View Full Version : First Range Trip PM 45

01-21-2016, 07:44 PM
First off , I am new to the forum ,and Kahr Arms.
Last weekend I was at our first gunshow of the year here. I was in the market for a conceal piece. It had to be in .45 ,and or .357
I found a 3"GP-100 that I almost popped on. I already have a 6" version in SS that I LOVE. I also was on the fence over a really nice Smith Model 19 snubby. Both were .357 and somewhat concealable . I looked at the new Springfield XD mod2, Smith Mp , Glock , Walther , etc.. and too many other smallish .45 pieces.
My local pawn shop has just started selling new Kahrs, and I saw a CW45 in there for 409.00 with two mags! NEW!! I did some research ,and found great reviews on Kahr.
I am usually pretty impulsive ,but I decided to wait and do some research on Kahr ,as I wasnt totally familiar with them.
Back to the Gun show.
I was nearing the last few tables, my son was ready to go ,and I was thinking either the GP , or the Model 19, or just go home empty handed and research some more. I was not real impressed with any of the other smallish .45`s there . The table next to the Model 19 table that was calling me, had a used PM45 .
It was small , felt great, was like new with two mags ,and had night sights too! The guy had 500 on it.
I asked him his bottom line on it and he told me 450.00!!!
I looked at the last few tables , then pulled out my phone. A quick Google search turned up that these PM45`s list for 999.00!! WHAT??
I went back to the table ,and looked over the PM45 really good. It indeed was like new, so I pulled the trigger :)
Today after work I finally got to the range. I had 5 different types of 230 grain ammo with me.
Perfecta brass
Winchester SXZ HP
Winchester HP
Remington Ultimate Defense
Federal Aluminum case
I loaded 10 rounds of Perfecta first in the two 5 rd mags. Dropping the slide to load a shell....
First round,,,click, no bang.... WTF?? I waited before pulling the mag and ejecting the shell. Light primer strike. I put the mag back in and dropped the slide like the first time. POW!!! four times. No problem. The pistol shot to point of aim ! I was smiling. I figured cheap ammo... oh well. Next 5 rounds of Perfecta no problem. The center of the target starting to fade !! :)
Loaded 10 more Perfecta ,and had 3 more light primer strikes.... Hmmmm . I decided to not use it any more as my light was fading. All of the other ammo that I brought including the Aluminum cased stuff went bang, and they went where I wanted them to go! I was absolutely blown away by how accurate this little pistol was. At first I was using just the tip of my finger on the trigger. The recoil was snappy ,and I ended up with a sore trigger finger ,as the gun went off the lower part of the trigger guard hit my finger pretty hard. I adjusted my hold ,and started shooting the PM like it was my GP-100 revolver. After that it was a beautiful thing..... :) Using more of my finger on the trigger worked out great!
I can not say enough about how happy I am with this pistol. I fired 100 rounds before it got too dark. I did 7 yards ,and 10 yards just to see it was shooting ,and mainly just to shoot it! VERY ACCURATE, with more practice ,and more daylight I plan on seeing how far I can stretch it. No issues other than the light primer strikes with the Perfecta. This little pistol is going to be my EDC. Fits perfect in a Remora pocket holster ,and my Backwoods IWB holster. A++++++++++++++++
Sorry for the novel, but I needed to give a range report! Now , I am planning on getting a couple 7 rd mags. Serioulsy thinking of putting that CW 45 on layaway at the pawn shop now!!
Kahr Arms has a new fan!!
I did get hit in the forehead twice with spent brass... LOL

01-21-2016, 07:45 PM
FORGOT to add !!
The trigger on this little beast is unbelievable! VERY SMOOTH!!!

01-21-2016, 08:00 PM
Mine beans me in the forehead if I get sloppy with my grip. Otherwise it seems to eject them nicely.

I enjoy a good new gun report and this was definitely a good one. Glad it's working out well for you and your mating up.

Our first gunshow of the year is this weekend, I don't have a plan nor much funds to activate it but I always go and wander around just the same.

Got a hankering for a Schofield in 45 Colt but I know I got no where near enough funds for that. YET.

01-21-2016, 08:10 PM
and had 3 more light primer strikes.... Hmmmm LOL

Check the chamber for cleanliness.
Clean the striker and the tunnel it rides in.

Maybe.. the original owner monkeyed with the striker spring. Might want to check that.

My bought new PM45 was a little prone to not quite going into battery when new. Shooting fixed that.

My first PM9 had the light Wolff striker spring and it fired 100 percent, but it was well broken in.

There is also something that happens occasionally with Kahr barrels, where the "lead in" is rather short, and some bullet shapes get caught in it, and the striker is actually pressing the cartridge into the chamber the last few .001's of an inch.

None the less, any of that can be corrected, congrats, yes the triggers are to die for and welcome!

01-21-2016, 09:03 PM
Thank you guys for putting up with my long post.
I appreciate your input,and I am looking forward to many range trips with this new baby.
BTW. I cleaned the crap out of it before and after the range trip. I will try the Pefecta one more time with the remaining rounds. Will report back!!
One more thing.. Do you have to have a certain amount of posts to post a pic??

01-21-2016, 09:28 PM
Yep 30. Or you can link to photobucket.

01-22-2016, 06:18 AM
Congrats on the new PM45. I am also wanting to pick up a small carry .45. I'm currently planning on a CM45 big brother to my little CM9. Welcome :)

01-22-2016, 04:44 PM
Great deal, especially with the night sights.
There is a hole beneath the striker channel which most use an aerosol non-chlorinated brake cleaner to remove any crud/oil etc. Recommendation is not to lube inside the channel. Prep is listed in a sticky section.
Fully agree with how accurate the Kahr's are, and the sweet trigger pull. It only gets better.