View Full Version : I'm in love with my Kahr

01-03-2016, 07:17 PM
Apologies to Queen for appropriating their song title . . .

Just bought a used K9 and just put about 150 rounds through it. It's stinking amazing. I find it easier to keep on target for controlled pairs than my Sig P226 (DAK trigger), and certainly easier than a Springfield XD-S (soon to be on the auction block). Such a small pistol, but controllable like, um, I don't know what--it's probably the most controllable 9mm I've ever shot.

One question, (which I yesterday posted to another new owner thread (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?16459-New-Kahr-owner-in-Ohio&p=208205#post208205), since the thread ended up addressing the same question. This Kahr talk thread (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?2773-PM9-Mag-Base-Plate-Mod/page4) also addresses a similar issue):

Anyone aware of a fix for the K9 magazine protrusion? Seems unnecessary (for example, see how much shorter the utterly reliable XD-S 7-round single stack 9mm magazine is: http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p660/wiliamjarvisrice/IMG_2498_zpsdrhpyxva.jpg

I neither need nor want the little micro-pinkie extension that the 7 rd Kahr magazines come with. Would love a single stack with a floor plate that doesnt protrude at all on the sides, a la 1911 magazine. (much easier for pocket spare-magazine carry), and would love something with a thin steel floor plate (which I know Kahr sells for these magazines) that is up against the bottom of the frame, instead of marooned 1/8 of an inch below the bottom of the frame, requiring an o-ring or something else to keep folks from pinching pinkies.

Anyone know of another magazine that'll fit in the well--a Kimber solo, Kel-tec PF-9, Ruger LC-9, etc, that has the right tube profile to fit in the Kahr slide? (and, ideally, the right length to not have that awkward 3/16" overhang at the bottom?).

Alternatively, any good techniques for shortening the stock magazine? I could of course just cut it off and have someone tack weld a floor plate to it and end up with a non-disassembleable magazine for life, but would prefer something more elegant--is there a way to shorten it and bend new ears for the Kahr factory steel floor plate to slide on?

And that's my only beef with the pistol--otherwise completely love it--the magazine showing from the rear seems both unnecessary and inelegant, and I wish they made a true flush-fitting, steel floor plate mag for this (or I wish someone did). Apparently some others have looked for solutions to the same (perhaps imaginary) problem; wondering if anyone's come up with anything. If not, I might try a perma-mounted floor plate on a home-shortened magazine tube and see how that works. . .

Thanks in advance, and thanks for the forum; it's a great resource.