View Full Version : Petition to call for a Convention of the States
12-29-2015, 12:28 PM
If you want, here is a link to a page where you can sign a petition to call for a Convention of States.
Citizens for Self-Governance has launched the Convention of States Project to call an Article V convention to propose only amendments that would impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.
12-29-2015, 01:14 PM
Here are a couple of videos that explain how the ultra rich globalists have manipulated this nation, into wars, creating a central bank, and many other things they want done. They are the puppet masters pulling the strings on our politicians. This will help you understand how we have got to the point where we are at today. It explains how the League of Nations, then the United Nations were formed, how the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderbergers, The Club of Rome, and other secret organizations were formed. It also sheds some light that on the ultimate goal of one the UN's actions, I think the Biosphere Creation, was to replace religions with a new religion of Nature Worship.
Meanwhile we have Hillary saying that Christians must change their views, or have them legislated into accepting Abortion and homosexuals. Legislating what we believe should be unconstitutional, but they don't seem to care much about the constitution anymore. Which is why we need the call a Convention of States and knock them down a notch or two. I'm not going to have some lying, murdering, lesbian witch (she is a member of a California coven of witches) tell me how I can or cannot worship.
Both of these posts affect our right to own guns, in some way.
12-29-2015, 01:49 PM
Well hell, you found this on the internet so it has to be true. One of my best friends is a 32nd degree Mason of the Scottish rite, so I'm somewhat familiar with free- masonry. Here is a link that explains it better than I can. It's pretty scary so proceed with caution. Spooky!
12-29-2015, 04:51 PM
12-29-2015, 09:06 PM
Convention of states - with today's dumbed down electorate what do you think the result will be?
12-29-2015, 09:11 PM
Tman - the problem with the "rich globalists," about which I totally agree with you, is they are as slippery as ISIS (who I think they created and protect). They are a nebulous, loose cabal of people with dreams of world domination. How do you fight such a group?
12-29-2015, 10:12 PM
What if the IRS finds out?
12-30-2015, 12:57 PM
Muggsy, I was a 32nd Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner. Served as Marshal of the Provost Guard in the Shrine, and sat in as Master of the Blue Lodge once. I know what goes on in the lodges. I compare it to the Catholic church. Most catholics have no idea what goes on in the Vatican, and most Masons have no idea what goes on in the upper levels of Masonry. I left the Masons, after being DJ for too many Shriner parties. I was pretty disgusted by some of the things that went on at some of them. It conflicted with my Christian values. There are some good groups in the Shrine, and some groups I want nothing to do with. Yes they do some good work, like their children's hospitals and various charities they support. After reading parts of Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike, I found out enough that I needed to leave the fraternity. Albert Pike was Illuminati, and created a plan that would bring the world under Globalist Control. It would involve 3 world wars, 2 of which have already happened, and the 3rd is starting up in the Middle East, just as he predicted.
JohnR, I would hope that the Convention of States would do what they have stated they want to do. Reign in the Federal Government. End Federal Corruption and Abuse.
The federal government is broken. Parties change, promises change, but the results stay the same.
D.C. politicians will never limit their own power or fix the mess they’ve created. We're filing resolutions in statehouses across the country to use the Founder’s solution - Article V - to call a Convention of States that can...
Stop the EPA's war on property rights.
Restore religious liberty.
Limit executive orders.
Impose term limits on Congress.
Force Congress to balance the budget.
Those all sound like pretty good goals to me. I'm not sure how much our "dumbed down" electorate has to do with the process, I think it is mostly done among the State Legislatures. Perhaps they will need a public vote on whatever they decide on. I really don't know. And it doesn't say.
You are right about the "rich globalists" they are a slippery bunch that hide behind layers of Corporations, and Financial Institutions. They start wars, and supply both sides through subsidiary corporations in each country. They get richer while millions die. Which is fine with them since they want to reduce the population anyway.
12-30-2015, 08:46 PM
Is it true the top level masons are satan worshippers?
If the State legislators are involved in the convention, it's the electorate who picks the legislators. Hopefully whacko states like California are only 1/50 of the convention, not proportional to the State population.
12-30-2015, 09:32 PM
Ha ha, look who doesn't want Trump to defeat ISIS - George Soros. He claims Trump is fearmongering.
The rich globalists need ISIS to justify their own power grab. If Trump whacks ISIS they have to come up with a Plan B. I think they want the World Caliphate to solidify so they can strengthen the UN into a world dictatorship, created to defeat the Caliphate.
12-30-2015, 10:48 PM
George Soros has manipulated lots of things to get where he is. Anything he is involved in is bad news.
12-31-2015, 09:09 AM
I never met any satan worshipers in the Masons, but I never got beyond 32nd degree. Albert Pike, seems to have been a Luciferian, from his writings in Morals and Dogma. I think maybe the levels 33 and beyond might be. Albert Pike wrote about how great Lucifer was for being the "light" bearer, the one who brought us knowledge. I have no idea what goes on at the top levels. They may be Luciferians, but I cant say for sure. I just didn't want to be associated with them anymore after seeing some stuff that went on at their stag parties in the Shrine. I think they are like the Catholic Church. The normal members have no idea what goes on in the Vatican. And 32 degree and below masons have no idea what goes on above them. It's kept secret.
For those that don't know, Albert Pike was a Civil War general, and was considered to be somewhat of a genius. He wrote a plan for three world wars that would bring world domination to the Illuminati. The first two World War I and II went down almost exactly how he described them, probably since it was Illuminati members that instigated these wars, and manipulated the USA into getting in them. His plan for the WWIII was that it would start in the Middle East, and be Islam vs the rest of the world, and we see how that is taking shape. Albert Pike was the Supreme Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite Masons, You have the 3 basic levels of Masons, Entered Apprentice, Fellow of the Craft, and Master Mason. Then you can go through the Scottish or York Rite and go up to the 32nd degree, which they say is more of a sideways move as a 3rd degree Master Mason is on the same level as a 32 degree. Then they start with the "Honorary Degrees" There are quite a few 33rd degree masons, those that have done a lot of things for Masonry. Supposedly that is the highest you can go, but I've heard that there are degrees up into the 70's. That is where you find the ones involved with the Illuminati and Luciferianism. Satan worship is something different from Lucifer worship. And there is no Satan worship I ever heard of. Shriners are 32 degree masons, that join the Shrine, which is mostly a social club, with a lot of drinking and partying, and a lot of different clubs you can get into. I was in the Shooting club, The Provost Guard, and was Marshal of it one year. They are one of the tamer clubs, since drinking and shooting don't mix, although they do pop open the beers after the guns are put away. Most of the other clubs are parade clubs, some have miniature vehicles, some drive Harleys, some are bands. They operate several Childrens hospitals, for crippled kids, where they try to fix them so they can at least walk, and some Hospitals for burned children, where they take care of severely burn Children. They provide all their care, and transportation to and from the hospitals for free. This is gives them good publicity, and brings in a lot of money through donations and fund raisers. It also provides good cover for whatever is going on in those upper levels. Masonry is not a Christian organization, their god is the "Grand Architect of the Universe" and Masonry is open to men of all faiths, as long as they believe in a god. You can have Jews sitting next to a Muslims, with no problems in a lodge meeting. At one time they actually killed people for revealing the secrets of the Lodge, One such murder caused an Anti-Masonic movement back in the later 1800's that lasted a couple decades, but now you can go to any large public library, and read about all the rituals and the very bloody oaths you take as you advance through the degrees. The things I've said here doesn't violate any of the oaths I have taken. I have a DJ setup, and was asked to DJ some of the parties, and some of the things that went on, caused me to not want to be associated with them any longer. It offended my Christianity to take part in these things.
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