View Full Version : Ruger customer service...

02-04-2016, 06:14 PM
I sent in my new Ruger American 45 pistol.

Something with the slide stop (and probably a poor magazine design).

The followers would slip right past the slide stop's nub, and the pistol wouldn't hold open... along with occasional slide jamming into the follower on the last round, as it didn't get held open.

So... got a call from Ruger. They wanted a better shipping address. I was "in their computer" as a certain swampland address, and I requested my work address as the return shipping point.

Ruger's phone message was basically, the pistol needs to go back to an FFL.

Called 'em back today, and gave them the polite WFT!!! treatment. Oh no... we were wrong, it can go back to you, no problem.... we thought your work address was another individual. Hmmm.

Actually the guy on the phone was really good, gave me the hold on a sec.... came back and said "Address is all fixed! You're good to go!"

And someone, someplace remembers who's name is on their paycheck, and every product they produce! Amen.


Total aside.

I had a range customer back in the gun range days, who owned a bar down by the water in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea. Used to go there every once in a while just to patronize my customer. The bar is gone. He's moved on to the Atlanta area.... but.... One Saturday afternoon, I go in for a beer and a cheeseburger and he says he wants me to meet somebody. Mr. Bill himself.

I was a kid. Twenty two or so. Couple of things I remember from our few minutes of conversation. First is the man exuded the authority and confidence of someone who knew his stuff. He came across as a broadly educated man. Hadda be in his late 50's at the time. Next was he was amiable and carried no New England accent to speak of. Very amiable. Charming almost. And finally, I learned not to feel bad about the way my hair falls on my face across my forehead, because his certainly did!

Yah, my 3 minutes of fame. I'll take it! The other guy I knew casually was Val Forgett, who would visit his "Dud's Gunshop" from time to time (he had a hand in the place's existence). He knew cap and ball, flintlock... inside out, and was similarly amiable, and confident as Mr. Bill.

02-04-2016, 06:31 PM
I've shared my story of speaking to Mr. Bill on the phone in an earlier life when I blew up his 45 Colt Blackhawk, definitely a highlight in my life.

He was a genuine good guy.

02-04-2016, 06:55 PM
yup! knew where his $$'s came from too! --- US ---

02-04-2016, 07:24 PM
I can remember telling John M. that his new 1911 needed a grip safety to prevent it from going off if accidentally dropped. He was so grateful for my suggestion that he promised to name the next gun that he developed after me. Hence the Browning Hi Power. :)

02-04-2016, 07:55 PM
I thought it was the Baby Browning! ;-)

02-08-2016, 09:28 PM
Well, the Ruger's on its way back to der Schwampzlaand, here in Florida.

They had it two days in house.

I'm wondering what they did actually. Find out Wednesday. I'm guessing new slide stop and followers. Or, hell... nothing at all.

I bought a replacement magazine from Ruger, and its follower tends to nose up, and tilt to the right side too, just by flicking a lone round out of it with my finger.

So for all those with OH MY FN GOD! MY CM9 doesn't feed 100 percent right out of the box... you're not alone, except, I really wont rant n rave about Ruger much. I think they got a good pistol, just ... maybe a minor follower redesign to help with the tilting issue.

02-09-2016, 10:37 AM
Always had real good luck dealing with Ruger customer service....My sons father in law gave him an old 80's era P345 pistol and it's in pretty nice shape except the mag spring is very weak and a bic pen spring would be stronger than the recoil spring so I called Ruger and gave them the serial number and they shipped out new springs that day for a 30+ year old pistol at no charge...I was impressed....

02-10-2016, 05:12 PM
Back. A week total. New slide stop, 2 new magazines. Really cannot fault their service on this one.

And, lo... it works too!