View Full Version : New CW-45 question

02-27-2016, 09:13 AM
I recently purchased a new Kahr CW 45. As I always do, I disassembled it and inspected it for proper lubrication, machine chips, etc. The first thing I noticed was that the barrel was filthy, and that the feed ramp was polished like a mirror. I have never noticed this on my other Kahr firearms, (I've owned two CW 9's). The gun cleaned up perfectly. Both Kahr and my dealer assures me the gun is brand new, being made in Dec. 2015. My dealer says Kahr does not clean the guns after test firing. I've owned two Kahr's and neither came with a dirty bore or a mirror polished feed ramp as did the CW45. Is this Kahr's policy now to polish the ramp and send the gun with a dirty bore? Thanks.

02-27-2016, 12:00 PM
I've noticed this on the the PM45 I got back in... 2011 or so, and on my new PM9 from 2014. My other two Kahrs were used, and very clean.

At first, I was convinced it was lead fouling from test ammo (cheaper to shoot?). I was wrong. What that is, is the initial nickel plating wearing off, or wearing in, inside the barrel.

Kahr barrels are nickel plated, outside, inside, you name it. The ramps polish very easily because nickel is so easy to polish and "smooth out" from its "as plated" frosty appearance.

Inside the barrel, that frosty appearance needs to either wear off, or wear in (aka get "polished" by the bullets) and it will be bright and smooth as we're accustomed to seeing barrels look.

I'm not sure if its wearing off, or polishing the nickel, maybe a bit of both.

The ramps on Kahr pistols are noted for being polished, and I believe they're polished before plating to remove tool marks, then again after plating for appearance sake.

Its normal, expected, and what you get with Kahr.

02-27-2016, 12:22 PM
Thanks, hope you are correct. I'm happy with mine but was a bit worried that I had bought a used gun.

02-27-2016, 12:33 PM
I was told at some point long ago that guns sent back for repair and test fired were returned dirty.
New guns are test fired, then cleaned and well oiled since they often times don't know how long they will be in transit or a distributors warehouse before the end user gets them.

Yours may have gotten missed in that cleaning step.

I don't see it as a big issue myself as just like you I normally get familiar and clean and relube a new or used gun before it goes to the range. The CW45 is a great gun, I have a PM45 but still wouldn't mind getting one for myself.

Go forth and shoot it. I think you'll be ok.

02-29-2016, 09:27 PM
When I bought my cw380 I was concerned for the same reason, the inside of the barrel looked like someone shot an entire box of cheap ammo through it. Everything else looked good. I took it back to the shop and they assured me it was brand new. They had seen a number of kahrs come through like that.

03-01-2016, 07:31 AM
........... the inside of the barrel looked like someone shot an entire box of cheap ammo through it. Everything else looked good. I took it back to the shop and they assured me it was brand new. They had seen a number of Kahrs come through like that.

Interesting, personally I would love to see manufacturers thoroughly test fire their product. And leaving the gun dirty to confirm that it had been done is fine with me. Only it would be nice if they advertised this. That would avoid having the customer think they had purchased a used or repaired item.

03-01-2016, 08:43 AM
I've bought used and I've bought new Kahrs. Every one of them has been fired without being cleaned, or what I consider cleaned. Some were outright filthy (used ones).