View Full Version : finally took possession of my pm9

07-27-2010, 09:34 PM
hi all,

awhile back i got to fondle a fellow shooters cw9 during the annual ccw requal. realizing i had to have a kahr i promptly joined this forum and predestyned tipped me of about gtdist having kahrs at great prices. fast forward two months and this morning my long anticipated pm9 finally arrived.

i just made it back from the test run at the range. overall the impression is quite positive. it is the newer type of slide with the angled front. the gun arrived clean and well oiled. it is very nice and tight, with no play at all and over all quite good finish, although there are some burrs on the inside of the polymer that makes the cycling a bit gritty. one thing that i've noticed is that there is a strange "bulging" on the polymer frame in front of the trigger guard. it is symetric on both sides, the slide fits perfectly so i suppose maybe it should be this way, but it looks strange. are they all this way?

after hearing so much praise about the trigger i have to say i am a bit disappointed. it is better than my $250 keltec but nowhere near my glock. it has a small but annoying inconsistency at the beginning of the pull and the long reset makes accurate rapid fire difficult. it does break cleanly and has no over travel though.

accuracy seems pretty good. it does group about 1.5 inch left @ 15 yards, might have to do something about that. the sights are really super nice - better than my 1911 heines. it almost seems wasteful with such nice sights on a small pocket pistol :)

i did have a few stovepipes and a failure to lock back on empty magazine, but i was using super mild target reloads that even my g19 occasionally chokes on - almost certain an ammo issue. the small rifle primers i used are fairly hard and some pistols can have a problem to set them off, but the pm9 produced consistent positive dents. i also ran a few mags of +p jhps and they functioned perfectly. i've read that a lot about people are having problems with chambering the first round and being forced to use mag release, but this particular pistol seems very forgiving in that regard.

all in all i am very happy and excited about this new addition. the looks of this little gun is really ultra sexy, it is a shame to carry this little gem concealed :)

07-27-2010, 10:22 PM
I just got mine today. A thread on it..New member.But yes i noticed the buldge to, i guess its so the front rail guides line up with the slide.I shot almost 100 through mine first outing with mostly white box winchester 115 fmj and 20 rds of Fed Hydra Shocks
147 gr.Not one single malfunction on mine.Its the newer tapered slide as well.
I got used to the trigger pretty fast and can feel the end travel.Ya might have to set and dry fire it to get it.Nice gun.Very happy.

07-28-2010, 11:27 AM
"accuracy seems pretty good. it does group about 1.5 inch left @ 15 yards, might have to do something about that." joje

Holy crap! 1 1/2" left at 15 yards! I'm ecstatic to hit a pie plate at that range... more than I miss it. You must be shooting too slowly or something.:D
I wish that I had that problem!


07-28-2010, 12:35 PM
jojo. two totally different trigger systems. Your glock is probably 50% precocked, there fore a short trigger pull. Not a gun tha tI would want to pocket carry either. Great gun, My G19 is the most accurate gun I have ever shot. Your kahr has a 3/8" totally smooth trigger system but it is looooooong by design and at best 20% precocked. Your kahr if it slipped past the striker block still would not fire due to such low % of precocked position. A super gun to pocket carry.

That being said you will shoot your glock better due toall of the above. The buldge is there by design, It is on all kahr polymer models. Fear not the cw is as good as they come and a gun you can shoot until the cows come home to.
With more rounds down ragne you will get very good with the cw, but for me I can honestly say I can out shoot any of the 3 kahrs I own with my G19 and for me it is all the trigger system. I do shoot my kahrs good enough to please me though, so I am not complaining either.

07-28-2010, 07:58 PM
thanks for the answers guys! glad to hear the bulge is intentional. i am by no means slamming the trigger, i find it pretty good, i just had some unrealistic expectations. i grabbed some kydex i had laying around and folded me an IWB holster - the gun really disappears! i'm looking forward to make it one of my EDC guns once i'm done breaking it in.

07-28-2010, 08:37 PM
Fear not the cw is as good as they come and a gun you can shoot until the cows come home to.
With more rounds down ragne you will get very good with the cw,

Jocko, too much sun? The OP has a pm, he borrowed a cw and wanted the Kahr because he liked it. Dude, you are slipping. If you don't have bawanna to keep you in line the whole place starts to teeter. :rolleyes:

07-28-2010, 11:17 PM
Jocko, too much sun? The OP has a pm, he borrowed a cw and wanted the Kahr because he liked it. Dude, you are slipping. If you don't have bawanna to keep you in line the whole place starts to teeter. :rolleyes:

Teeter is good. Helps one maintain balance and mental stability. (Well for some I guess) Never worked for me.
My brother in law has a CW and I like it, maybe I'll go get a PM just to balance things out.

I think I got too much sun too.

ok bye.

07-29-2010, 06:52 AM
Just got mine yesterday and I love it. Picked it up and went straight to my friends place to try it out. Brought a cleaning kit with me and did a quick clean and lube before shooting.

Fired 200 rounds of dirty ole' WW white box 115 grn with not one failure of any kind whatsoever. This makes me very happy as I didn't have the chance to do my usual polishing of the feed ramp and chamber before shooting the PM9 and it functioned perfectly.

After I got the gun home I polished the feed ramp and chamber (can't help it-I've done it to every semi-auto I've ever owned!) so know it's time to go back to my friends with my SD ammo and run some more bullets through it-totally confident that it will be problem free.

I was surprised at how pleasant the little pistol is to shoot as I felt I could shoot alot without a problem. I fired 3 or 4 mags worth of ammo and it was WAAAAAY more comfortable to shoot than my Keltec P9F. I slipped a Handall Jr. on the pistol and was surprised at how much MORE comfortable it was to shoot as I felt I could go all day with the little PM9. I quit shooting because I ran out of bullets! In my opinion the Kahr is also WAY more controlable than the Keltec. I'm usually pretty much done with the Keltec after around 4 mags worth of shooting (it also has a Handall Jr.) as my fun-meter is pegged after that!

In short order I went from no Kahrs and 3 Keltecs to a CW9 and a PM9 and probably a Keltec or two going on the auction block! Naah, what am I saying-you can't have too many pistols!!! ;-)

07-29-2010, 07:22 AM
Just got mine yesterday and I love it. Picked it up and went straight to my friends place to try it out. Brought a cleaning kit with me and did a quick clean and lube before shooting.

Fired 200 rounds of dirty ole' WW white box 115 grn with not one failure of any kind whatsoever. This makes me very happy as I didn't have the chance to do my usual polishing of the feed ramp and chamber before shooting the PM9 and it functioned perfectly.

After I got the gun home I polished the feed ramp and chamber (can't help it-I've done it to every semi-auto I've ever owned!) so know it's time to go back to my friends with my SD ammo and run some more bullets through it-totally confident that it will be problem free.

I was surprised at how pleasant the little pistol is to shoot as I felt I could shoot alot without a problem. I fired 3 or 4 mags worth of ammo and it was WAAAAAY more comfortable to shoot than my Keltec P9F. I slipped a Handall Jr. on the pistol and was surprised at how much MORE comfortable it was to shoot as I felt I could go all day with the little PM9. I quit shooting because I ran out of bullets! In my opinion the Kahr is also WAY more controlable than the Keltec. I'm usually pretty much done with the Keltec after around 4 mags worth of shooting (it also has a Handall Jr.) as my fun-meter is pegged after that!

In short order I went from no Kahrs and 3 Keltecs to a CW9 and a PM9 and probably a Keltec or two going on the auction block! Naah, what am I saying-you can't have too many pistols!!! ;-)

kel tec's are what they are, price point is also very different. Normally as you have found out, you only get what u pay for. I owned 3 kt's at one time, now I own 3 kahrs and no kt's but I blame all that on Bawanna:target:

glad to see you feel the same way as I do about polishing every feed ramp of every auto. Makes me feel better even if the gun worked before that even..

07-29-2010, 10:19 AM
Yeah, it's so easy to do it doesn't make sense not to. If you polish the ramp to a mirror shine, there's not much for a bullet to hang up on!!!!! Seems pretty logical to me!

07-29-2010, 02:44 PM
Hey Guys - what's the best way to polish the ramp?

07-29-2010, 02:50 PM
Hey Guys - what's the best way to polish the ramp?

I just use a polishing wheel on a dremel tool. If there are many tool marks to begin with which usually there isn't I use some real fine like 1000 or finer paper on a dowel and then polish with the dremel. The polishing compound that usually comes with the dremel kits works. I've used flitz at the end but it's really fine and other than a shine not sure it does much.

It's not difficult. Just make sure to polish. Sparks = grinding. Not good. You don't want to change any angles or remove metal, just shine it up baby backside smooth.

07-29-2010, 06:31 PM
"Sparks = grinding", I like that one alot and it's going in the brainvault for future use.

TroyKoi, just use one of the felt polishing pads that the Dremel comes with and load it up with the Dremel polishing rouge. Put the Dremel on about 1/3 or so speed and go to town. When you're done it should look something like this:


Don't forget to do the hood of the barrel as well as the chamber. DO NOT push the felt wheel into the chamber far enough to feel it hit the end of the chamber as the 9mm cartridge headspaces on the case mouth and it's probably not a good idea to change it's shape. Don't worry though, you'd have to lean really hard on the Dremel tool for a long time before you'd have any impact whatsoever on the inside chamber rim. That's why we're talking about felt wheels and polishing rouge-not grinding stones!!!! ;-)

07-29-2010, 09:42 PM
Thanks Guys!

07-29-2010, 09:54 PM
What are all those scratches and gouge marks on your ramp?? Uh Oh, time to break out the Dremmel.

07-30-2010, 06:26 AM
What are all those scratches and gouge marks on your ramp?? Uh Oh, time to break out the Dremmel.

Yeah baby-polish, polish, polish ;)

Actually, I don't feel uncomfortable recommending powered polishing of a feedramp to anyone--as long as they ONLY use the little felt wheels and rouge. The good thing is that it takes so long to actually do something to the metal of the barrel that by then they should be pretty comfortable at what they're doing.

And lets face it-the smoother the ramp, the less likely there'll be something for a bullet to "stick" to as its nose slides up the ramp. I guarantee that all of the folks who've written here about their "break-in" stories and mentioned that they had to occasionally tap the back of the slide to get the gun to go fully into battery wouldn't have had to do that if the ramp had been polished before shooting. Just an opinion, of course!:D

I know one thing for sure-I'll never make it as a professional photographer! I looked and looked at the barrel before I took the pics and to the naked eye the finish of the ramp looks like a mirror, but in EVERY pic shows some kind of streak, smear, you name it!!! :ohmy: