View Full Version : Galco Concealable OWB Holster For M&P40 FS

01-02-2016, 09:48 PM
I recently purchased a M&P40 Police trade-in (Detroit PD) and wanted a new holster for it. I didn't intend for this gun to be used much if at all for CCW as it is quite large, and I have several other guns that are more appropriate for CCW, but I wanted a holster that I could use for CCW if I chose to. Today I purchased this Galco Concealable OWB. It is a high-quality, well made leather holster and the gun fits perfectly. I wanted to see how well it would work for CCW, so I carried the M&P for most of the day today. I was pleasantly surprised that this holster works very well for CCW. I wore it under a long-sleeve shirt and the gun was barely noticeable. I attribute this mainly to the aggressive forward cant which serves to position the fairly long grip close and in line with the body. Also, the holster pulls the gun tight to the body. I would have preferred that the holster would ride a little higher like my High-Noon holsters that I use for my Glock and Sig, but I didn't want to spend $150.00 for a High Noon when I won't be carrying this gun on a regular basis. I paid $89.00 for the Galco at my LGS, which is comparable to the online prices at Midway, etc.

In summary, I am pleased with this holster as it is reasonably priced, high-quality, and does a good job of concealing a large frame pistol OWB.
