View Full Version : Help! My Kahr took a Krap

07-27-2010, 02:55 PM
Well, the magazine did. I am a huge Kahr fan and love my PM9. I have never had a problem with it at all and have fired about 500 rounds through it mostly with the six round mag. Which is the one in question.
Was at the range today and after about 40 rounds the slide would not stay open after the last round and mag would not release properly but still functioned other than that. When I looked at the magazine i noticed that the plastic around the little metal pin was chewed up a bit.
After I was finished I went upstairs to check out of the range and asked to see a new PM9 to compare magazines and gun internals. I noticed besides the deformed plastic that the metal pin was slightly pushed in on mine. Also discovered that this pin is what puts pressure on the slide lock/ release and allows the slide to lock after last round.
I'm guessing Kahr will make it right with the magazine but what caused this in the first place? Magazines do wear out but I think this is a bit premature. What does this have to do with the magazine not releasing properly. Will it happen again?


I have this in another forum also and it was suggested that I post it here for answers. This is my first post and let me assure you I am not here to bash Kahr. I truly love my PM9 and trust it with my life. I have been carrying it for about two years 24/7 and telling of the joys of owning a Kahr ever since.

I did get an email response from kahr saying that they would gladly send me a new follower but will not answer my questions as to why this happened or the chances of it happening again. I did a bit of searching here first and could not find anything similar.

Glad to be here and look forward to learning and chatting with you all.


http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp250/BigSwede_album/Picture263.jpg (http://http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp250/BigSwede_album/Picture263.jpg)
http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp250/BigSwede_album/Picture275.jpg (http://http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp250/BigSwede_album/Picture275.jpg)
http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp250/BigSwede_album/Picture274.jpg (http://http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp250/BigSwede_album/Picture274.jpg)

07-27-2010, 03:05 PM
For me, if I insert an empty magazine and then pull back the slide and then release, the metal slide will scrape and gouge the top of the follower. Never rack the slide with an empty magazine in the gun. The follower will get damaged when the slide goes forward.

I am not suggesting you did this but this happened to me, and I learned the hard way. :)

and welcome to the forum!

07-27-2010, 03:11 PM
u just got a bad follower, not a big thing. I have never seen this before and it definitely looks like the pin is pushed in. Nothing you did to do it either. Kahr will replace it with no problem and as far as an explanation, they probalby can't give you one other than it is just a bad follower. I doubt if kahr makes those followers anyhow. I do think dead head is partially right on the empty mag thing but IMO it would take many hundreds of racking the slide before that ever shows up, if ever. Normally if you try to close the slide on an empty magazine it is hard to press down even with the slide lock lever, but when you do that using the slide lock lever, you are actually pushing the follower down under the slide interface bar anyways...Is your spare magazine doing th same thing? If not just take that follower out and put it in ur 6 round magazine..

In all my thousands of rounds of shooting my M9 I have encounter one cracked follower which actually never gave an issue, until I took the magazine aprt to clean it and the follower broken peace fell out. I think to error on the side of caution one should always have a few extra followers in his storage box...

07-27-2010, 03:35 PM
I was just about to type the same thing jocko did. They can't tell you because they don't probably know. If you get a new one all is good! I have never seen this happen before either, but I do not have the experiance of jocko.


07-27-2010, 06:30 PM
Since you use the 6rd mag most of the time, you might switch the follower with the one in your 7rd mag and replace that one. That way you stay in business and can switch mags at least once in an emergency if need be.

07-27-2010, 11:38 PM
I think to error on the side of caution one should always have a few extra followers in his storage box...

Sounds like good advice.
I think I'll order some followers.
Thanks! ... :)

07-28-2010, 01:04 AM
Actually, if you call KAHR and tell them it was damaged from the slide hitting it, they should send you free replacements. They did for me.

07-28-2010, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the help and advice.

If I am practicing with it I use snap caps so that couldn't be it. Will try the new follower and see what happens.

They can't tell you because they don't probably know.

It's possible but i doubt it. I have been in the auto industry in one way or the other for the past 25 years and can tell you problems are usually typical. Certain models will have certain quirks. When you pull your car into the service drive and explain a noise or symptom your vehicle is having, the service writer already knows 90% of the time what your problem is before you pay for the diagnostics. Just sayin

07-28-2010, 10:38 AM
I don't have a solution or suggestion... I just wanted to compliment you on your well chosen thread title.

Help! My Kahr took a Krap

Made me smile. :D

07-28-2010, 01:20 PM
Yeah, the thread title caught my attention as well including the coincidental spelling of Krap with a K.
Alot of good info learned here, as always, great tips from the other members, thanks for the education.