View Full Version : CM9 and PM40 issues

02-10-2016, 12:08 PM
So I personally have 2 Kahr firearms, a newer CM9 (250-300rd count) for my wife and an older style PM40 (450-550rd count) that is mine.

The CM9 I am having issues with the finger extension 9-7rd magazine with nose dive failure to feeds on 2-3rds down from full mag as well as 1-2 remaining in mag it seemed. Tried Speer Lawman 115, 124, and 147 as well as Federal HST 147. No problems until recently and no issues with the 6rd flush magazine. I have taken apart the mag and can't find anywhere the follower may be snagging unless it is catching the magazine catch somehow. The 7rd magazine nose dives are happening with 3 different shooters. I know in the Kahr fixes page there is mention about shaving the follower. I was thinking possibly this or just not enough spring tension, only due to it happening at several points through the mag. Anyone with a CM9 and 7rd mag know if this is the case on this one or if something else to be checking? Cleaned and lubed with Weapon Shield CLP and not able to replicate issues on 6rd mag. I've had to swap followers and springs on my PM40 extended mags once before due to follower tilt and it eating followers, so I'm wondering if this may be the start of similar issues in the CM9. Kahr isn't exactly helpful on the issue since it is with a mag not included with the firearm.....

The PM40 issues are not so much function anymore as a WTF and ruining brass that I would normally reload. I'm leaning towards weak extractor spring on this one but wanted to see if anyone else had this issue before I start breaking down the slide and ordering springs. Extractor feels fine, fairly solid, and isn't locked up so I'm just guessing here based on how often I need to replace various springs in this thing..... About 1 out of 5 pieces of ejected brass will have the case mouth crushed. I haven't found any brass marks yet on the slide where it may be crushing the brass so I'm still hunting. Ejection pattern is pretty random as well with a few coming out slow and low 12 o'clock. This has been running Blazer Brass 165 and 180, Win USA 165, and Federal HST 180. Tried with a few different shooters as well, same issues.

The PM40 has been a working progress for a while.... Replaced mag springs and followers twice now over past 5-6 years (low rd count years) due to above mentioned issues, recoil assembly three times due to problems completely returning to battery on a fairly clean chamber even after 250rds+, and a few areas needing polishing to function reliably. This gun is very lube sensitive as well when it starts getting cold. Runs reliably on Weapon Shield CLP but it's picky if I forget mine and need to clean and relube at the range. When I've borrowed a buddies lube of choice, I would have issues returning to battery again. Learned to always remember my own. I'm thinking about the Wolff XP recoil springs for this one as I was told by Jay with Kahr the recoil assemblies between the PM9 and PM40 were the same strength springs. Out of warranty on this one.

Outside the CM/PM realm (I know another section for the CW, but easy to just lump it here), my dad also has a CW45 that has recently been getting light primer strikes on anything with CCI nickel plated primers. Firing pin protrusion looks good, just not enough to fire off the harder primer cups. Maybe 3 years old and been back to homeland a few times with no success. Anyone seen an extra power firing pin spring for the CW45 and if so, how much it ends up raising the trigger pull weight? None of this ammo has issues running in an S&W M&P45 full size. Kahr just says not to run reloads or factory ammunition with those primers.....

Lets just say the last few weekends at the range haven't been good for the Kahrs..... All 3 of these were at one time carry weapons when they proved to be reliable, but have been sidelined until they can prove reliability again or I replace them. Looking at a Sig P938 or Sig P290RS for a CM9 replacement (pocket carry) but unfortunately a G26 will be filling the void temporarily until can get another single stack proven, PM40 place is taken by an M&P40C (IWB carry), and the CW45 most likely will be replaced by an M&P45C.

02-10-2016, 12:40 PM
Hi slackwolf and welcome to Kahrtalk....1st issue with the 7 round mag in the CM9 is a common problem and most here just use that mag for range time and carry the 6 round for self defense...The problem seems to be that finger pressure on the bottom tends to move the mag forward and down enough to cause nose dives...I will suggest that you go to Lakeline LLC.com and pick up some aluminum followers from Alfonse who is also a member here....I have one in my PM9 and they really work well and the quality is first rate....
2nd issue with the PM40....I had a PM40 and gave it to my son because I just didn't enjoy shooting it due to the recoil....Mine never had any feed issues but I did see the problem you described and it's most likely due to a weak recoil spring, (mine ate springs)...check out Wolff springs and get one of their higher rate recoil springs and see if that helps....
Not too sure about the CW light primer strikes but it may just need to be have the spring replaced and the channel cleaned out.....There are lots of real nice, knowledgeable folks here that can help with issues like that....Again welcome to the forum!

Oh and one more thing, you mentioned trading the CM9 for a Sig 290rs....I recently traded a 290rs for my current PM9...The Sig shot fine but is very heavy and I had problems trying to pocket carry it and now that I have the PM9 there is no comparison between the two pistols and their carry weight and feel....I would suggest that you keep your CM9 and get it running again....Good luck!

02-10-2016, 07:47 PM
Getsome, thanks for the response. I will look at the suggestions on the mag followers. So there's no mod to make the 7rd mag run reliable enough to trust? I've never had the nose dive in extended mags on the pm40 so didn't think about the finger pressure. I agree, the recoil is brutal on the pm40. 120-180rds is about my max before I need to switch around. I just hate that it eats springs.

01-03-2017, 07:55 PM
I run G unscubber or brake cleaner down the hole in the slide and top of striker channel after 250 rounds and make sure you don't lube the striker. I pushed 250 rounds thru my CM9 1/2/17 and cleaning the striker keeps it running with no light strikes even using CCI 300 primers which are hard primers and silver in color. Cleaning out the striker assembly is part of my gun cleaning process. Good luck. That PM 40 requires a death grip, Monday was my 1st session with one I bought used, I am used to shooting hot loads with my Glock 27 and G29 10 mm but the recoil on this gun is an entirely different animal. I just ordered a Wolffe 20lb spring to see if this will tame the beast and take a stronger grip next time out. CM9 was a really sweet shooter, recoil is very manageable. right now will carry CM9 as a back up, but hope to get the PM40 to the point I grow more comfortable with is with heavier spring. Both were reliable and accurate. These are my 1st Kahrs and got a great deal on both of them. So many good things to say about my Kahrs.:cool:

01-10-2017, 07:42 AM
Years back I tried the pm40. I didn't think the recoil to unmanageable with a death grip but longer range session would be problematic. Recently picked up the cm9 added talon grips and very happy with its performance. It can be very effective with the right round. Check out shootingthebull410 on YouTube . The 124 grain hst. Now I normally like a bigger heavier bullet 40, 45 colt etc. Heck for years I was a 45 acp and or a 10mm guy. For ease of carry this cm9 fits the bill.

01-10-2017, 12:54 PM
slackwolf,sorry to hear about CM9/7rd. mag woes;I been shooting 7rd. mags in CM9 in competition and have had zero feed issues. my issues were with mags not dropping free, 6&7 rd.; I cleaned inside of mags and sanded outsides w/1000 grit paper & flitz,mags drop free, still no feed issues, w/plastic followers,but went with Lakeline after reading about broken plastic followers.



01-16-2017, 01:35 PM
Strip your mags and be certain the follower sides have no burrs or spru marks from molding. Use fine sandpaper to smoothen any down flush. Lube with a dry lube like eezox, militec, remoil. See if that doesn't fix it for you. Worked for me.

01-18-2017, 07:07 PM
Hey bugs, what is filtz? Thanks

01-19-2017, 12:29 PM
Flitz is a polishing paste in a tube found at most hardware stores that really puts a shine on most metals; just for grins I tried it on the CM9 nickeled barrel after some 1000 grit paper action, and now it shines "like a diamond in a goats ass".

did the same with the mags but they're not plated so don't shine like the barrel.try it you'll like it!