drop 75 % I reckon.
I stick with the line, the guys at the gun shop recommended the trigger, sight, grips, ammo whatever.
Actually the same could apply to those who have a firearm defense attorney or insurance prearranged. You have an attorney for defense because you planned to shoot somebody, so it's premeditated.
I laugh at news coverage where they say officers discovered the suspect had an arsenal at his house.
Then show a picture of a Glock, an old pump shotgun and a Glenfield 39A along with 5 boxes of 22.
Ready for Armageddon without question.
They'd fall over if they entered most of our homes.
03-11-2016, 12:11 PM
Carrying your favorite firearm doesn't really guarantee either. I am comfortable carrying my $400 M&P, and my $500 MK..................really don't want my HK's or others taken away. People that bling up their firearms will be in for a big surprise, if the time ever comes. I've seen it play out up here, and have actually been called for jury duty in a shooting case. Sights, trigger kits, ammo, all fair game for the DA. Hope you've got lots of attorney $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Would have come across better if you'd have said you carry the firearm you shoot best. Up here, even if your in the right, you won't see your firearm for at least a year or two, and many give up, because the attorney fees to get your firearm back out weigh the original cost of the firearm.:)
My only point being: the cost/value of the carry firearm is irrelevant. It's ability to save your life (however you define that) is very relevant. I think any other POV is reckless. We are arguing semantics tho. No biggie.
03-11-2016, 12:24 PM
Either way, it's something to think about, if anything, for new carriers to digest. We all walk a fine line indeed............................................ ......of course, there are many firearms you should not carry, for reasons other than bling:)
03-11-2016, 12:36 PM
Back to the OP. I know many more people with M&P's vs. only a couple with Kahrs. Despite my affinity for Kahrs, M&P's are easy to work and very reliable. I recommend them often.
03-11-2016, 04:15 PM
-1 for the manual safety
I looked at it several times, I just cant grasp manual safeties
Beautiful Gun though
Def going to shoot one, see if the recoil/muzzle flip is lessened.
+1 for Kahr, been carrying a PM9 since for a few years now.
03-11-2016, 05:24 PM
I'm actually not against a safety sometimes. The gal at the front desk is considering a gun purchase and so far the little Shield is most appealing to her. The deputy chief got one for his wife and I actually recommended getting one with the safety. She loves the Kahrs especially my little PM45 (wonder who's been influencing her) but while she's pretty strong, she struggles with working the slide like so many do. She can do it but just too much effort required for a carry gun in my opinion.
You don't need to use it if you choose not to. With woman putting the gun in purses or flash bangs, pockets etc, the safety can be a plus. Just like our old Beretta 92's I recommend building into your memory reflexes sweeping the safety off weather you use it or not just in case.
Like the Glocks and XD's etc, there isn't a lot of forgiveness in the trigger. A safety might just save the day if one is a tad bit careless.
As I told the front desk gal, once your familiar, and get a grasp of things you can just leave the safety off.
She's still a bit careless in handling, forgets to check for unloaded condition from time to time.
She wants to be a cop someday so trying to enforce good habits and stop bad ones. Course hanging out with me is probably a bad habit in itself.
03-11-2016, 07:23 PM
I run my Makarov with the safety off.
It's the only handgun I own with a safety.
But the DA trigger is not 4 lbs - LOL.:p
Looks like a nice gun.
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