View Full Version : PM 9 on layaway...

07-22-2010, 02:51 PM
I'd pick it up now, but too busy at work.

It is in excellent condition, and has serial number IA96XX, so it is just over a year old?

I suppose that is a good thing?

Some complain of how long keltec PF9 triggers are, but the Kahr PM seems pretty long also. I picked it up based on size and quality. PF9 may be fine, but prints a little larger, and just looks and feels so much cheaper. Although, the PMs seem to have had their troubles.

Anyone here have a longevity count to verify durability of these?

Can the trigger pull length be shortened??? - I compared it to a P9 and it was longer - someone at the gunshops said they can be shortened to P9 length. (Can you install the 'Elite' trigger?)

Is it a "premium" Kahr?

Has Kahr CS gotten better? Good?


07-22-2010, 05:55 PM

07-28-2010, 01:20 PM

I can't answer any of your questions but suggest you start a new thread with round count as the subject, with the rest of your questions too, as many here can varify many thousands of rounds.

The "someone at the gunshops said" is not usually up to date info.
I believe that "Elite" trigger info is old, and Kahr would be a good source to find out.
Whether just comparing spec's (P9+PM9) on the Kahr website or with a direct question to Kahr.
After all, if you plan to change trigger parts, Kahr would be the source of those parts.
Just a quick check shows the same part number for the trigger bar for P9/PM9.
Some other parts may be different though.

I try not to repeat info I've read as being true unless I have varified it.
Just sayin'

07-28-2010, 01:58 PM
Hopefully I can be of some help.I`m at the 1700 round mark with my PM9 and haven`t had any issues at all.Nada.Zip.Zero. It doesn`t take long to get used to the trigger on a PM9 so unless you`re just burning up to change it,be patient and you`ll be pleasantly surprised.I`ve read many glowing reports about Kahr`s CS dept.on this forum and very few gripes.A few,mind you,but good stuff in general.My only experience with them was to install night sights on my PM9.It was about a two week turnaround if I remember correctly.Give yourself a little time to get used to your PM9.You`ve bought a fine handgun and with a little practice you`ll love it.Dietrich.

07-28-2010, 02:09 PM
2,195 rounds here. I have had maybe 3 or 4 failure to feeds (bullet get's caught on feed ramp). I had 1 failure to eject recently, but I was over the recommended time to change out the recoil spring so I did that and then shot 50 more rounds with no problems. I have had maybe 2 or 3 times when the slide did not lock back on the last round.

07-28-2010, 03:06 PM
I'd pick it up now, but too busy at work.

It is in excellent condition, and has serial number IA96XX, so it is just over a year old?

I suppose that is a good thing?

Some complain of how long keltec PF9 triggers are, but the Kahr PM seems pretty long also. I picked it up based on size and quality. PF9 may be fine, but prints a little larger, and just looks and feels so much cheaper. Although, the PMs seem to have had their troubles.

Anyone here have a longevity count to verify durability of these?

Can the trigger pull length be shortened??? - I compared it to a P9 and it was longer - someone at the gunshops said they can be shortened to P9 length. (Can you install the 'Elite' trigger?)

Is it a "premium" Kahr?

Has Kahr CS gotten better? Good?


they won't last long, my PM9 now as of yesterday hit the 30,000 round mark and I have not brokenn one part other than one cracked mag follower. I don't put the kel tec PF9 in the same class and league as kahrs either. Eash has their own price point.

No u can't change the trigger pull lengh. It is 3/8" long by design, and smoother than butter also. unlike kel tecs. both thogh have the looooong trigger by design. This is not a match gun, don't get me wrong, it is a dead accurate shooter but the 3/8" trigger length IMO separates the men from the boys to. I don't shoot my PM9 after 30,000 rounds as accurate as one would think with that many rounds. I can out shoot it with my G19 5 to one any day of the week. That being said I can keep 4" and under groups at 7 yards seemingly all day to. That is plenty good enough to put a BG down. I don't practice at 25 yards, I see no need to. I cannot hit anything with it at 25 yards and that bothers me NAUGHT.

the P9 trigger system is EXACTLY what is in your PM(. THEY ARE EXACTLY the same length in pull and trigger weight. You have the elite trigger in the PM9. The only other trigger that kahr offers is the NYPD trigger and that is offered ONLTY on the K9 kahrs, no other kahrs. The P9 is a bigger gun and there fore IMO it made your trigger pull feel different but it is not PERIOD.

You can shoot any kahr until the cows come home, they are built just like a glock. Look a the kahr slide and any glock slide and they are damn near identical. The lower section IMO, kahr has it all over any other gun made. There is just damn near any parts in the lower section. Never a need to ever take the lower section apart to clean. It can be spray cleaned completly and also lubed.

Is kahrs CS gotten better, you should read more on this forum. it is outstanding , bhetter IMO right now than any gun company out there. Kahrs ALL OF THEM are top quality guns, PREMIUM u betcha. But if you can't adjust to the looooooong trigger system, then look somewhere else. It is IMO the finest ccw gun on the market and that is what they are made for. Nothing against the kel tec PF9, it is what it is, price points of both are far aapart, and there is certainly a reason for that. I think I remember a post on kel tec forum statign the life expectancy of a kt is around 6000 rounds. For most two lifetimes of shooting. In my case if my kahr was in that range, I would now be on my 5th kahr PM9.

Kahrs are also like other guns, NOT FOR EVERYONE. I would advise if at all possable find a PM9 owner or rent one from a range and make your own decision before plopping down 500+ bucks..

07-28-2010, 08:13 PM
I shoot a lot of different pistols and therefore a lot of different trigger pulls. My 1911's have no pretravel, no overtravel, and no creep. That is what single action only triggers are supposed to feel like. The Kahr is double action only and the long trigger pull is to keep you from having an accidental discharge since there is no manual safety.

Search these threads and there is a wealth of information on speeding up the smoothing out of the trigger pull via polishing some key components. Or you can do like others here and shoot a few thousand rounds (or dry fire) the gun until it smooths itself out. Even out of the box the Kahr trigger is head and shoulders above the kel-tec trigger. With some effort the Kahr trigger will be as good as any double action revolver trigger and no one I know tries to shorten up their revolver triggers. Smooth pull straight through the firing point, not staging the trigger is the key to accurately shooting DAO guns.

I hope that you grow to love your PM9 as much as we love ours.

P.S. I've needed CS once with my PM45. They were fast, professional, and polite. Not something that can be said of all gun makers. Are they kel-tec like where everything just about is solved by sending you a new gun or rebuilding your whole gun? No. But the Kahr guns need less of that to start with and if necessary, Kahr will do what is needed to make things right in my experience as well as most of the folks on this site. YMMV

07-28-2010, 11:30 PM
they won't last long, my PM9 now as of yesterday hit the 30,000 round mark and I have not brokenn one part other than one cracked mag follower. I don't put the kel tec PF9 in the same class and league as kahrs either. Eash has their own price point.

No u can't change the trigger pull lengh. It is 3/8" long by design, and smoother than butter also. unlike kel tecs. both thogh have the looooong trigger by design. This is not a match gun, don't get me wrong, it is a dead accurate shooter but the 3/8" trigger length IMO separates the men from the boys to. I don't shoot my PM9 after 30,000 rounds as accurate as one would think with that many rounds. I can out shoot it with my G19 5 to one any day of the week. That being said I can keep 4" and under groups at 7 yards seemingly all day to. That is plenty good enough to put a BG down. I don't practice at 25 yards, I see no need to. I cannot hit anything with it at 25 yards and that bothers me NAUGHT.

the P9 trigger system is EXACTLY what is in your PM(. THEY ARE EXACTLY the same length in pull and trigger weight. You have the elite trigger in the PM9. The only other trigger that kahr offers is the NYPD trigger and that is offered ONLTY on the K9 kahrs, no other kahrs. The P9 is a bigger gun and there fore IMO it made your trigger pull feel different but it is not PERIOD.

You can shoot any kahr until the cows come home, they are built just like a glock. Look a the kahr slide and any glock slide and they are damn near identical. The lower section IMO, kahr has it all over any other gun made. There is just damn near any parts in the lower section. Never a need to ever take the lower section apart to clean. It can be spray cleaned completly and also lubed.

Is kahrs CS gotten better, you should read more on this forum. it is outstanding , bhetter IMO right now than any gun company out there. Kahrs ALL OF THEM are top quality guns, PREMIUM u betcha. But if you can't adjust to the looooooong trigger system, then look somewhere else. It is IMO the finest ccw gun on the market and that is what they are made for. Nothing against the kel tec PF9, it is what it is, price points of both are far aapart, and there is certainly a reason for that. I think I remember a post on kel tec forum statign the life expectancy of a kt is around 6000 rounds. For most two lifetimes of shooting. In my case if my kahr was in that range, I would now be on my 5th kahr PM9.

Kahrs are also like other guns, NOT FOR EVERYONE. I would advise if at all possable find a PM9 owner or rent one from a range and make your own decision before plopping down 500+ bucks..

Gosh darn it Jocko, you forgot to tell him to shoot it like he stole it. I leave for a few days and your slippin right and left.
He's got it on Lay away so the hooks set.
Pick it up soon and start bonding, your gonna love it.

Lets see 30,000 rounds, might want a new recoil spring some day- no rush!

07-29-2010, 07:44 AM

maybe you're missing my range report...