View Full Version : Certain situations, how to handle?

07-28-2010, 07:10 PM
Iam going to list a number of situations that I dont not wish on anyone and would like for you experience ccw holders to respond in the way you would approach each situation.

1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

thanks for your replies

07-28-2010, 07:46 PM
Iam going to list a number of situations that I dont not wish on anyone and would like for you experience ccw holders to respond in the way you would approach each situation.

1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

thanks for your replies

Dang dude you got alot of serious questions here. Remember opinions are like noses, everyone has one. That being said and given that sometimes more information would be helpful, here's my answers.

1. I'd maintain my position, call police if I had a phone. If the BG leaves take a good position of cover and render aid to the clerk.

2. Drive fast. ( I would avoid the bad part of town in the first place if at all possible.

3. Seek hard cover for yourself and those around you. Secure your area if possilble. Stay put till all is clear or the BG approaches you. Make very clear to all around you that you are a good guy if you display your gun. Be very cautious of possible off duty police or other armed good guys. Work with them. They will likely seek out the bad guy, they most likely won't want you to come along. Stay put.

4. Lock doors, roll up windows. Call police if at all possible. Move away from window if it appears he will swing the bat. Do not display weapon or do anything to escalate the situation. If he breaks the window and attempts to enter and do further harm, shoot him.

5. Seek hard cover, call police. Call your neighbor. Be a good witness, get information if you can see anything. If I saw that the BG was shooting to scare with a threat to actually shoot, I'd no doubt approach and challenge although this isn't really the right thing to do. I just take care of friends, its a curse.

6. Very tough call but who wouldn't help a damsel in distress. I would most certainly draw weapon, order him to stop and drop the knife. If he stops and turns his assault on me and advances, shoot him. If he doesn't stop and pursues the girl I would pursue him and do all I could to stop him up to and including shooting him. Be ready for legal hell in this one, especially if she side with him and they often do and swears he really wouldn't hurt her.

7. Drive by? Not happening, it might be Jocko and I got Jocko's back. I would not drive by. I would challenge from the car. Probably even drive into the crowd as close as I could but keep the gang all on one side, preferably passenger side. Could be a tough deal with that many. If they turn towards me, it's not a good situation. I'd try to sort out the head or leader who will probably be coming towards me and shoot him first. The rest of the quail will usually but not always seek life elsewhere. Respect your elders, save the old man or lady.

8. Give him the money. Memorize what he looks like. Don't even try the make my day scenario. Not worth it. If he goes for the draw, attack attack attack. A physical attack might be quicker than a draw in that scenario. Knock him down, break his face, then use your gun to get his. Game Over.

Let me know how I did. Pass / Fail good enough. Don't use my answers as any kind of guideline. Each deal depends on alot of circumstances. Not always the same by a long stretch.

07-28-2010, 08:01 PM
i feel you did good, i put this on here with a variety of situation they may happen to someone and what is the best way to handle it. I know i didnt give all the info needed.

07-28-2010, 08:15 PM
Iam going to list a number of situations that I dont not wish on anyone and would like for you experience ccw holders to respond in the way you would approach each situation.

1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

thanks for your replies

I am in the pursuit of my ccw and a kahr pistol and iam 24yrs old heres what i would do.

1). I would close the stall door and stand on the toilet crouched down (so an assilant couldnt see the feet if he did enter and call the police with my cell and gun in the other hand and or if the door swings in stand on the side it swings in and wait the situation out.

2.) look both ways and run the light with my foot to the floor

3.) Call 911 behind a counter, wait it out, if the assilant comes near me, and i feel he is ready to take lives and if he already has taken some, i would wait for him to turn his back and open fire on him.

4.) If he gets close to my window i would make my gun visual to him but not point it at him...if he continues bust in my window and repeatdly hits, open fire

5.) Check if i lock my door again and have my gun right there if the assilant decides to bust my door down for some reason and call 911.

6.) draw my weapon and tell him to stop, if he stabs her i would probably do what i could to stop him physically, he stabs at me i open fire.

7.) I would depend on the location, if its inner city alot of traffic i would call 911 and drive by...If it was on a road were there is little traffic, i would roll down the window with my hand on my gun and ask them to stop and go from there, if they continue then i legally couldnt do anything.

8.) Tell him I only have debit cards with pin numbers, sorry cant help ya, if he draws draw first

07-31-2010, 09:07 AM
Bawanna your answers are text book correct. Me I lean a little more on the aggressive side, call it the Marine in me, or the cop or what have you. I have intervened before, and feel that at least for me it is the right thing to do. I was also raised to help those in a weaker position than I am. Just remember this also, the gun is not the only solution to the problem, i.e. skinny pedals and such, shoulder hits from awkward positions still knock people to the ground, as well as off their game plan. Some of these are entirely too close to home, but good thought at any rate. What works for me may not and probably won't work for you.

08-04-2010, 09:04 AM
um surprised nobody else answered this

08-04-2010, 09:51 AM
Don't feel bad, many don't want to show gaps in their OODA loop. Many also figure that just because they have the weapon, and think they will use it, that it's enough. Then there are those who have been there and seen that movie before, most don't talk about it, lest it come across as boasting/mall ninjaery/who'd believe the strange KRaP that happens in a fight anyway. Some even have a rudimentary plan and don't realize that the first thing that is going to happen is their plan goes to hell quickly, as does the back up and usually a couple more. I asked a couple of thorny ones before to see what kind of reaction I would get, and got the same.

08-04-2010, 09:51 AM
Iam going to list a number of situations that I dont not wish on anyone and would like for you experience ccw holders to respond in the way you would approach each situation.

1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

thanks for your replies

After careful consideration of your examples, I suggest moving from your neighborhood.:D

08-04-2010, 11:24 AM
I snap my fingers and go invisible like that old guy on SOAP from the 70s. OOPS, just showed my approx age......

08-04-2010, 11:48 AM
Bawanna your answers are text book correct. Me I lean a little more on the aggressive side, call it the Marine in me, or the cop or what have you. I have intervened before, and feel that at least for me it is the right thing to do. I was also raised to help those in a weaker position than I am. Just remember this also, the gun is not the only solution to the problem, i.e. skinny pedals and such, shoulder hits from awkward positions still knock people to the ground, as well as off their game plan. Some of these are entirely too close to home, but good thought at any rate. What works for me may not and probably won't work for you.

I have said this before. I owned a gun business for over 40years and was armed robbed twice. I went into a survival mode as soon as I had a shotgun (once) and a 38 revolver the other time) shoved in my face.You just cannot outdraw that event, just no way. a shot gun trumps all guns at 10 feet. That is a damn big hole to look down at-trust me on that... Money is replaceable, lives are not. they wanted money , not to kill me, had I tried to be John wayne instead of Wayne Newton, I probalby would not be writing this. Best advice I can give is to always keep a clean pair of shorts near by, for once you have what happened to me twice, you will fill your shorts, just no doubt in my mind. Scenarios are just what they are SCENARIOS.

08-04-2010, 03:25 PM
After careful consideration of your examples, I suggest moving from your neighborhood.:D

I came up with all that in my head randomly....yep scenarios are scenarios but you need to run a few in your head to prepare.

08-04-2010, 03:56 PM
My watch don't have small enough increments to measure time that small. Although you can keep Pam for yourself, I know where shes been. Can Carmen to tickle fights one on one. Awww never mind, I don't care where she's been, bring it.

Wow, thanks man, for about 3.4 seconds I didn't think about the angel! I used to think I'm an armorer, now I realize I'm a lesbian. OH we've already been there.

ok bye.

08-04-2010, 04:01 PM
i would say i have to pull out my other gun that isnt in a holster

08-04-2010, 04:25 PM
:) OK, here is a better SCENARIO.

You are sitting on the bed, in a motel room. When all of a sudden Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra burst into the room. They announce that they are somewhat drunk and, want to have a "Tickle Fight" with you.

Exactly how long would it take you to toss your KAHR pistol over on the nightstand ???? :D

a very sick man Ryoung:D what a damn fantastic scenario. Bet 10 of us here on this forum could come up with 10 different "exciting" scenarios. I think Carmen E is even a poster figure for some of Harley Davidson ads, and oh boy does she do a great job of poising on a Harley. I tried to buy the seat off the Harley Fatboy that she poised on but Bawanna already beat me to it..:behindsofa:

08-04-2010, 04:29 PM
One of those snooze ya lose scenarios for sure. I still have it. I've often thought I want to be reincarnated as a ladies saddle but I think a ladies Harley seat might be a better choice.
Course if Murphy follows me around in my next life as he has this one I'll probably get a fat chick with uncontrollable bowels for a rider. Can a person be reincarnated to He!l?

08-04-2010, 04:50 PM
One of those snooze ya lose scenarios for sure. I still have it. I've often thought I want to be reincarnated as a ladies saddle but I think a ladies Harley seat might be a better choice.
Course if Murphy follows me around in my next life as he has this one I'll probably get a fat chick with uncontrollable bowels for a rider. Can a person be reincarnated to He!l?


Ur one of a kind Bawanna---- Thank God:33:

08-04-2010, 05:57 PM

You are sitting on the bed in a motel room, holding a Kahr PM9 & a Kel-Tec 9mm. When suddenly the female cast of" Desperate Housewives" burst into the room. They are all somewhat "tipsy" , totally nude, and the only thing they have with them is a CHEESE PIZZA.

How many would be upset that there was NO pepperoni on the Pizza ???:eek:

Once again Jocko's right. Your a sick man ryoung! Keep it up and you'll be in Dietrichs league. I never did much care for pizza anyhow. It's be ok if they didn't put that horrible sauce on it.
Course maybe they came to my room to get sausage?

08-05-2010, 12:24 PM
1.I'd lock the bathroom door, turn off the light, move to a concealed and covered position facing the locked door within the bathroom, call 911 while keeping the locked door in my field of view, and prepare to engage anyone forcing the door. I'd continue listening and leave when it sonded like the threat was gone..

2.)Drive away if possible. If I couldn't drive away I'd tell him courteously but assertively through my closed windows to stay away from the vehicle all the while observing him (especially his hands) and scanning for his buddies. If that didn't work I'd draw my weapon keeping it concealed and prepare to engage if he clearly became an imminent threat (ie drawing a gun or smashing my window)

3)I'd move myself and my wife as fast as possible toward a covered exit in the opposite direction from the sound of gunfire, get in our vehicle, drive away. Then I'd call 911.

4)If his only apparent weapon is a bat, I'm not going to shoot someone for hitting my vehicle with it. My windows would be up and doors locked. Unless something ecalates in this scenario, then this guy isn't a lethal threat to me.

5)Move to cover, make sure my S&W 642 is in my pocket (it always is), and call 911.

6)I'd move away from the violent guy, I'd leave and call 911. I'm not using lethal force to defend any stranger, and I'm not putting myself at risk for a stranger.

7)Same as above.

8)I don't allow strangers to get physically close to me if at all possible. I always pay at the pump so I don't have to go inside the gas station office. I typically verbally challenge strangers before I let them get that close. I don't let strangers engage me in any kind of conversation from a close distance. If strangers try to engage me in conversation, I politely but firmly shut down the conversation and immediately start scanning 360 degrees for the accomplice. I got killed once in a force-on-force training scenario because I let a guy get too close while dismounted in a parking lot, and didn't scan for his buddy with the baseball bat. Google "Southnarc" and "managing unknown contacts" and you'll find some great techniques on this.

If I can't avoid strangers getting close, I have a hand on my 642 in my pocket ready to draw, and using body language (facing them, assertive upright stance, eye contact, etc)I make it clear that I'm aware of them and am not interested in submitting to anything. If all the above had failed, I'd put 5 rds of Speer .38 +P 135 grain Gold Dots into his face while retreating as soon as he said "you won't get hurt" and flashed a gun.

thanks for your replies[/QUOTE]

In my mind , the things we do to prevent ever having to use lethal force are of primary importance. If I can avoid or deter an attack, then I don't have to pay lots of money to lawyers and the courts, don't have to answer a lot of tricky questions from police, don't put myself or my loved ones in danger, and don't have to live with the consequences of having taken a human life.

08-05-2010, 07:09 PM
thanks for your post tex

08-07-2010, 09:02 AM

You are sitting on the bed in a motel room, holding a Kahr PM9 & a Kel-Tec 9mm. When suddenly the female cast of" Desperate Housewives" burst into the room. They are all somewhat "tipsy" , totally nude, and the only thing they have with them is a CHEESE PIZZA.

How many would be upset that there was NO pepperoni on the Pizza ???:eek:

I don't do pepperoni too well, but I too have have plenty of sausage for that.

08-07-2010, 01:27 PM
I like pepperoni on my pizza, the sausage yup , I can supply that!!!

jlottmc, ur a nasty man, but I like your style.

08-07-2010, 02:08 PM
I didn't bring it up...

08-11-2010, 08:11 PM
Iam going to list a number of situations that I dont not wish on anyone and would like for you experience ccw holders to respond in the way you would approach each situation.

1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

thanks for your replies

I love a pop quiz. Short answers:

1 - 911

2 - Leave

3 - 911

4 - Display weapon...stk if required

5 - Highly dependent on whether or not I liked him/her/them

6 - stk

7 - stk multiple

8 - stk....someone that stupid doesn't deserve a chance to recover

I tend not to over think situations....it can get you hurt and/or dead

08-12-2010, 05:49 AM
my answer to # 6, grab the damn tacos, hell he's gonna kill her anyhow, why waste a good taco!!! I don't know what the girl told him,, she might have told him that she just wrecked his new 2010 corvette or worse yet kicked over rhis new 2011 Harley..

08-12-2010, 10:23 AM
1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

Sorry, I could not hide in the bathroom in this situation. I have and will intervene to help another human being if doing so has a reasonable chance of success. I would not sit idly by while another man was being shot at if I could stop it. I would want someone to do this for my family as well.

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

Drive through the light

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

Take my family to the opposite side of the mall, look for hard cover and wait it out.

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

Gun low ready, shoot him if he raises the bat to strike.

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

Call 911 for sure. As far as the next move there are too many variables. As stated in #1 "I have and will intervene to help another human being if doing so has a reasonable chance of success. I would not sit idly by while another man was being shot at if I could stop it. I would want someone to do this for my family as well. "

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

I would stop the threat.

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

Call 911, run over as many of them as I can with my truck. :)

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

Fall to the ground and start crying and screaming like a JetBlue male flight attendant then shoot him.

08-12-2010, 06:49 PM
I have had your #6 happen to me twice, minus the knife. Men were beating women & I intervened, knocking the guy down. Both times the women came after me. I just can't watch that happen & not help.

08-12-2010, 07:15 PM
I have had your #6 happen to me twice, minus the knife. Men were beating women & I intervened, knocking the guy down. Both times the women came after me. I just can't watch that happen & not help.

W/O the knife it becomes a tougher call for sure.

10-13-2010, 12:06 AM
Iam going to list a number of situations that I dont not wish on anyone and would like for you experience ccw holders to respond in the way you would approach each situation.

1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

I would probably draw my weapon, and call 911, but for all I know there is an accomplice with an automatic shotgun covering the back door, waiting for someone to play Rambo.

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

In all likelihood I would probably sit there like a doofus. I might floor it.

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

Fight my way to my car and bounce!

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

Despite how much my vehicle means to me being an heirloom and all, my gun is to protect my life. If he broke the driver's side window, only then would I ventilate him, because I ain't letting nobody bust my grape like that.

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

See #1

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

This is a tough one. If she is screaming for help then I would feel obligated to intervene. Probably smoke the guy. Otherwise I would only call the police.

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

This might be the only time I would probably play the hero. Don't think I could live with myself if I didn't stop and do what I could to save that man's life. If I lost mine in the process, I died a man's death.

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

Chances are slim you I can outdraw this guy, or anybody really, but he will likely have to come within arm's reach to take the items, at which point you can hold his gun wrist against his body and draw your own heat and air him out. I know there is the option to not kill him, but damnit you don't know he won't kill you.

10-27-2010, 02:55 AM
Iam going to list a number of situations that I dont not wish on anyone and would like for you experience ccw holders to respond in the way you would approach each situation.

1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

Maintain position, draw gun, dial cell phone he may have an accomplice I didn't hear.

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

Rapidly get the heck out of dodge then call police when in safer area.

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

I'm getting everyone near me to move rapidly the heck in the other direction while I follow behind, get someone to call police.

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

I generall try to signal my stupidity even when I was not being stupid. Should the guy get aggressive anyway I'm moving on and I try to not ever get myself stuck at a light, however that is not always the case, should I be stuck then I would draw my handgun without letting him see and if he gets close and looks as if he is going to swing he gets shot.

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

Bad as it may seem I am investigating the situation, I don't carry only to defend myself..

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

I would pull my handgun and yell for him to stop, if he wont stop then he gets a round or three in the back if need be.

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

If I am alone I pull my handgun for self defence then dial 911 on the cell phone and call out that I have called the police. After that it might be time to step out of the car and start shooting. IF my family is with me, they generally carry as well, so much the better. The wife can dial 911 while the son and I do something to stop the beating like calling out that we have called police, then shooting the apparent leader then anyone moving in our direction.

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

Carefully hand over any cash I may have on hand while getting a good description. IF he moves to draw his weapon I intend to hit him with everything I have before he clears his belt and draw my own handgun while he is in recovery mode.

thanks for your replies

I sometimes think about scenarios and need to discuss them with my family far more often than I have. At one point my son was all about going out to clear the house of any bad guys until I pointed out that stuff is replacable and people aren't and we wont have any clue as to the number of bad guys. We have decided that we will remain in our respective areas of our home and only address badguys trying to get into those areas unless someone else is in need of aid. The son has the added responsibility of defending my office which is across the hall from his room because I sometimes have weapons there.

10-27-2010, 07:22 AM
1.)While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?

Freeze for about 20 seconds while I try to calm myself after the massive adrenalin dump, then lock the bathroom door and wait for the police. I would draw my weapon, but the thought would never cross my mind to go stop the robbery or put my life at risk.

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?

Stare at him while imaging how small the odds are that he's going to pull a weapon. If he did pull a gun, my flight instinct would probably kick in and I would try to drive off, but given that my fine motor control skills would be gone, I would pop the clutch and stall the car. I would be shot once in the shoulder, but not realize it, while getting it restarted, but I would then be able to drive away. A quarter mile later, I would realize that the glass was missing and that there was a sharp pain in my arm.

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?

Go the other direction.

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?

Raise my hands in a show of submission while looking to see if I could get the car out of there. The reality of the situation wouldn't hit me until he smashed my window, in which case I would then claw at my weapon, but lacking fine motor skills I would be over in the passenger seat by the time I got to it. I would then rapidly fire the entire magazine in a haphazard manner, but when questioned later I would say that I only fired one or two shots. The attacker would have been hit only once, and would have retreated to call the police.

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?

Make sure the door is locked, grab my gun, then call the police. Watch the peephole to see what's going on, completely forgetting that an apartment door is not good cover. If at attacker came out into the hall, I would instinctively back away from the door and hope that he went away.

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?

Stare in stunned silence, trying to process such a rapid change in circumstances. If he did make good on the threat, I would shoot him, but I wouldn't have been quick enough to stop him, and I probably would have hit her at least once.

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?

Pull over 50 ft. ahead (enough room to speed away if necessary), then call the cops while watching in my rear-view mirror.

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?

Give him my money. While it's debatable which of us could draw first, what little money I carry with me isn't worth my life.

10-31-2010, 02:11 PM
good replys guys keep em coming

10-31-2010, 02:51 PM
I think I'm gonna adopt a new simpler policy thanks to my new bud Kyletex. When in doubt shoot till they change shape or catch on fire. Kind of has a nice sound to it don't ya think?
Shoot my PM45 until I can get to my Tommy and then unleash hell!

10-31-2010, 03:04 PM
well...it just sucks in my ccw class they only gave a few scenarios...I wanted to see more examples and how to handle them because everyones may slightly vary

10-31-2010, 05:09 PM
Even the same guy in the same scenario might do things differently on different occasions. You really have to be there and not have any time to think as we do here. That's why Prism and some of the other training methods are kind of cool. You can go thru and see it, maybe the next time the same scenario plays and you think I got this one only to find they change things around, take away a gun and put a cell phone in the bad guys hand.
Add total unexpected with a couple gallons of instant adrenaline and you might just curl up in a fetal position on the floor sucking your thumb and crying for your momma.

10-31-2010, 08:06 PM
Bawanna....liked your last couple of posts on this subject...pretty much in line with my philosophies and my not at all tongue in cheek short answers of 8/11.

Age, jaded, btdt, whatever...especially in the case of lethal self defense I believe you really ought to know where you're going before you get there. And then never, ever second guess in the moment unless you don't mind dead.

f44life --I think polling for answers is a poor substitute for deep personal thought and introspection. You need to understand what you are capable of and how you are willing to react. I have in the past visited lethal force issues with close friends and brothers in arms, but I would never, ever rely on the opinions of strangers no matter their credentials.

10-31-2010, 10:33 PM
Bawanna....liked your last couple of posts on this subject...pretty much in line with my philosophies and my not at all tongue in cheek short answers of 8/11.

Age, jaded, btdt, whatever...especially in the case of lethal self defense I believe you really ought to know where you're going before you get there. And then never, ever second guess in the moment unless you don't mind dead.

f44life --I think polling for answers is a poor substitute for deep personal thought and introspection. You need to understand what you are capable of and how you are willing to react. I have in the past visited lethal force issues with close friends and brothers in arms, but I would never, ever rely on the opinions of strangers no matter their credentials.

And theres no stranger strangers than this place. Actually I think you've hit the nail closer than I in that it really has to be a personal at the moment decision. Sometimes the best action is no action at all.
I think we all play the what if scenarios in our minds thinking what would I do if this happens.
I'd not want to get to addicted to CCW training class scenarios for anything rather than basic shooting skills, something similar in a real life scenario might trigger an unnecessary response or perhaps coax a person to act too soon.
When you say never rely on the opinions of strangers, well I put alot of instructors in that same arena. Sure there are many with big schools who's lead instructors owners or whatever have seen the elephant and they can pretty much be trusted with solid information but theres alot that just came from behind the counter at Billy Bobs shootin emporium that are making up the tune as they go along.
Focus on shooting skills, practice, know your capabilitys or lack there of, then all you can do is apply as much common sense as possible when you see the elephant.

11-03-2010, 09:46 PM
......When you say never rely on the opinions of strangers, well I put alot of instructors in that same arena. Sure there are many with big schools who's lead instructors owners or whatever have seen the elephant and they can pretty much be trusted with solid information but theres alot that just came from behind the counter at Billy Bobs shootin emporium that are making up the tune as they go along.....

Uh huh...one of my points exactly. I sympathize with an honest struggle to understand one's own personal force response through theory and advice. But extreme care in who you're listening to and how it actually plays with your own self is essential.
That I personally no longer have to consider these things and can easily recognize the"Billy Bob" advice pretenders is very mixed "blessing", as I'm pretty sure you first party understand.

12-12-2010, 08:14 PM
Bawanna....liked your last couple of posts on this subject...pretty much in line with my philosophies and my not at all tongue in cheek short answers of 8/11.

Age, jaded, btdt, whatever...especially in the case of lethal self defense I believe you really ought to know where you're going before you get there. And then never, ever second guess in the moment unless you don't mind dead.

f44life --I think polling for answers is a poor substitute for deep personal thought and introspection. You need to understand what you are capable of and how you are willing to react. I have in the past visited lethal force issues with close friends and brothers in arms, but I would never, ever rely on the opinions of strangers no matter their credentials.

Who said i was going to rely my own personal thought and reactions by what somebody tells me off the internet? I just wanted to see how people would react to different scenarios. But of course somebody has to go overboard and use reverse pychology and think to much about it. I just gave scenarios and i wanted people to react to each one to see peoples own reactions. Not to make a debate how people reacted...

In my ccw class i wrote on my paper to make the class better would be more scenarios played out and more talk about holsters...I was a little disappointed in the class.

12-15-2010, 06:45 AM
I agree with what you've done by posting this thread j44life. You stimulated a valuable dialog. There is nothing wrong with looking to others who may be willing to share experience or knowledge and learn from them. j44life was looking for reactions and from what I've read they were excellent responses. I appreciated reading the thread. I could not really add to the responses listed because they were excellent, so I just read and learned. There is nothing wrong with learning from others. Some of these "strangers" have good heads on their shoulders. In fact, it is like they are not really strangers anymore...they are here to help and have become friends on this forum. Thanks for the excellent input guys. Good exercise j44life. Keep them coming our way. In fact, I'll probably re-read this entire thread and ponder more. TX.

12-15-2010, 09:27 AM
Absolutely agreed. Food for thought and consideration is a good thing.

Sort it out, modify as needed and make it your own.

Good thread.

12-15-2010, 09:07 PM
Who said i was going to rely my own personal thought and reactions by what somebody tells me off the internet? I just wanted to see how people would react to different scenarios. But of course somebody has to go overboard and use reverse pychology and think to much about it. I just gave scenarios and i wanted people to react to each one to see peoples own reactions. Not to make a debate how people reacted...

In my ccw class i wrote on my paper to make the class better would be more scenarios played out and more talk about holsters...I was a little disappointed in the class.

Yeah, you're right. Too much time on my hands and was just throwing out unasked for opinions. I'm actually pretty much past role playing theory and don't really care.
Shoulda just left it at my original response. Simple, direct, and what anyone could expect if we were to meet on the street.

12-16-2010, 10:27 AM
It's cool Itxi. We realize that the real life situation is not the same thing as a forum discussion. The forum discussion is for folks to share dialog, chat about it, create differences, theorize, etc.... That's the purpose of the forum - discussion. The street situation is entirely different and all the talk in the world won't change how we respond. As long as I'm prepared, I'm always far better in battle than I am talking about it or role playing in training. Clearly, at times we ALL get tired of talking about certain things over and over again (ie., which caliber is better, which lube is better, what personal defense round it better, what would we do if we were in a certain situation, accuracy, best products, ..., etc...). There are only so many issue for us to discuss when it comes to guns. When I'm tired of a subject on a thread, I simply don't respond to the thread and take a break to chill. Other times, I am comfortable to throw in my 2 cents. I completely understand where you are coming from and that's cool too. Everyone's opinion is cool. I think we are all here to learn and share input and don't take anything personal. No harm, no foul. We enjoy your input.
I hope you have a good holiday and best to you in the New Year.

12-19-2010, 12:15 AM
Yeah, you're right. Too much time on my hands and was just throwing out unasked for opinions. I'm actually pretty much past role playing theory and don't really care.
Shoulda just left it at my original response. Simple, direct, and what anyone could expect if we were to meet on the street.
Were cool man...no beef...I figured it would be a good exercise for everyone (other then the fact we have time to react). Since my ccw class lacked mutiple scenarios.

01-01-2011, 02:52 PM
These are all good situations and it is a very good idea to think about various threat situations. It is important, however, to set some rules that will work in all situations.

1 Bring a gun!

2 Maintain situational awareness. It may keep you out of situations where you need to use the gun you brought!

3 Maintain as much control of the situation as you can. Don't do things which tend to give you less control. Do not put others in danger due to your actions!

4 Analyze the situation. Crowded places make gunfire extremely hazardous. Don't initiate gunfire in a crowded place. Even if you stop the bad guy it's a lose situation if a nine year old kid gets killed...or any other innocent bystander for that matter unless the BG is already killing innocents! In that case do what you can to minimize the loss of life.

5 Take appropriate action. Do the right thing right and live with what follows!

6 Have a good lawyer!

7 If the s... hits the fan, fight to win and don't quit fighting until you do win!

First let me say that how these rules are applied will be different for a LEO than for a CCW holder. LEOs are always on duty and thus have an obligation due to their position to protect and defend. CCW holders should be in the mode of preventing things from getting worse. LEOs by nature will be more aggressive and they should be.

02-02-2011, 07:14 PM
1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?
well one must consider that the bad guy may have a buddy with him... I would probably freak out, lock the door if possible, then get up against a wall where i have hard cover, making sure to watch the windows (if any) for shadows... try to calm down enough to call 911 for help

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?
stare at him, then look around for other possible bad guys... and run the light if i feel at all unsafe

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?
hit the deck, take cover... while staying low work towards making it outside of the building as far away from the shooting as possible. attempt to be mindful of surroundings and the potential for a second shooter... once a safe distance away call 911

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?
I would check to see if there was any possibility to force my vehicle out of traffic if necessary, if not I would reach for my weapon while keeping it concealed... apologize to this psycho for anything i might have done... only if they started to smash the windows or attempt to harm me would i pull the weapon into sight, then see what happens, hopefully they will back off, if not then take action

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?
freak out, get low and pull handgun out, make sure door(s) are locked. .. Depends how much i like the neighbor... work to getting out a shotgun or black gun, maintain cover, continue watching all entrances into my home, then call the police

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?
I would in a commanding voice demand he drop the knife, i would threaten the calling of the police while dialing and calling, then stand back unless she actually was getting stabbed... keeping in mind my own life and not wanting to be stabbed. i would get his license plate to give the information to the police... while it is good to help a person, you must keep in mind that if you 'save' her but hurt or kill her man you may not only be faced with a court case but a potential of her testifying against you murdering her man.....it must be considered that even if you are a good samaritan who is justified, the events could be portrayed negatively illustrating you

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?
Stop just past the scene.. call the police while stepping 1 step from the vehicle, yell at the thugs to stop and police are on their way... i would maintain a safe distance and avoid the use of a weapon unless they attempted to attack me or kill the man

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?
I would give him my money clip. the few dollars in my pocket isn't worth my life... i would keep my wallet though, i don't want him getting my I.D, address and personal information. If he left great! only if i felt force was still to be used on me would i try to confront him, hoping to keep him from getting to his weapon while fumbling for mine, hoping i can access and deploy mine before he does his

While it is fun to run through scenarios and consider how you would react in addition to seeing potential reactions of others. I would like to be able to say that my stated reaction here would be just how i would react, i realize that at any time a situation may change and that i may be forced to handle it differntly according to whatever is going on. I find it helpful to run through drills and practice different possibilities when possible

04-09-2011, 03:18 PM
1.)You walk in a gas station at night by yourself, one guy behind the counter and no one else in the store....you go take a wizz in the back left of the gas station....While your peeing you here someone come in the store and start yelling give me the money and you here a gunshot and you still here the guy behind the counter screaming in fear.....What is your next move?
This is tough situation. I would not want to use deadly force in this situation at this point because I don't know what the BG is going to do next. Is he just after the money and nothing else or is he there to get the money and kill the clerk? Once a suspect has fired a round it is high probability that he has no regards towards shooting the clerk. This situation is still up in the air for me and I don't think that many of us can tell what we would do until we are in that situation.

2.)Your in the run down bad side of the neigbhorhood, your at a light no one around and it usually takes a while for it to turn green a, scuzzy bearded man comes walking up to the driverside of your window and puts his hand in his jacket very abrutly and is searching for something and he is within 10yards of your vehicle what do you do?
Run the light. He is on foot, no weapon present and is not posing a threat at this time.

3)Your in a mall with your wife or (man for women carrying)....your on the second floor and you hear people screaming and gunshots coming from the other side of the mall like 100yards away. what do you do?
I guess this where someone steps in and calls me the Rambo for my actions. I search for the threat and eliminate it. I honestly have no clue how so many people here claimed to run and hide. I could not live with myself knowing that the person was going around shooting random innocent people. What about Columbine, Virginia Tech, Senator Giffords shooting or the Omaha mall shooting?? What would you think if it was YOUR family member that was shot and killed and then you found out that there was a person there with the means to end the killing and did nothing?? Guess I see things diffrently then others. Plain and simple I eliminate the threat.

4)Your driving home from work and you accidently ride close to someones bumper in front of you and at the light you see him flipping you off and you do nothing then the next light he gets out with a bat two cars ahead of you and heads your way. There is no room to move your vehicle. What do you do?
Roll the windows up and call 911. You see the bat, you see him approaching in an aggressive manner. If he just wants to throw some words at you and hit your car then he is the one paying for it with jail time. If it escalates and he smashes the window and it is apparent that he intends harm then the tables turned. I would however have my gun drawn and in my hands as he approached my car.

5)Lets say you live in an apartment and you here gunshots across the hall and your door is locked and someone you know personally lives there....what do you do?
If it is in my neighborhood then yes. I know that both neighbors are great people and have small children. Like I stated before I will not sit by while a family is massacared. Sorry just not in me not to help an innocent person from becoming a statistic.

6)Your at a taco bell and a guy and girl that seem to be together are eating and all of a sudden the guy gets angry and starts slapping the girl (that is pregnant) everyone just looks and then she starts to run and he chases her and pulls a knife what is your next move?
This also plays in to the above situation. I'm not going to let a person get stabbed to death in front of me. I tell the closest person to dial 911 and then draw my gun and give him every chance to drop his knife. If he continues then he has put himself and myself into an unpleasant situation, but like I stated I'm not going to let a person get murdered.

7)You see a group of younger 20 year olds with gang like clothing (man capri's and 4foot long shirts) start beating up an elderly (60+) man on the side of the road? do you just drive by?
911, turn my truck around and help. What entails next is their choice. How many of them are there? What weapons do I observe as as I approach?? Alot to be determined here. But it is certain that I will help.

8)You pull in a gas station, and a man walks up to you and gives you a compliment about your vehicle while your half way out the door and then says to you very calmy give me money now dont make a scene and you wont get hurt and flashes you a gun stuff in his front belt behind his open shirt. What do you do?
Can I get my weapon drawn without him getting the drop on me? If so then the gun is drawn and we go from there. If not then I weigh my options. Is the money in my wallet worth my life. However do you take that chance of giving him the money and do as he says only to have him turn around and shoot you because you saw his face? To many factors come in to play on these type of scenerios. These type of "what if" scenerios are fun things to talk about and they make you think. Some people say some things but when the moment presents itself other factors will come in to play.

Great quesitons and it's fun to see the thoughts of others.