View Full Version : Folded like a cheap suit

02-10-2016, 10:01 AM
"I have all the guns I need (not want) but I am going to concentrate on buying stocking up on ammo this year" yeah right.
Put a high capacity 14+1 round .45 ACP on sale for 180 less than Bud's, which puts under $375, add a free laser and pocket knife,
and I pull out my credit card like Wild Bill Hickok drawing his pistol. I got the Sarsilamav (Turkish) K2 14 round mag .45, that is built on a Licensed CZ-75 pattern. I read up on it, couldn't find a bad review, most of the reviews raved at what a fine soft shooting accurate gun it was, and I ordered it. One review said he had been shooting his since 2001, and has at least 10,000 rounds through it, and never has had a spec of trouble with it. I like the CZ-75 plenty, if I get another full size 9mm that will probably be what I get, so I guess I more or less have a CZ-.45 ACP. Someone was bragging that the Sars K2 was the 2nd most popular .45 among NATO forces. They are well built, guns, and Sars builds all the weapons for the Turkish Military.
I'll have it in a week or so. Shipping and extra mag, (it only comes with one) put it up over 400, then I'll have a $25 transfer fee, but I got something I've been lusting after for a couple years now.

02-10-2016, 11:03 AM
Good score. Will you be posting pictures?

02-10-2016, 11:11 AM
Probably. It's supposed to get in tomorrow I think. I would like to take it out and shoot it so I can post pictures of the gun with some targets.

02-10-2016, 12:16 PM
Probably. It's supposed to get in tomorrow I think. I would like to take it out and shoot it so I can post pictures of the gun with some targets.
Looking forward to that!

02-10-2016, 12:39 PM
Here is a picture I grabbed from Bud's. Gives you pretty good idea of what it looks like. Looks like much like a CZ-75 with a rail to me. I guess it's a bit on the heavy side, 40oz empty, with it's all steel frame. I don't plan on carrying it much though, it will be more of a nightstand, and console or Glove Box gun. Not sure if it will fit in the console or not. Reviewers have said that despite it being a double stack .45, that it the grip was surprisingly thin. I'll just have to see how it fits when it gets here. Most guns are a little large for my small hands, so I've learned to compensate over the years. There is just something about have 14+1 rounds of .45acp that has always appealed to me. I have 10 round mags for my 1911 for 10+1 capacity, but the mag sticks out the bottom of the gun a least an inch and 1/2. This is a has a nicer more or less flush fitting mag. You can carry it Cocked and Locked, Half-cocked and locked, or let the hammer down carefully on a live cartridge (no decocker) and carry with hammer down and safety on or off, their is a firing pin block that only dis-engages when the trigger is pulled all the way back, so it shouldn't go off if dropped with the hammer down.
Here is what it looks like:


02-10-2016, 01:40 PM
Looking at the design, it looks like it would be a good shooter. Strange looking safety:) Don't think you'll have to worry about hammer bite......................................

02-10-2016, 01:40 PM
I have the CZ-75 SP01, 18+1 9mm, looks just like your photo. Same setup, safety, no decocker, rail. Mine weighs 49oz with a full load. Not a pocket pistol, but a sweet shooter.

02-10-2016, 04:07 PM
Cz-ish all da way!

02-10-2016, 06:39 PM

02-10-2016, 06:53 PM
That looks really nice. I wonder if it is a smaller grip than the CZ in .45, the 97 I think?

02-10-2016, 07:17 PM
That looks really nice. I wonder if it is a smaller grip than the CZ in .45, the 97 I think?
Don't know about that.
But my USPT45 has a grip my small hands can handle even with a grip sleeve.
Better than a FN FNX 45 Tactical.
I'm just saying...

02-10-2016, 07:35 PM
Well... if the quality is anything near CZ quality you got a real winner. I have always had a bit of a hankering for a CZ97 decocker. Enjoy it.

02-10-2016, 07:37 PM
Me too! Been looking to see one in person but haven't found one yet. The search continues.

02-10-2016, 11:28 PM
I have yet to see one in person too. I did do a lot of reading of reviews before I ordered it, and couldn't find one that had much of anything bad to say about it, maybe some nit-picky things but that was about it. I guess it's supposed to get in tomorrow, so I'll know soon how it fits my hand.

02-11-2016, 02:43 AM
Nice snag, T Man!

02-11-2016, 07:30 PM
Well, I picked it up this afternoon. They man at the gun shop said he has had quite a few of them come through his store, and the feedback he has received has all been positive. His opinion was that they were an excellent gun. So that was good to hear. The only money he made off the deal was the transfer fee, so it's not like he has any big reason to talk them up. I didn't see any in his display case. It had mostly used guns in it.
The closest thing I can compare the way it fits my hand is it is almost identical to a Beretta Cougar .40. Maybe a tad thicker, but not much.
The pistol is advertised at 40oz, and I weighed a full magazine and it was another 13.5oz, so it's not light. But it will make a good nightstand gun, or to put in the car when traveling through the rough parts of town, or on trips where you're not always sure what kind of places you will be driving through.
I wish they had a "high crime area" feature on my GPS. Usually I figure anywhere close to downtown of a large city can be bad spots.
Not sure when I'll get a chance to shoot it. I'm out and about tomorrow, and I don't like to shoot on my property on weekends, since we are only supposed to be shooting shotguns since we got annexed. During the week though when there's no one at home, I can get away with shooting a mag or two, those are usually single stack Kahr, so I suppose one mag might not hurt. Probably be next weekend before I can get to the range. Not sure I can wait that long. Despite it's weight, it sure feels good in the hand. Something about an all steel framed gun just trips my trigger.