View Full Version : Do I have a defective pistol? HELP!!!!

Gun Doctor
01-02-2016, 09:06 AM
Okay guys, help me out. I'm confused, conflicted, and worried. I bought a CW380 not too long ago, and so far, I have about 1500 rounds down range without a malfunction. BUT...This is the ONLY pistol I have ever owned, or even worked on, that you can push the slide out-of-battery (or so it appears) with a round in the chamber. I can push the slide back darn near 1/4 inch, and it will stay there until I push it back forward.

As I said, I'm confused. So far, this little pop gun has worked flawlessly, but the gunsmith in me says this slide thing is wrong, wrong, wrong. I have taken this pistol out of my pocket, and placed it back in the drawer as I'm worried about the situation, and I'm carrying IWB again. Has anyone else experienced this, or is my little beast all alone. Has anyone spoken with Kahr technical folks about it> Let me know! :confused:

NOTE: I also posted this in the CW forum area, but want the widest range of readers to help me. Thank you all!

01-02-2016, 09:19 AM
I wouldn't think its a problem as long as you're not having malfunctions when shooting. The kahr has tight tolerances and we should use a pocket holster if carried in pocket to prevent the slide being pushed back. Just my opinion.

01-02-2016, 09:25 AM
Maybe it's time for a new set of recoil springs. 1500 rounds have weakened them. IMO

Gun Doctor
01-02-2016, 10:09 AM
1st. Uh, after damn near 40 years of carrying covert, and a few more than that working on guns, I ALWAYS us a holster. 2nd. Your "answer" makes no sense. If the slide has too much play, or is "normal" has nothing to do with the use of a holster.
Please allow an old man to make an observation: Before you answer a question, be sure that you understand the question, and that you have something intelligent and one-point to add.

Gun Doctor
01-02-2016, 10:11 AM
Previous rant directed towards YQT etc.

01-02-2016, 10:51 AM
Doc, I guess that no one told you, but rants aren't appreciated on this forum. Particularly when they are directed at a 1K member by a noob. If your firearm can be easily pushed out of battery and remains out of battery it's an indication that the recoil spring could stand to be replaced and/or that something is binding. It could also be that the gun needs a bit more breaking in, or that it isn't being properly or sufficiently lubed. One would think that someone with forty years of carrying and gunsmithing experience might know that, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. The slides on my Kahr pistols can be easily pushed back out of battery a short distance, but they return to battery when released. If it doesn't impede function I wouldn't be overly concerned.

01-02-2016, 10:58 AM
Hey, you ask for help then throw a tantrum at a member for trying to help? No where in your first post did you mention you used a holster.

As far as your slide issue, there is nothing wrong. When your gun is cocked with a round in the chamber half of your spring tension is taken up, that's why it's easier to move the slide back.

Remove your ammo from the chamber and dry fire your gun, releasing all tension on the springs. Your slide should be tight and harder to move back at this point.

If you feel something is wrong, give Kahr a call and send it in.

01-02-2016, 12:01 PM
As far as your slide issue, there is nothing wrong. When your gun is cocked with a round in the chamber half of your spring tension is taken up, that's why it's easier to move the slide back.

Remove your ammo from the chamber and dry fire your gun, releasing all tension on the springs. Your slide should be tight and harder to move back at this point.

If you feel something is wrong, give Kahr a call and send it in.

Just checked both of my Kahrs this way and they do just that. Thanks for the info!

Longitude Zero
01-02-2016, 01:01 PM
Doc, I guess that no one told you, but rants aren't appreciated on this forum. Particularly when they are directed at a 1K member by a noob. If your firearm can be easily pushed out of battery and remains out of battery it's an indication that the recoil spring could stand to be replaced and/or that something is binding. It could also be that the gun needs a bit more breaking in, or that it isn't being properly or sufficiently lubed. One would think that someone with forty years of carrying and gunsmithing experience might know that, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. The slides on my Kahr pistols can be easily pushed back out of battery a short distance, but they return to battery when released. If it doesn't impede function I wouldn't be overly concerned.

muggsy he sounds like a possible TROLL that needs to be banned. ADMINS???

Gun Doctor
01-02-2016, 01:16 PM
first of all, I didn't mention a holster, because it wasn't germane to the issue. As for the time on the forum, I know many folks who are long time members of an organization, who are not well respected, and many more who are new to a group, who have a lot of knowledge. I'm not saying I'm in the latter category! But, I was asking about a specific problem, and was looking for information from other owners. Maybe I should just ignore off target comments, but I didn't. If you want to ban me, go right ahead. As Groucho Marx said, "I've been thrown outta better joints than this!"

By the way, thank you, Ronni3_j for the info that your pistols do the same thing. As I stated, I have NEVER seen a semi auto pistol do this, even the 1914 Walther my brother just bought, so I was justifiably concerned. Also, if the recoil spring wears out after 1500 rounds, there is something seriously wrong with Kahr's design!

And don't worry, I will not be back.

Gun Doctor
01-02-2016, 01:21 PM
One last comment. I just solved my slide problem. Went to pawn shop and sold the Kahr. No Karh, no problem. Will buy an AGBK (Any gun but Karh)

01-02-2016, 01:32 PM
Cripes, here we go again. A guy comes on with a well written, thoughtful question to a legitimate issue. He's looking for a little advice which this forum professes to offer freely and easily. Instead the usual cadre of forum know it alls read stuff into the question that isn't even there and then start to impugn the guys motives, skills, and capabilities, and then have the timerity to start calling him names and accusing him of ranting at those who have higher post counts than he does. You guys owe him an apology.

Longitude Zero
01-02-2016, 01:43 PM
Cripes, here we go again. A guy comes on with a well written, thoughtful question to a legitimate issue. He's looking for a little advice which this forum professes to offer freely and easily. Instead the usual cadre of forum know it alls read stuff into the question that isn't even there and then start to impugn the guys motives, skills, and capabilities, and then have the timerity to start calling him names and accusing him of ranting at those who have higher post counts than he does. You guys owe him an apology.

LOL...REALY??? The ONLY LEGITIMATE issue is the slide allegedly not returning to battery under the influence of the recoil spring. The slide on ALL semi-autos can be retracted slightly with a round in the chamber. Those of us experienced with the 1911, as should every knowledgeable semi auto user call in a PINCH CHECK. Apology PUHLEEZE.

01-02-2016, 02:00 PM

Yes, an apology for treating the guy like a POS instead of just answering his question without reading into it what isn't there.

01-02-2016, 02:15 PM

Yes, an apology for treating the guy like a POS instead of just answering his question without reading into it what isn't there.

Not sure where you are coming from ski. The first disrespectful post occured at #4. All previous comments were the typical Kahrtalk attempts to help answer a question...and even some after...

FWIW I too wondered about how the OP came to notice the problem = possibly carrying without a holster...

This forum is full of some really smart members. Perhaps too smart? They are quick to welcome new members and even quicker to offer up sound advice. But they are also quick to recognize when a poster asks a question but really doesn't want an answer...

I for one will not bail on my senior members. They are part of what makes this a great forum.

01-02-2016, 02:27 PM
Oh...and by post 10 this guy is banning himself. :rolleyes: Somebody's got a short fuse. What a way to start the new year.

01-02-2016, 02:29 PM
His gun is gone and so is he. Problem resolved. Several of his other posts displayed the same bad attitude. I doubt that he'll be missed.