View Full Version : 23 Days

01-25-2016, 10:12 AM
Hi, my name is Getsome and I'm a gunaholic.....New years day I made a pledge to myself that I wouldn't buy any more guns this year, only ammo, a couple magazines for the AR and maybe a holster or two and I was good for 23 days until I went in my local shop Saturday and there she was, a beautiful black DLC PM9 begging to come home with me....Well I'm back in the Kahr business and have a new baby to feed....I gave my PM40 to my son as I never shot it anymore and have been CCW a 642 j frame since last year but was feeling a little under gunned with only 5 shots in a difficult to hit anything with gun but now I'm a happy camper because I've always wanted a black PM9....

I took her home and did the standard prep and I gotta say I have never had so much difficulty putting a recoil spring back in, man that thing is tight but after wearing out my thumb I finally got it back together and went out yesterday and put 150 rounds through her without a single hiccup....Happiness is a new Kahr, I'm in love!!!!

01-25-2016, 10:19 AM
Welcome back. I had the same plan. Bought a Swiss Schmidt-Rubin yesterday at a gun show. One of them straight pulls with the ring on the bolt.
A tiny bit of buyer remorse since I found after research the stock isn't correct but it's still nice.

Mans gotta blow some money on a gun now and then or it just ain't right ya know.

01-25-2016, 10:40 AM
I figure it's either alcohol, women, gambling, a combination of all three or guns, at least with guns at the end of the day you have something to show for the money spent....Congrats on the Schmidt-Rubin and if it makes you happy then it's worth it....

01-25-2016, 11:38 AM
Colonel, I too have been eying those Swiss Schmidt Rubin straight pull bolt guns for awhile. What do you think of it overall, you like it?
would it be any easier to Scope it, with the straight pull bolt? Or would you have to go with a long eye relief where the rear sights are?

01-25-2016, 11:41 AM
As Tiger Woods once said, "A man cannot play only one hole...."

01-25-2016, 11:45 AM
I had 3 of them, Schmidt-Rueben, for a while before I downsized. Great guns and awesome shooters. I had a K11 and 2 K31's. I really liked the K31's. Picky to reload for due to very short chambers, but very accurate with nice triggers. Enjoy it. I love my CM9 and find myself fondling it daily. I think my wife may be jealous.

Cruce Dum Spiro Fido

01-25-2016, 12:37 PM
Scoping it would be sweet with the straight pull bolt. Mounting the scope looks like it would be quite troublesome and I don't think I'd want to do that.
I'm still researching a bit. Mine is either a 96/11 or a 1911. The pistol grip is removed and covered with a nice piece of leather so I can't tell if it had an integral one piece pistol grip 1911 or the added on one like the 96/11.

I've already found a from band and bayonet lug, can't seem to find a full length unmessed with original stock YET.

Other than not being original and correct, it's in very good condition, good poor, good trigger.

I felt a little down yesterday and last night but today I'm ok again. I'll get it correct, maybe that's part of the fun.

Turns out the seller lives on my street and he has several other cool military rifles. He as a French MAS semi with scope and grenade launch stuff, kind of intriguing to me but I didn't have the 750 bucks he wants for that, again YET but I keep knowing my ship will come in, time is short but I just know it's a coming.

I'll try to post some pictures when I get home. We all know without pictures it didn't happen.

01-25-2016, 02:01 PM
Neat old guns. Love the history of them. They make a clamp on scope mount that mounts on the right side. It actually worked very well. I had an all steel 60's vintage Weaver 6x on a k31. Sub moa with my reloads using 284 Win reformed brass. I miss those rifles.

Cruce Dum Spiro Fido

01-25-2016, 04:32 PM
Well, I've stuck with my 2016 no more guns resolution and intend to continue. And I'm actually minus one for the year already...."permanent loaned" an excess SKS to a friend after he'd expressed a real interest in them.

Technically, I met last years NMG with caveat pledge. Tripped up when I got two 9mm 1911's instead of just one. But I figger the four or five that went out to emergency replacement family support balances that bit of a stumble out.

01-25-2016, 04:35 PM
Sleep well grasshopper, 4 or 5 going out in donation status easily offsets a couple 9mm 1911's in my book.

When you can snatch the 9mm case from my hand, it's time for you to go.

I'm done for the year except for maybe some parts. Unless of course a 5" Schofield crosses my path in 45 Colt, then the gloves come off and I'm all in. Every man should have a Schofield.

Or a Stainless Auto Ordnance 1911, .........gonna be a tough year.

01-25-2016, 04:38 PM
What else are you going to spend the $$$$$$$ on???????????? Foolish things like utilities and food??????????? Let's not get carried away.......................................:)

01-25-2016, 04:45 PM
^ A better bike. I'm a now retired with enough time back into the game road cyclist.

01-25-2016, 05:17 PM
Game road cyclist? Is that a Harley or s Schwinn? Since the need for training wheels I'm sort of out of touch with the bike talk.

01-25-2016, 06:20 PM
LGS has two PM(J)9's in stock. Those were tough to walk away from. :o

01-25-2016, 06:30 PM
NEW? Must be new old stock or used.

01-25-2016, 06:43 PM
^^ no. They were used. But it is unusual to see two blunt-noses at the same place.

01-25-2016, 06:55 PM
Hey there getsome,

We've not met previously as I'm relatively newer here, yet great to say Hi to you. Single Kahr owner here, and I went for a PM9 (PM9193) straight out of the box. Enhanced Trigger Goodness ... Yeah, I know y'all want some. :p Great gun! It is my EDC. In a Cooks IWB Holster, it disappears like it's not there. I literally have days at the range with that gun where I am shooting a 3-4" groups at 10 yards. I'm not a great shot, yet sick for a 3" barrel!!

Anyway, I get the No More Guns pledge, yet I am actively pursuing a non-flashy purely functional pistol grip 20 gauge SD semi-auto shotgun, and by year's end it will be in my safe, racked and loaded.

I'm open to suggestions. :D


01-25-2016, 09:58 PM
Welcome back. I had the same plan. Bought a Swiss Schmidt-Rubin yesterday at a gun show. One of them straight pulls with the ring on the bolt.
A tiny bit of buyer remorse since I found after research the stock isn't correct but it's still nice.

Mans gotta blow some money on a gun now and then or it just ain't right ya know.

Hmmm all I can afford is just a plain Reuben....I did splurge and throw on mustard!:tongue:

01-25-2016, 11:50 PM
Despite Photobucket wanting to drive me insane I think I got some pictures of the Reuben.

3rd from the top in it's new place.
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/hopke5/DSCN6429_zpsjtl275i2.jpg (http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/hopke5/media/DSCN6429_zpsjtl275i2.jpg.html)
The unique/different and slightly weird bolt setup. But it works slick.
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/hopke5/DSCN6430_zpszagnb9xm.jpg (http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/hopke5/media/DSCN6430_zpszagnb9xm.jpg.html)
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/hopke5/DSCN6433_zpsxyo1a0gr.jpg (http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/hopke5/media/DSCN6433_zpsxyo1a0gr.jpg.html)
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/hopke5/DSCN6434_zpschq078mb.jpg (http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/hopke5/media/DSCN6434_zpschq078mb.jpg.html)
A little leather patch where the pistol grip "Should" be. It's comfy but not correct.
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/hopke5/DSCN6432_zps4998oqoi.jpg (http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/hopke5/media/DSCN6432_zps4998oqoi.jpg.html)
Missing some forend, should go to muzzle top and bottom with another barrel band w/bayonet lug.
I got a line on the band and lug, need wood.
http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/hopke5/DSCN6431_zpsg2b2ensv.jpg (http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/hopke5/media/DSCN6431_zpsg2b2ensv.jpg.html)

01-26-2016, 05:54 AM
Nice collection.

Cruce Dum Spiro Fido

01-26-2016, 07:47 AM
There are some things a man can have too many of. Guns and Guitars are not two of them

01-26-2016, 12:27 PM
Was cleaning and polishing the barrel on the new PM9 last night and I made an amazing discovery about these little gems.....If you lock back the slide and accidently hit the release lever with your finger near the opening to the chamber it will take quite a chunk of meat right off your digit.....Looks like I won't be using that finger for a bit....Remember this boys and girls, high spring pressure + sharp metal + finger = AAAAAAOOOOOWWWWW KRUMBA!!!!!!!!!!

01-26-2016, 12:31 PM
I'm bawling inside just thinking about it. Imagine it's a bit like M1 thumb but perhaps even worse.

01-26-2016, 01:09 PM
I hate when that happens! That's gonna leave a mark.

01-26-2016, 05:37 PM
Game road cyclist? Is that a Harley or s Schwinn? Since the need for training wheels I'm sort of out of touch with the bike talk.

Ahhh....that would be "back into the game, road cyclist" then. Harley riders are bikers and I usta be one of them but not for a quarter century now. And Schwinn's are fer kids, BOS lovers, and nostalgia riders....I'm none of those.