View Full Version : Update on my Marine

01-26-2016, 11:49 AM
Clint my youngest son and first Marine returned to his base at 29 Palms after his Christmas leave which was great.

Right back into training and such. He finally got introduced to the Beretta M9 and qualified expert with it. He didn't figure they would ever be issued handguns but found out differently.
He's heading for Irag first of April and everyone in his platoon will be issued M9's. He said he was already familiar with shooting, good upbringing, but had to get used to the long trigger on the Beretta. He also said it was high speed, targets only up for 2 or 3 seconds then disappear.
He's hoping to have a chance to requal with his HK rifle to raise that to Expert level as well but time will tell on that.

When he returned, first morning in formation him and 9 others were called out of formation and offered interviews to transfer into Marine security. This is originally what he wanted to do but was told there were no openings. Apparently that has changed. His leader was NOT happy about this. Already short of a full compliment of Marines and losing some didn't make him happy I guess.

That will require 7 or 8 months of additional training at Quantico, an extension of his enlistment time and a full year each deployed to 3 different countries. So apparently little down time and less visits home.

Sounds like the decision won't be made prior to his deployment so he will go to Iraq and be brought back if he is selected for the Marine Security deal.

01-26-2016, 12:04 PM
Outstanding!!! Looks like he got his shooting prowess from his proud papa.......

01-26-2016, 12:10 PM
Thank him for his service. You must be very proud. Mine was Air Force. Did the Iraq time (6 months). Convoy duty (security Forces) at that time. It was a long six months for us. Keep us updated on his progress. Hopefully, the Quantico experience will take him interesting places.

01-26-2016, 12:12 PM
He is to be commended for his choice to serve.

01-26-2016, 02:58 PM
He was raised right. Congrats to both of you!!!

01-26-2016, 03:04 PM
God Bless him and keep him safe.

You done good raising that young warrior.

01-26-2016, 03:08 PM
What great news. I wish him continued success and you and he have my thanks.

01-26-2016, 04:03 PM
Excellent, Col.

01-26-2016, 05:56 PM

01-26-2016, 06:02 PM
Godspeed to your Marine, and Congratulations to Papa for raising such a fine man!


01-26-2016, 06:05 PM
Good job!

01-26-2016, 06:53 PM
Thanks Colonel. And special thanks to you Clint. Be safe.

01-26-2016, 06:56 PM
Please thank him volunteering to protect the country.
My son will retire from the Marines in 2018. He has played in
the sand several times.
I think/hope that he has seen his last deployment.
I guess I worry more about it than he does.

That's almost us exactly. He makes it sound like not a big deal, pretty cushy job but I emphasized to him that there really is no cushy job when your issued a rifle and a pistol. Even like embassy duty etc, usually the people hate us and everything we represent so he can't let his guard down.

His mom is relieved he's getting the Marine Security job maybe. She wasn't so relieved when I told her he's going to the same places, wearing more formal uniform, probably in lesser numbers. He gets hazard pay full time, adds time to his enlistment, the list goes on and on.

He'll be fine, I know he will but we're still probably more skeered than he is.

01-26-2016, 08:16 PM
Hopefully he'll get embassy duty in a nice local. Not sure if he has to "work his way up" to get some sand between his toes in a nice location.

01-27-2016, 08:07 AM
Darn if you didn't go and raise a man Bawanna...well done to you both and thanks for the update.
Semepr Fi,

01-27-2016, 08:38 AM
A chip off the old block. If he's half as good as his "Old Man" he'll do just fine. Old Muggsy is pullin' for him.

01-27-2016, 08:46 AM
Colonel, you must be one proud Papa. Congratulations on raising such a fine son. May God watch over him and protect him while he is in Iraq, and any other dangerous places he may travel too.

01-27-2016, 11:13 AM
Congratulations to you all... parents and son. You've raised a fine young man and the Marines will certainly add to that as well. I hope he has a long(if he chooses!) and successful career and makes all of you even prouder! Semper Fi!

Wynn :Amflag2:

01-27-2016, 08:29 PM
Clint my youngest son and first Marine returned to his base at 29 Palms after his Christmas leave which was great.

Right back into training and such. He finally got introduced to the Beretta M9 and qualified expert with it. He didn't figure they would ever be issued handguns but found out differently.
He's heading for Irag first of April and everyone in his platoon will be issued M9's. He said he was already familiar with shooting, good upbringing, but had to get used to the long trigger on the Beretta. He also said it was high speed, targets only up for 2 or 3 seconds then disappear.
He's hoping to have a chance to requal with his HK rifle to raise that to Expert level as well but time will tell on that.

When he returned, first morning in formation him and 9 others were called out of formation and offered interviews to transfer into Marine security. This is originally what he wanted to do but was told there were no openings. Apparently that has changed. His leader was NOT happy about this. Already short of a full compliment of Marines and losing some didn't make him happy I guess.

That will require 7 or 8 months of additional training at Quantico, an extension of his enlistment time and a full year each deployed to 3 different countries. So apparently little down time and less visits home.

Sounds like the decision won't be made prior to his deployment so he will go to Iraq and be brought back if he is selected for the Marine Security deal.

Congrats!!!!! [emoji4] he's a lucky man, I'm disappointed that I'm not going to see a deployment at this duty station so 3 more years of garrison bs [emoji58][emoji854] I would kill to be in his shoes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-28-2016, 08:46 PM
God bless him and you!

Bill K
01-30-2016, 01:51 PM
Please let your son know that this former Marine and Vietnam Vet (support role) is pulling for him.

01-31-2016, 07:39 AM
I was in Army ROTC wanting to become a helicopter or transport pilot in college. My Brother who was an E7 came home on leave and got drunk and raised hell about me going in as an officer, he was really pissed off that I would out rank him. And after almost getting into a fist fight, I decided that it wasn't worth causing hard feelings with my brother to go into the Army. Vietnam was winding down. I don't think they even drafted my year.
One cool thing is that I got to compete with the ROTC rifle team, and being a farm boy with lots of shooting experience, I put all 10 shots in one big hole. They really had some nice .22 target rifles, much nicer than I was used to shooting. They had my target hanging on the bulletin board for months, and really wanted me on the rifle team. I guess I had made quite an impression on the Instructors for the shooting team. They hadn't seen shooting like that in awhile. Of course I had young eyes back then and could see much better. I probably should have stayed and at least joined the rifle team, but I really loved my brother and I respected his opinion and dropped out of ROTC. Funny, he had no problem when his daughter went into the Air Force as a Captain, she had trained to be a Psychologist. They Air Force paid off her college loans too. And after serving her 4 or 6 years, she left the Air Force, but kept her Air Force job as a civilian and got a nice pay increase.

01-31-2016, 02:49 PM
I've often thought that embassy security duty would be interesting work if you could get it. Growing up as an Army brat I always enjoyed living in different countries. I wish him well and congratulate you on raising such a fine young man.

02-01-2016, 02:26 PM
As of last night it sounds like despite the fact he didn't do an interview he's getting the Marine Security job. He was out in the field during the interviews. They apparently looked over his "Jacket" and he was selected.

Word as of this moment is he'll still deploy with his current group first part of April to Irag and will then be returned for the security training when the time comes. Seems silly to send him over and then bring him back but nobody in logistics asked me.

I guess he gets another leave in March to come home for a bit so that will be nice.

02-01-2016, 05:32 PM
Sounds like a good career path - I wish him good luck & safe travels.

Speaking of military security jobs, one of my friends & neighbors was in embassy security for most of his early military career. Except Klaus was an enlisted man in the West German Army. In the late 1950s he was stationed at the German embassy in Mexico City where he met his beautiful wife to be, a local girl who worked there. After they married they emigrated to the Austin area where he had a second career with a tech company. His son went to school with my oldest boy and they played on the same soccer teams through high school. They were very nice neighbors & good folks.

Interesting thing though, as a kid, he was a member of the Hitler youth, and barely past puberty at the tender at of 14 he was conscripted into the Volkssturm arm of the Wehrmacht right near the end of WWII. Luckily he was captured by US troops before any harm came to him. Whenever I see the old US Signal Corps films of young German kids being captured, I always look closely for his young face (his son was his spittin' image as a youth he said).
When he turned 18 he joined the new German Army. RIP Klaus - he passed away two years ago. His son, now an electrical engineer, carries on his name.

04-06-2016, 10:30 AM
Lance Corporal Hopke headed for Baghdad at 3am this morning, via numerous modes of transportation.

Lots of stops, supposed to arrive sometime Sunday. Long arse journey sounds to me like.

Did a little chat last night, face me or face time or some durn thing where we could see him and he could see us.
Granddaughter and the dog there too.

Moms suddenly taken an interest in Iraq geography etc.

Story keeps changing, was told they would stay in some sort of motel type deal, now heard theres 4-6 guys to a room.
Assignments and duties may be completely changed and not as planned when they arrive.

Hard to keep up with all the story changes.

04-06-2016, 10:42 AM
Godspeed to your young Lance Corporal Bawanna (is that a recent promotion?). Praying for a successful tour of duty there and a safe trip home.
Semper Fi,

04-06-2016, 10:53 AM
Be safe Lance Corporal! We thank you and pray for your safe return.

04-06-2016, 11:02 AM
God speed Son!

04-06-2016, 11:02 AM
Godspeed to your young Lance Corporal Bawanna (is that a recent promotion?). Praying for a successful tour of duty there and a safe trip home.
Semper Fi,

Yes, about a month ago. He told me he was still a nobody but moving up and I still wasn't required to salute him. But I did anyway. Why take the chance ya know?

04-06-2016, 11:24 AM
Yes, about a month ago. He told me he was still a nobody but moving up and I still wasn't required to salute him. But I did anyway. Why take the chance ya know?
LOL, ain't that the truth of it, still I had me some good times as a Lance Coolie.
Lot of Marines, young and old, can relate: http://terminallance.com/

04-06-2016, 11:36 AM
Yes, about a month ago. He told me he was still a nobody but moving up and I still wasn't required to salute him. But I did anyway. Why take the chance ya know?

He's a Marine and that's definitely somebody....Please tell him how much the folks here appreciate his service to our country!!!

Here's a feel good story about what a former Marine is doing in his hometown of Galveston Texas.....


04-06-2016, 11:36 AM
Hopefully the travel inconvenience is the worst of it. Thanks to him and you for the patriotism and service.

04-06-2016, 06:41 PM
Good thoughts go with him from Deep in the Heart of Texas....


04-06-2016, 09:25 PM
Where in Iraq is he being based? I had was fortunate (or infortunate) enough to travel around a bit when I was sent over there. Have to say when I took a flight out to the western part of the country on a helo I was amazed at the very fertile area along the main rivers running through the country. Never made it up north to the mountainous part, though. Hopefully he has a great tour and comes back a better person. I met a lot of great folks, both Iraqi and those from other places around the world.

04-06-2016, 09:39 PM
Thanks for the update. I hope that he enjoys his first assignment. Travel to foreign places is nice, and it's nice to be carrying a weapon! I wish him a lot of fun in his travels and not too much drama.

Semper Fi!

Wynn :)

04-06-2016, 10:08 PM
Where in Iraq is he being based? I had was fortunate (or infortunate) enough to travel around a bit when I was sent over there. Have to say when I took a flight out to the western part of the country on a helo I was amazed at the very fertile area along the main rivers running through the country. Never made it up north to the mountainous part, though. Hopefully he has a great tour and comes back a better person. I met a lot of great folks, both Iraqi and those from other places around the world.

He's headed for Baghdad unless they change the plans again.

04-06-2016, 11:04 PM
Hell of a proud moment for you and the misses I am sure! God speed to him and prayers for safety! He is now in a lineage of proud warriors...ASS KICKERS for sure!

04-07-2016, 10:20 AM
Take care Marine and come home.

04-08-2016, 10:49 AM
According to mom, Clint posted on Facebook that he's now in Kuwait. Next stop Iraq. So he might get to Baghdad before Sunday unless it takes a long time to get from Kuwait to Baghdad.

I'm sure he's already had enough traveling. Would drive me insane. Ok more than I already am......................

04-08-2016, 11:09 AM
According to mom, Clint posted on Facebook that he's now in Kuwait. Next stop Iraq. So he might get to Baghdad before Sunday unless it takes a long time to get from Kuwait to Baghdad.

I'm sure he's already had enough traveling. Would drive me insane. Ok more than I already am......................
Took the Third Infantry Division about two weeks in 2003

04-08-2016, 11:15 AM
Took the Third Infantry Division about two weeks in 2003

That made me smile.

04-08-2016, 02:35 PM
Took the Third Infantry Division about two weeks in 2003

Ahh the good old days old days, A-10 Burnt Muzzies and their tonka toys.....We need to do that again.

08-21-2017, 12:48 PM
My Marine just got promoted to Corporal. He's supposed to come home Saturday for a few weeks prior to deployment back to the sand box. Guess it's Christmas in Kuwait this year.

Per his instructions I got his motorcycle started and hopefully ready. I felt a bit manly sitting next to it twisting the throttle. Thing sounds powerful even though it ain't a Harley.

08-21-2017, 02:05 PM
My Marine just got promoted to Corporal. He's supposed to come home Saturday for a few weeks prior to deployment back to the sand box. Guess it's Christmas in Kuwait this year.

Per his instructions I got his motorcycle started and hopefully ready. I felt a bit manly sitting next to it twisting the throttle. Thing sounds powerful even though it ain't a Harley.
My congrats to your son on earning his "Blood Stripes"!

08-21-2017, 03:24 PM
His entire Kahr family is proud of him!

08-21-2017, 04:06 PM
G-d bless him

08-21-2017, 04:06 PM
Soooooooooo, very happy for you and the Misses!!! I'm proud of all of you folks……so I can just sort of imagine how proud you and the family are!!

Our prayers are on the way for a GREAT visit home and a safe deployment in the future!

The Convict and I got to meet General Kelly last May and I'll tell you what!!!!!!!…….the Marines that were there seemed to have a LOT of love for him!

You can't beat the Marines. I'm retired AF, and yet….. I believe that about 90% of the Marines could qualify for special forces in any other branch.
They sure have a proud tradition.

The Convict and I have a Navy Captain friend and I asked him about the physical fitness of his troops (he also commanded Marines) and he said the Navy's physical
fitness requirements were not where he would have like to see them. On the other hand he said that the Marines are always fit, it's part of their culture. The troops put pressure on each other to live up to the CODE!

08-21-2017, 08:29 PM
Congrats to all. He sounds like an outstanding young man.

08-22-2017, 05:16 PM
Outstanding! Congrats to you and the family......Boy must take after his Pa!

08-23-2017, 01:28 PM
Congratulations! And may Chesty Puller be looking out for him during his deployment. :Amflag2: