View Full Version : Cw380 redemption-A NEW HOPE

gun papa
02-26-2016, 12:31 AM
I have had a realization with the CW380. Mostly my issues with this gun is ammo related. The prohibitive cost of conical shape bullet defensive ammo led me to other ammo for which I was having cycling issues, even with a mag guts insert in my mag. Bullet shape, at least for my gun, appears to have been the leading issue. Round nose, any maker, or flat nose truncated WW bullets made cycling sparatic.
After actually having a consistent supply of HPR 90gr. Hornady conical HP bullets have turned things around for me and my CW380. $29.00 for 50rds is acceptible for reliable defensive rounds that I know will function 100%. It breaks down to $15 per 25rds, which is a better price than I have found with brand name boxes of just 25rds.

I can practice if I have to, with round nose and truncated bullets and know that function will not be reliable, and not worry, as my defensive rounds I know will function.

I fired another 50rds of the HPR 90gr HP conical bullets today. The gun was 100%. Fed and ejected perfectly. That is unique. Obviously, at this point due to bullet shape. The gun even locked back 6 out of 7 mags, which has also been unheard of in the past. It is like having a eureka moment.

The new s7 striker is just frosting on the cake. New confidence in this striker. I was able to recover all brass, and the strikes were perfectly reliable and consistent. I have a new confidence in the pistol, and the pistol has become what I had hoped it would be.

In my case, as in many others I suspect, Kahr could save people a lot of trouble by just recommending conical shaped bullets. Maybe the market would not have responded? Beyond the fragile factory strikers, bullet shape appears to be the issue. I am good with that. A super small gun, I can expect it to have finicky taste.

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y131/gunpapa/Mobile%20Uploads/20160225_152214_zpsu1iqvx0g.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/gunpapa/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160225_152214_zpsu1iqvx0g.jpg.html)

02-26-2016, 05:24 AM
I often think the difficulty of building a gun that small to Kahr's tight standards is understated. Combine that with the challenge controlling such a small and light pistol and you have even more opportunity for failure. Congrats to you for pushing through and finding what works. They are great pistols when you find the right combination.

02-26-2016, 08:24 AM
Heck, look at the ammo variable. Most of our beloved little guns shoot anything! Designing for that must be quite a task. Don't give up on your quest for affordable practice ammo that works.

gun papa
02-26-2016, 08:31 AM
Heck, look at the ammo variable. Most of our beloved little guns shoot anything! Designing for that must be quite a task. Don't give up on your quest for affordable practice ammo that works.

I can load conical bullets as well, but I would have to see if I could beat the HPR price to make it worthwhile.

02-26-2016, 02:34 PM
Reloading is therapeutic for me, so if I can match the cost, I'll reload. Keep us posted on what works.

02-26-2016, 07:33 PM
My CT380 eats up all the Federal & Remington fmj I feed it, and it also loves the Hornady Critical Defense ammo. However, it doesn't like the WWB much (which runs great in my LCP).

Ron AZ
02-26-2016, 08:58 PM
For practice use, the HPR 100 gr TMJ's run great in my P380's. 2nd and almost perfect are Fed Am Eagle 95 gr. FMJ's. For SD ammo, the HPR XTP's run good but the Precision One loading runs even a little better in mine. And if memory serves me correctly are priced a little less than HPR.

02-26-2016, 10:14 PM
My P380s have been 'finicky' with practice ammo IF my grip is not perfect. But, they have been flawless with the conical bullets of the Hornady Critical Defense 90gr FTX. Shot as first mag out of the pocket complete with pocket lint; OR, as the last mag at the range with a dirtied up gun, the good ammo has been 100% even with a marginal grip. With the LakelineLLC striker replacing the broken Kahr unit, I am really confident the pistols will work when needed. I do want new recoil springs soon though.

Range Ammo is 100% if my grip is 100%. Glad to hear yours is running well too.

gun papa
02-26-2016, 11:36 PM
The HPR is the Hornady bullets.

gun papa
02-26-2016, 11:54 PM
My last outing was fired two handed and one handed.

02-27-2016, 08:22 AM
My CT380 has run flawlessly with Herters (Cabelas) and American Eagle for practice ammo.

I use Precision One for Self defense ammo.

02-28-2016, 08:05 AM
What is it with some of the better guns? My Diamondback DB380 & 9 all are ammo finicky. On the other hand my Ruger LCP & Keltec P32 have never had a failure. They take any ammo I feed them.

gun papa
02-28-2016, 10:30 AM
I think it's more the magazine design maybe.

02-28-2016, 04:07 PM
What is it with some of the better guns? My Diamondback DB380 & 9 all are ammo finicky. On the other hand my Ruger LCP & Keltec P32 have never had a failure. They take any ammo I feed them.
Sounds like your Ruger LCP and Keltec P32 are the better guns...

Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk

02-28-2016, 06:50 PM
The LCP and P32 are simple designs. As the gun world should have learned from the AK-47 simpler is better. Instead the Kahr .380s are quite complex and use a lot of very tiny, breakage-prone parts. I've never torn apart a Diamondback but I suspect it's not as simple a design as the LCP/P32 either. I think Kahr made the mistake of thinking that by shrinking their PM9 down to a .380 size they'd have the perfect pocket gun. Instead we've got a temperamental beast that likes to break strikers and extractors and burns through recoil springs in a hurry.