View Full Version : Ground Zero Mosque

07-25-2010, 11:09 AM
A triumphant monument on "conquered territory".

This will make "blood shoot out of your eyes" and it takes a Brit to express righteous outrage (6 minutes):

Pat Condell on Ground Zero mosque: "Is it possible to be astonished, but not surprised?" - Jihad Watch (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/06/pat-condell-on-ground-zero-mosque-is-it-possible-to-be-astonished-but-not-surprised.html)


07-25-2010, 11:12 AM
My opinion on this has been, and will be summed up in three words: OH HELL NO!

07-25-2010, 11:24 AM
Of course I had another thought as well. It goes a little like let them build it, and pack 6000 ish of them and their supporting politicians in it. Then just like that drop the roof on them... I know probably about to send up a bunch of red flags with this, but it's about time we paid them back in kind.

07-25-2010, 11:42 AM
Why is is that the pinheads who approved the permit for this travesty don't see that this is like a monument of the Islamo-Terrorists triumphantly pissing on Ground Zero... in perpetuity?:eek::confused::mad:

07-25-2010, 11:47 AM
Great question. I still like the drop the roof idea...

Jim K
07-25-2010, 01:06 PM
Of course I had another thought as well. It goes a little like let them build it, and pack 6000 ish of them and their supporting politicians in it. Then just like that drop the roof on them... I know probably about to send up a bunch of red flags with this, but it's about time we paid them back in kind.

I'll bring American flags

07-25-2010, 04:28 PM
I'll bring the pork chops, and fixins...

07-25-2010, 04:48 PM
I am not usually at a loss for words but this is one instance when I do not have the vocabulary to express my outrage and anger.Right now,in my home,the air is blue with profanity.

mr surveyor
07-25-2010, 04:53 PM

fill a 2,000 gallon tanker with a mixture of liquified hog manure and hog blood and have a little "spill" on the site.... then, rinse and repeat until problem solved


07-25-2010, 05:16 PM
Where is Mohammad buried? I offer to piss on his grave too.

07-26-2010, 10:35 AM
Mayor Bloomberg is supporting this "Celebration of the Islamic victory over America" so now we have another reason to despise him, along with his anti-gun stand.

07-26-2010, 10:43 AM
jlottmc, you guys are asking for a fatwa to be declared on you! This means open season on you and they don't fight "fair". :eek:

mr surveyor
07-26-2010, 09:40 PM
my Dad taught me when I was about 11 years old that there ain't no such rule as "fair" when it gets down to "fight". He loved boxing, both participating in his younger years as well as watching in later years, but considered it a controlled game. A fight to him was all out personal war and never learned to fight for fun. At about 11 years old I came home crying one too many times after the 16 year old neighborhood bully ruffed me ..... Dad told me to pick up a brick, a stick or a 2x4 next time and do whatever it took to either put a stop to it, or really get the snot beat out of me..... or he would open up his can of Dad whoopa$$ the next time I came home crying because of the mean old bully. Next day I had me a 4 foot long piece of 2x4 that I whittled down with a handle and went "bully huntin'". When old Bob the Bully came scooting up on his Cushman Eagle for the daily event, he was greeted by a pissed off 11 year old with a 2x4..... sounded "fair" to me. Bob never picked at me again, and 20 years later we ended up working for the same company and he was always talking about how much "fun" we had in the old neighborhood. Yeah.... right:)

I consider fighting to be an act of survival..... ain't NO limits.... fatwa or not. We have more than enough "2x4's" in this country for every man willing to swing one when/if the time comes. I'm only 56 (actually 57 come the 31st), but hav ealready reached the age of understanding and agreeing with the old adage of "Never pick a fight with an old man.... he'll just kill you". Otherwise, I'm just a cuddly little teddy bear:D


ps.... must have been a testerone induced rant....not sure where it came from, but I better take advantage of the moment;)

07-26-2010, 10:43 PM
Right on! I certainly agree that when you're fighting for your life, you don't want to wind up in second place. And when you have an advantage, use it... make sure the BG doesn't get up and continue the fight.
Walk softly and carry a big gun.

07-27-2010, 08:20 AM
The people of New York have to be complete idiots if they let this happen. They are the only ones that can stop it. Every day I see this country that I love, slip away. It's disgusting and disheartening. But I'm not giving up or giving in.

07-27-2010, 08:16 PM
Let them come Wynn, I fight dirty as well. I remember coming home like surveyor did once, my old man asked if I hit 'em back, I said no he said hit 'em back, so I did. Then he told me if I came home and hadn't won that we were going to their house and us boys were going to be in the yard till I did win. Take a closer look at my avatar... dang it can't post my good stuff, it's too big. I'll mess with it later.