View Full Version : Colt series 80 officers

12-27-2015, 09:16 PM
Found one in very good condition for $750. Does this sound like an okay deal?

I have been looking for a small 1911 for possible carry. Was interested in the kimber ultra raptor pro 2 but for some reason i am a little wary of allumanim frames. Seems like an all steel frame would hold up better after time. And The weight of the all steel colt wasnt too heavy for me.

Thanks for any input.

12-27-2015, 09:22 PM
Sounds okay to me.

12-27-2015, 10:33 PM
I can't say for sure if that's a good price, seems like it's ok, you can't touch much of any Colt for less than that.

I had an Officers Model back in the 80's and while many had feed issues and such, I never had any problems at all with mine.

Wish I still had it.

12-27-2015, 11:48 PM
Well, it sounds o.k. to me.

12-28-2015, 11:22 AM
That's not a bad price these days for one. It's certainly inline, if not better, with what you see on the gun auction sites.
Does it have the factory recoil spring plug and dual recoil springs or has it been fitted with something aftermarket?
I liked mine well enough and came up with something to replace the factory recoil spring setup that worked well and didn't require altering the slide.

I'd like to suggest looking at Springfield Armory's Range Officer Compact. It has an Officer/compact size frame, but with a 4" barrel vice the 3.5" used in the Officer's ACP/1991 Compact. The longer barrel/slide combo is going to be less sensitive to some of the feed issues that Bawanna mentioned being associated with the 3"-3.5" barrel guns. The Range Officer Compact can be found new for close to that $750 and will have Springfield's pretty good warranty/customer service behind it. I'll list a disclaimer here, as it matters to some people, Springfield 1911 frames and slides are made in Brazil.

I recently converted my Officers/Compact to a CCO configuration (4.25 barrel/slide). There are some comparison photos and a shot of my Officer's recoil spring system here:


12-28-2015, 04:15 PM
Like this one.........................

12-28-2015, 04:26 PM
Like this one.........................

yes that is def a nice pistol you got there. Im a little ocd when it comes to my guns. I hardly ever get blued and usually stick with the stainless look. To each his own..:D

12-28-2015, 05:39 PM
Like this one.........................
Yep, that's a nice Range Officer Compact

yes that is def a nice pistol you got there. Im a little ocd when it comes to my guns. I hardly ever get blued and usually stick with the stainless look. To each his own..:D
If that a stainless Officer's you are looking at then that's definitely a good price.


12-28-2015, 06:28 PM
You know Greg, now that I ponder it, I think your's is the only blued officers model I've ever laid eyes on. Always see stainless.

Weird huh?

12-28-2015, 06:55 PM
You know Greg, now that I ponder it, I think your's is the only blued officers model I've ever laid eyes on. Always see stainless.

Weird huh?
The world moves in mysterious ways brother...hardly ever see them in any form down this way anymore.

12-28-2015, 08:03 PM
Nor here either, haven't seen on in a long time

I actually saw a couple Detonics last gun show, don't see them very often anymore either.

12-29-2015, 05:00 PM
You know Greg, now that I ponder it, I think your's is the only blued officers model I've ever laid eyes on. Always see stainless.

Weird huh?

Blue Officers ACP has been my go-to carry 1911 for 20 years. Purchased as-NIB for $400. Tuning and custom work to suit my needs/preferences all done by my ownself. Dead stone reliable, comfortable old tool.

This gun got me addicted to the 3.5" bbl. Perfect balance, for me. When I wanted a copy of the configuration in 9mm early this year it cost me...bought a DW ECO.

12-29-2015, 05:05 PM
That did cost you............................................... .....................................:)

12-29-2015, 05:25 PM
Found one in very good condition for $750. Does this sound like an okay deal?

I have been looking for a small 1911 for possible carry. Was interested in the kimber ultra raptor pro 2 but for some reason i am a little wary of allumanim frames. Seems like an all steel frame would hold up better after time. And The weight of the all steel colt wasnt too heavy for me.

Thanks for any input.

I'm personally liking the New Agent - m'self, but have a stainless OACP in the harim.

I've found 'em to be reliable and good shooters. No real issues for the three I've owned.

12-30-2015, 01:04 AM
Yep, that's a nice Range Officer Compact

If that a stainless Officer's you are looking at then that's definitely a good price.


Yeah the more i think about it the more i want it. Might go back within a couple days and see if its still there. I will keep you guys posted. Have to pick up the new pony in a couple days too!😍

12-30-2015, 06:12 PM
That did cost you............................................... .....................................:)

That it did, but at least with a few minor tweaks to suit my preferences it was way good to go right otb.

Also picked up a new, discontinued in 9mm Colt New Agent I stumbled across at the same while I was lookin' time. Got that for noticeably less than half what the the DW cost me and I do like it. But it isn't my preferred slide/barrel length, it's been back to Colt to fix feed problems, thumb safety sharp rear edge chewed the hell out my shooting hand first time out, and other not nearly as good as the ECO build quality observations.

Also, fwiw....methinks if one isn't as obsessed with the 1/2 " shorter barrel length configuration as I am, the Springer RO Compact is the best buy on the market/way to go for a production, short handle 1911.

12-31-2015, 03:25 PM
I have owned and carried a Kimber Ultra CDP II for a very long time. The frame has not been a problem as long as you use magazines with a rounded follower as opposed to the flat steel ones Kimber supplies the gun with. This eliminates any possible of chipping the feed ramp. My gun has shot everything I can handload and in all those years I have only changed the recoil spring once.

The light weight of the alloy frame Kimber makes that gun weigh in empty at just 2oz. over my all steel j-frame.


12-31-2015, 06:38 PM
^ Kimber seems to have worked out the 3" bbl .45 ACP 1911 pretty damn well. I have a bought new pre-II version lw CDP and I can't remember it having ever malfunctioned. It's the only 3" .45 I own. Works fine but not quite the right gun for. Wife, on the other hand...it's her preferred 1911.

01-01-2016, 12:28 AM
Nor here either, haven't seen on in a long time

I actually saw a couple Detonics last gun show, don't see them very often anymore either.

oh dont get me started on those combat masters! Been looking for one for years but never seen one in person. Arent those made to be carried with the hammer down? I think thats why the rear site is further up on the frame

01-01-2016, 07:35 AM
That it did, but at least with a few minor tweaks to suit my preferences it was way good to go right otb.

Also picked up a new, discontinued in 9mm Colt New Agent I stumbled across at the same while I was lookin' time. Got that for noticeably less than half what the the DW cost me and I do like it. But it isn't my preferred slide/barrel length, it's been back to Colt to fix feed problems, thumb safety sharp rear edge chewed the hell out my shooting hand first time out, and other not nearly as good as the ECO build quality observations.

Also, fwiw....methinks if one isn't as obsessed with the 1/2 " shorter barrel length configuration as I am, the Springer RO Compact is the best buy on the market/way to go for a production, short handle 1911.

Except for the fiber optic sights.......................can't see them any more.....orange, green, pink, it doesn't matter. Thinking about getting that changed to something more realistic for me.

01-01-2016, 07:40 AM
http://www.southyorkshireairguns.co.uk/ekmps/shops/southyorksag/images/colt-classic-special-combat-air-pistol-89-p.pngLike this one ?????????????????????????????????????

01-01-2016, 05:35 PM
Except for the fiber optic sights.......................can't see them any more.....orange, green, pink, it doesn't matter. Thinking about getting that changed to something more realistic for me.

Yeah, you're right about that bit. For us, at least, the FO sights would have to go.

01-01-2016, 06:27 PM
I wonder if John Moses ever imagined that in 2016 people would still be enthusiasts of his 1911 pistol?

Gun Doctor
01-01-2016, 10:01 PM
What I find amazing is the fact that the US Military (With the exception of the USAF, I'll explain in a bit) used the 1911A1 from 1911 all the way up to 1985, when we bowed to pressure from the rest of NATO to standardize ammo, and went to the 9mm. We ALSO used a Johen Browning design from 1935 until NOW. This is the M-2 Machine Gun. Ma Deuce. Let's finish this by talking about one of his last designs, which we know as the Browning Hi-Power, or GP. 1932, and yup, still in use by the Brits, and most likely a few others.

Now, as to the Air Force: At the beginning of the jet fighter era, pilots found themselves buried under all the new gear they had to wear. Pressure suit, "May West" vest, helmet, Parachute, etc. They wanted to carry something a bit smaller than a 1911, and sought permission to equip themselves with S&W airweight snubbies. Well, in an effort to simplify supply, the powers that were decreed that the entire USAF would go to .38 cal revolvers. Mostly S&W model 10s, but a healthy sprinkling of Rugers, too.

Back to the matter at hand, which is John Moses Browning. The man was a certified mechanical genius, innovator, and I think we can agree that if their is a Shooting God, his Prophet must sure be Mr. Browning.

Gun Doctor
01-01-2016, 10:06 PM
Oh, and by the way, I hate, Hate, HATE front serrations on a 1911. They are an abomination. (And please don't feed me the line about "press checking." I ain't gonna get my hand near the business end of a pistol to check and see if the darn thing is loaded!) They only came about because guys with competition pistols needed them due to the scope mounts obstructing the rear serrations. And while I'm on the subject, if you are going to compete, it should be with a stock weapon, not some formula 1, star wars, tricked out sort-of-real-gun.

Now, please excuse me while I catch my breath, and climb back down from this stupid soapbox. I think it's time for my meds...