View Full Version : The 21 foot rule

02-12-2016, 05:12 PM
Was thinking about the 21 foot rule today I started looking around about this and from what I can see that’s about 2 seconds. A lot to think and to do I that amount of short time frame. So this is what I found. Before I hurt my hand my buddy timed me from concealed, I was using a air soft the same as my carry. From iwb and tee shirt I could draw and fire at 3/4 of a second, a good time but that’s without a life threatening condition . But it does pay to practice the skill of draw and hope you never need to use it! Cause things happen real fast in the real world



02-12-2016, 05:27 PM
When I hear that rule, I think if only I would have stayed at least that far away from my first wife, well, life would have been much better. In 2 seconds, that was all over too.

02-12-2016, 06:02 PM
When I hear that rule, I think if only I would have stayed at least that far away from my first wife, well, life would have been much better. In 2 seconds, that was all over too.

Side Step, Side Step it may save your life Al:confused:

02-12-2016, 06:51 PM
For me it's called the Tueller Drill.
Martial Arts - Final Answer.:cool:

02-12-2016, 07:15 PM
We always trained at 1.5 seconds and 21 feet. The "21 foot rule" ("Tueller Drill") assumes the the first shot will stop the deadly force.

02-12-2016, 07:21 PM
Side Step, Side Step it may save your life Al:confused:

Yeah, the way I stumble these days I better practice my draw while falling to the side. This is me falling down the stairs (http://biggeekdad.com/2015/12/grandpa-takes-a-tumble/) a while back.

02-12-2016, 11:30 PM
I try to keep a few thousand miles from mortal threats now, but if that doesn't work, I think I will practice some side steps. :)

02-13-2016, 06:11 AM
I train with Donald Trump. He's been sidestepping the issues for months. :)

02-13-2016, 10:04 AM
Muggs, please keep your political comments on the Politics forum.

Longitude Zero
02-13-2016, 12:54 PM
The 21' Rule is not really a rule at all but a guideline. Frankly 21' is too close for comfort. It all comes down to how you articulate the threat.

02-13-2016, 05:20 PM
As an unarmed appearing concealed carrying civilian, I wonder how the 21 foot rule would come into play with us. I would imagine someone is not going to pull a weapon on us from 21 feet away, more like they are going to be up close and personal, like some teen playing the knock out game engages you in conversation then swings on you out of nowhere, or a mugger is going to pull their weapon much closer than 21 feet I would think.
Other cases where say you are in a business being robbed, you're going to have to play by ear, find some cover if available and decide whether to get involved or not. I think a lot of that would depend where you live and the attitudes of the DA and Law Enforcement about concealed carriers getting involved in a crime against a third party. And issues like do you warn the BG to drop the gun, or do you just shoot him? I'd be tempted just to shoot them and not give them a chance to turn their weapon on me. Is that going to be considered a crime, or saving an innocent person's life? Again you have to consider how the DA, and Law Enforcement are going to react to you involving yourself in a situation you may not have too. What may be applauded in one state, may get you in a heap of trouble in another. It's tough enough to keep track of all the laws and attitudes in your own state, but once you leave that state, and get into other, it's tough to know what is acceptable and what's not. That would be the only instance I would be in favor of any federal controls on concealed carry, is having uniform regulations on what is acceptable from one reciprocating state to another. Kansas is pretty much on the good guys side in most situations, except things like shooting an escaping criminal in the back, or killing someone that is no longer a threat, while some other states, especially in the larger cities seem to want to coddle the criminals and hang the good guy for defending themselves, or a store clerk or whatever. Some places like St. Louis right now, I'd be very hesitant to pull a gun if my life were not on the line. And other states if I was in a store that got robbed, I would try to find cover and hide, have my firearm at the ready, and call 911, and try not to get involved unless I was threatened, or a gun fight broke out, then I think I would want to help the good guy defend himself. I mostly only travel to states that reciprocate with mine, so I can at least carry my weapon.
There is a lot to think about in a very short time in some of these cases. It makes having an insurance policy that will cover your actions in situations involving firearms not such a bad idea. A couple hundred dollars vs. a possible long time in the slammer would be a good deal in my book. My homeowners insurance does cover me up to a point, but I probably have to find my own lawyer, and pay his bill, then wait to get reimbursed by the insurance company. Plus pay my own bail, which may or may not be covered to get out of jail while waiting on the trial. Plus I'm not sure of all the fine points that may be hidden in my policy regarding such incidents. It always seems they have pages of riders that affect different aspects of your policy. I'm glad I tend to get most of my business taken care of during the day or early evening when less crime happens, and don't frequent bars or other trouble spots.

02-13-2016, 05:29 PM
^ Well written.

02-14-2016, 06:50 PM
I've trained on the 21' drill, drawing from a duty holster and concealed. Expect to get cut so use your off side arm to protect your main body.

02-15-2016, 10:51 AM
This is a good & useful idea!

Longitude Zero
02-15-2016, 12:33 PM
I've trained on the 21' drill, drawing from a duty holster and concealed. Expect to get cut so use your off side arm to protect your main body.

Spot on truth.

02-15-2016, 08:03 PM
From iwb and tee shirt I could draw and fire at 3/4 of a second, a good time but that’s without a life threatening condition .

Am I the only guy that will comment on this? THAT is F'n A fast dude. Kudos

02-15-2016, 08:58 PM
My first post here but saw this and had to reply. I am retired LE and I recently joined the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network. Included with the membership are a ton of educational DVD's and right now I am reading the book included by Massad Ayoob http://www.amazon.com/Deadly-Force-Understanding-Right-Defense/dp/1440240612 get it and read it if you carry a firearm or even own one. Also even better join the ACLDN, it will be the best money you ever spent. Now I'll get back to why I'm hear and thats to talk about a problem with my PM9. Stay safe everyone.