View Full Version : New TP9 - failure to fire last round in mag?

01-31-2016, 01:30 PM
Took my new TP9 to the range today for 200 round break in. Across three magazines I found that about 60% of the time I had a failure to fire/strike on the last round. Seem more prevalent with one mag than the other two, but I had it happen across all mags. The last round chambered, but it just seemed that the striker didn't reset. The trigger pull was dead, with no click. Didn't matter if the mags were loaded with 2-3-4 up to eight, still happened on the last round.

Any experience with this? Any know solution?

tony k
02-05-2016, 04:10 PM
Is it going all the way back into battery?

Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk

02-05-2016, 06:29 PM
I believe so... in all appearance, it seems it was. Natural reaction was to rack the slide, thus ejecting unfired round.

Planning on a short range trip tomorrow, about 50-100 rounds.

I'm going to play close attention to what I'm doing to rule out that I may be causing it. Limp wrist-ing, maybe hitting the mag release or something, etc...
I'll also examine if the round is going completely in the chamber and action is all the way back into battery.

02-05-2016, 06:51 PM
Try batting the back of the slide with the palm of your hand. That will often put it into battery if it is just barely out. It is an odd one with the last round bit.

02-06-2016, 12:50 PM
So 2nd range trip resulted in no malfunctions as described in opening post...

I put 42 rounds of TUL Ammo through all three magazines with a total of 13 mag changes, and 46 rounds of Blazer Brass through all three magazines with 12 mag changes. I worked with varying numbers of mag loads, anywhere from 3-8.

I'm hypothesizing these options:
-The problem was resolved with a proper cleaning and lubrication and/or break in.
-The problem is dependent on ammo type
-The problem was caused by something I was doing.

I'll keep an eye on this and try to re-create the malfunction using the UMC ammo that I was using in the first range trip. If It doesn't happen again I'll test my JHP carry ammo and call it good to go for now.

tony k
02-06-2016, 03:56 PM
Glad to hear it. Let us know how the next few outings go!

Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk

02-06-2016, 08:01 PM
You know I'm glad it seems to have cured itself but it drives me nuts when something fixes itself and I don't know or ever find out what was wrong in the first place.

I need closure on this kind of thing.

Had an officer couldn't go through a single mag without a jam on a perfection Glock. Rangemaster told me to replace everything. I refused, I said we'll do one thing at a time till we figure it out. He was adamant just change out everything.

I took the gun to the range and there were half a dozen guys from another agency there and we all shot it, shot the crap out of it, I shot it upside down, I tried to limp wrist it, I told the guys, do whatever you can to make it fail or jam.

Nobody could do it. It was the officer, doing I know not what. I didn't replace anything. That was a 23 40 cal I think, he seems to be able to shoot the 21's we carry now. Still a mystery.

02-07-2016, 01:20 PM
You know I'm glad it seems to have cured itself but it drives me nuts when something fixes itself and I don't know or ever find out what was wrong in the first place.

I need closure on this kind of thing.

I feel the same way, happy it didn't happen again, but the engineer in me likes to see "problem-cause-solution".

02-07-2016, 07:29 PM
There's that tiny seed of doubt.............